One Month in Advance: Chartres Pilgrimage Already Overbooked

The famous Roman Rite pilgrimage to Chartres from 18 to 20 May, organised by Notre Dame de Chrétienté, is attracting unprecedented interest. The organisers have had to close registrations well in …More
The famous Roman Rite pilgrimage to Chartres from 18 to 20 May, organised by Notre Dame de Chrétienté, is attracting unprecedented interest.
The organisers have had to close registrations well in advance because they have reached capacity. Spokeswoman Odile Téqui told that this year's demand far exceeded initial forecasts:
"We were expecting an increase of 12% in the number of pilgrims over the three days, which was already a big effort given that our average growth, excluding the Covid period, has been 8% per year over the last ten years." But, she adds, these expectations have been exceeded.
Last year's pilgrimage was also heavily overbooked, but registration closed a week before the event instead of a month before.
Due to the massive influx of pilgrims, especially on Monday when attendance peaks, exact numbers will not be known until after the pilgrimage.
This growth is due in no small part to Bergoglio's ongoing battle against the Roman liturgy.
Picture: nd-…More
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Chartres Pilgeomsge had 16,000 last year, and will see 18,000 this year: only because they’ve capped the numbers a month before the event. After a long winter, the traditional movement is experiencing a spring, and recent showers of slushy hail aren’t going to hold it back.
Jan Joseph
Geweldig, paus Franciscus moet nog even doorgaan de Tridentijnse Romeinse Heilige Mis te verbieden. Straks is de Tridentijnse Romeinse Katholieke kerk veel groter dan de Rooms Katholieke Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie kerk van paus Franciscus.