
Francis to Mother: "Maybe We’ll See Each Other in Hell"

Francis tried to be funny at the end of an - accidentally? - videotaped April 29 surprise phone call to Andrea, 18 (Video here). Contrary to the original reporting, he didn't talk to Andrea who is …More
Francis tried to be funny at the end of an - accidentally? - videotaped April 29 surprise phone call to Andrea, 18 (Video here).
Contrary to the original reporting, he didn't talk to Andrea who is autistic, but to his mother.
She kept calling Francis "Your Sanctity," asked for his blessing, but Francis ignored this, so she said that the family prays a lot for him, “But you don’t need it, you are already a saint.”
An embarrassed Francis replied, “Who knows, maybe we’ll see each other in hell?” He likely meant to be funny (sequence below).
Arthur McGowan
It's because of silly piety like this woman's that Bergoglio gets away with posing as a pope.
There's also the not insignificant matter of having been elected to the office by the Curia. ;-)
So were many antipopes canonical-historical mega ignorant and rejector Ultraviolet.
How many antipopes were elected after their predecessor resigned in accordance with Canon law, Rafał_Ovile? Can you name them? Go ahead, do it. Put up or shut up. :D
Ultraviolet due to numerous intellectual disabilities you are not competent and don't understand what is resignation. Read at least one (canonical - historic) reflection, what you have not done so.
"due to nuemrous intellectual disabilities you are not competent"
...said the man who can't spell "numerous" correctly. :D Another of your brilliant "argumentums" Rafał_Ovile :D
I notice you didn't name the antipopes as I requested. I'm waiting, Rafał_Ovile Name the antipopes who were elected after their predecessor resigned. Go look them up if you have to. I understand the concept or …More
"due to nuemrous intellectual disabilities you are not competent"

...said the man who can't spell "numerous" correctly. :D Another of your brilliant "argumentums" Rafał_Ovile :D

I notice you didn't name the antipopes as I requested. I'm waiting, Rafał_Ovile Name the antipopes who were elected after their predecessor resigned. Go look them up if you have to. I understand the concept or resignation. So do historians.

All the name-calling isn't going to hide the fact you will not because you can not. Prove me wrong. I dare you. ;-)

You made a claim. Now prove it! Put up or shut up, Rafal.
Ultraviolet stop acting more ignorant than being. Please pray and read more as this is more Catholic than showing your greatness of ignorance.
So are you going to name the antipopes who fit the criteria or not? Yes or no?
Calling me ignorant when you can't support your claim doesn't work.
You made the claim, now prove it. In fact you said "many antipopes" so name ten who were elected after the previous Pope resigned..
Put up or shut up Rafal. Name the antipopes. I'm waiting.More
So are you going to name the antipopes who fit the criteria or not? Yes or no?

Calling me ignorant when you can't support your claim doesn't work.

You made the claim, now prove it. In fact you said "many antipopes" so name ten who were elected after the previous Pope resigned..

Put up or shut up Rafal. Name the antipopes. I'm waiting.
Ultraviolet one should not give information to a kindegarden kid who will be unable to comprehend and draw conclusions. Since you're at that basic scientific level(or even disregard science) learn definition of resignation and its conditions. Do not be afraid to read since you are very uneducated person in this subject....
"one should not give information to a kindegarden kid who will be unable to comprehend and draw conclusions."
It's kindergarten, you idiot. And you can't name any popes who fit the criteria because you can't. Put up or shut up, Rafal.
All you ever do is throw these meta-insults because you don't know what you're talking about.
"Since you're at that basic scientific level(or even disregard science …More
"one should not give information to a kindegarden kid who will be unable to comprehend and draw conclusions."

It's kindergarten, you idiot. And you can't name any popes who fit the criteria because you can't. Put up or shut up, Rafal.

All you ever do is throw these meta-insults because you don't know what you're talking about.

"Since you're at that basic scientific level(or even disregard science) learn definition of resignation and its conditions."

The adjective you need is "intellectual" not "scientific" Rafał_Ovile . We are not discussing the study of physical phenomena so "scientific" doesn't apply. Whoops! Another mistake of yours. :D

Once again, I'm the one pointing out your mistakes while you're trying to be condescending.You have no idea how silly you look criticizing the "scientific level" of a "kindergarden kid". during a debate over Canon law and Church history.

"Do not be afraid to read since you are very uneducated person in this subject..."

...said the dummy who doesn't know the difference between science and intelligence.

Also, you forgot to use a definite article. "you are a very uneducated person".

...and isn't it funny how the "uneducated person" keeps correcting your uneducated mistakes.

This is why "Polish jokes" are always about morons doing stupid things. The jokes are about people like you..:D
Ultraviolet thank you, I forgot about your intelligence. It is indeed low.
" I forgot about your intelligence. It is indeed low" -Rafał_Ovile
That explains why you keep making mistakes and I keep correcting you. Try again?More
" I forgot about your intelligence. It is indeed low" -Rafał_Ovile

That explains why you keep making mistakes and I keep correcting you. Try again?
Ultraviolet get yourself a teacher to acquire basic skills of reading and understanding. If everyone rejects you I may consider giving you a few hints.
You need new sarcasm material, @Rafał_Ovile. You already did your "educational advice" gimmick yesterday. If I were as stupid as you, I would call that an "argumentums ad museum" Yes, that was intentional, btw. Don't bother trying to "correct" it unless you insist on showing your lack of wit.
Ultraviolet your sophistry is very poor. Try something better or you'll fail again...
You're entirely unqualified to judge, @Rafał_Ovile. You still haven't looked up the word "sophistry" yet. I can tell. :-)
Ultraviolet learn what is judgemnent in classical terms. But then again you experience philosophical collapse, so have some more sleep.
@Rafał_Ovile'.. Maybe you should try learning how to spell the word "judgement" before trying to reference its classical origins. :D It isn't "judgemnent"
Ultraviolet finally you learn to conform your thoughts to reality otherwise blinded you'll fall into the pit.
I did that long ago @Rafał_Ovile' That is why correcting you is so easy.
Ultraviolet you confused philosophy with proof reading... Not the same