
Many “Holy Families”

Father Jim Sichko, a Lexington, Kentucky priest known for his “60 minutes for Jesus” and honoured by the U.S. Congress, reminded his Twitter audience “on the Feast of the Holy Family” (December 29) that there are allegedly “all types of holy families out there.”

He lists them: “heterosexual and homosexual, married and unmarried, dual parent and single parent, legally sanctioned as well as unlicensed.”

Twitter’s "the chapel walls" replied, “On the Feast of the Holy Family let’s instead celebreate the Holy Family. And leave the blasephmy off.”

Twitter’s Celia asked the question, “Do we have here a wolf in sheep’s clothing?” Twitter's "Allison Dooley" replies, “Yes!”.

Presently, Sichko’s Twitter account is only accessible by invitation.


This heretic forgot the family of little wooden idol dolls. Jorge of the Pachamamas loves them.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
You can write a comment on a page on his website, where you are supposed to be making a request for him to come and give a talk.www.frjims.com/speaker-request.html
la verdad prevalece
The apostate priest Jim Sichko who blasphemed the Holy Family, denied the Catholic faith and committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Jim Sichko blaspheming against the Holy Spirit calls homosexual union a type of "holy families" 😡 Anathema sit (“Let him be anathema”)More
The apostate priest Jim Sichko who blasphemed the Holy Family, denied the Catholic faith and committed the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

Jim Sichko blaspheming against the Holy Spirit calls homosexual union a type of "holy families" 😡 Anathema sit (“Let him be anathema”)
Gesù è con noi
Anti pope Francis calls woman with sex-change operation a ‘man’ and calls partners ‘married’ www.lifesitenews.com/news/pope-francis-ca…
Thors Catholic Hammer
It is satanic the manner in which false pope Francis promotes perversion.
Gesù è con noi
It was missing an important detail that this gay activist speaks freely without being excommunicated, because the person who oversees him is another gay activist. The diocese of Lexington, Kentucky is under the control of apostate John Stowe who belongs to the apostate branch of the minor Franciscans. Here the prophetic warning of St. Francis of Assisi is fulfilled that the false pope destroys …More
It was missing an important detail that this gay activist speaks freely without being excommunicated, because the person who oversees him is another gay activist. The diocese of Lexington, Kentucky is under the control of apostate John Stowe who belongs to the apostate branch of the minor Franciscans. Here the prophetic warning of St. Francis of Assisi is fulfilled that the false pope destroys various religious orders leading them to apostasy.
As Father Paul Kramer said:“The antipope and his apostate collaborators will be as sister Lucy said, supporters of the devil, those who work for evil without being afraid of anything.”
Gesù è con noi
KY Apostate Bishop John Stowe Aggressively Pushes LGBT Agenda www.churchmilitant.com/…/kentucky-bishop…
Gesù è con noi
Brakowało ważnego szczegółu, że ten działacz gejowski mówi swobodnie, nie będąc ekskomunikowanym, ponieważ osoba, która go nadzoruje, jest kolejnym działaczem gejowskim. Diecezja Lexington w stanie Kentucky znajduje się pod kontrolą odstępczego Johna Stowe'a, który należy do odstępczego oddziału mniejszych franciszkanów. Spełnia się tutaj prorocze ostrzeżenie św. Franciszka z Asyżu, że fałszywy …More
Brakowało ważnego szczegółu, że ten działacz gejowski mówi swobodnie, nie będąc ekskomunikowanym, ponieważ osoba, która go nadzoruje, jest kolejnym działaczem gejowskim. Diecezja Lexington w stanie Kentucky znajduje się pod kontrolą odstępczego Johna Stowe'a, który należy do odstępczego oddziału mniejszych franciszkanów. Spełnia się tutaj prorocze ostrzeżenie św. Franciszka z Asyżu, że fałszywy papież niszczy różne zakony, prowadząc ich do apostazji.
Jak powiedział ojciec Paul Kramer: „Antypapież i jego odstępczy współpracownicy będą, jak powiedziała siostra Lucy, zwolennikami diabła, tymi, którzy pracują dla zła, nie bojąc się niczego”. www.churchmilitant.com/…/kentucky-bishop…
Thors Catholic Hammer
These priests and their nominal superior francis 1st are schismatic Catholics who wallow in formal heresy. Those who follow them are in peril.
Imagine the horror St. Francis feels that someone from his order so insults His God.
Aptly named. His boss is Rome is also a sicko.