
Francis' Chief Ideologue: Blessing Sin Is "Pastorally Creative"

No active homosexual can be deprived of "God's blessing,” Monsignore Philippe Bordeyne, 62, the president of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute Against Marriage and Family, told La-Croix.com (November 18). …More
No active homosexual can be deprived of "God's blessing,” Monsignore Philippe Bordeyne, 62, the president of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute Against Marriage and Family, told La-Croix.com (November 18).
The institute was founded by John Paul II to promote the family but Francis turned it into its opposite. Bordeyne admits that "blessing" homosex concubinages would be "too much" like the blessing of a matrimony but he insists that "people" can be blessed anyway. However, the problem starts when "people" want to be blessed as homosexuals, adulterers, pedophiles, racists, etc.
Bordeyne wrongly claims that “a blessing is never intended to validate a lifestyle.” A marriage blessing is exactly that.
“The fact that homosexuals ask the Church to bless them invites us to listen to them, to enter into the complexity of their story and their situation,” he takes refuge in cheap poetry. The Church blesses every homosexual after they have repented and made a good confession.
Bordeyne calls his …More
Dr Bobus
So he would have blessed Dachue and Auschwitz.
Let his tell that to God at his judgement.
P. O'B
The blessing just slides right off when you are in mortal sin.
Wilma Lopez shares this
He whines that "not all people who cannot marry have the capacity to live alone. So God demands something impossible?
Malki Tzedek
Weasel words.
Dr Bobus
Homosexualty is not a consequence of not being able to live alone.
Tony M
The answer is not to bless them in their sin, but to help them in every way possible to repentance of the sins they have committed ......and from there to a life of prayer and holiness. There is a phenomenon occurring at this time in the world of millions lives profoundly spiritually changing, at Marian Shrines and places of pilgrimage...... changing from a life in mortal sin, to one being lived …More
The answer is not to bless them in their sin, but to help them in every way possible to repentance of the sins they have committed ......and from there to a life of prayer and holiness. There is a phenomenon occurring at this time in the world of millions lives profoundly spiritually changing, at Marian Shrines and places of pilgrimage...... changing from a life in mortal sin, to one being lived in a state of grace, and very close to the Lord in prayer every day, where those people have had a general life confession at those shrines and from then on, overcoming their sinful ways with prayer and penance. There is no loneliness in living close to God in His Grace, Love and Peace...... and close to Our Blessed Mother.... every day. Has the President of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute thought of that approach????