
St Peter’s: Did Cardinal Krajewski Inspire the Crime?

Cardinal Konrad Krajewski – the electrician of Rome’s Communists who never paid the bill and promotes prostitution – inspired Francis to forbid celebrating Mass in St Peter’s, MarcoTosatti.com (…More
Cardinal Konrad Krajewski – the electrician of Rome’s Communists who never paid the bill and promotes prostitution – inspired Francis to forbid celebrating Mass in St Peter’s, MarcoTosatti.com (May 25) writes.
Since then, St. Peter’s is like a museum. The participants at the daily concelebrations, imposed by Francis, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Only, Krajewski is above the law.
When he was a Master of Ceremonies under John Paul II, Krajewski was annoyed by the occasional confusion in St Peter’s sacristy while the priests were dressing to celebrate. Therefore, he wanted the rosary to be prayed aloud to avoid chatter.
Then, he was heard saying that “individual celebrations” were “not liturgical” and the morning masses “look like being in a Carthusian monastery of the 18th century.”
Finally, Francis forbad celebrating Mass in St Peter's when Cardinal Sarah, the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation, and Cardinal Comastri, the Archpriest of St Peter’s, were retired and their …More
"look like being in a Carthusian monastery of the 18th century"
To rzeczywiście musiała być przerażająca wizja dla patrona JE Rysia.
The refusal to call a man plainly 'a heretic' is the essence of all bigotry. And this bigotry is the special discovery of the modern world.
“Tartini's Dream” by Louis-Léopold Boilly (1761-1845). An illustration of the legend behind Giuseppe Tartini's “Devil's Trill Sonata.”
The ends never justify the means unless you have power!
"There exists a limit to the force even the most powerful may apply without destroying themselves. Judging this limit is the true artistry of government." -Frank Herbert.