Gay Hate: "Crucify Christians" Miranda Devine reports on Twitter about Gay marriage protesters at Coalition for Marriage launch Melbourne. Their slogans: "Crucify Christians", "Burn churches not queers."More
Gay Hate: "Crucify Christians"

Miranda Devine reports on Twitter about Gay marriage protesters at Coalition for Marriage launch Melbourne. Their slogans: "Crucify Christians", "Burn churches not queers."
paul grech
The irony is that they will BURN for eternity if they do not repent in time!
Isn't it a hatespeech ???
They speak like the good Satanists they are
Valiant Woman shares this
Cretins. These people are dangerous.
i agree with previous poster ,wheres the freedom of churches ,these people are under the spell of the evil spirit . probably thats what they want
Our Lady of Sorrows
This is hate speech, where are the Police? As usual these protestors aim for soft targets - only Christians, that's a surprise.