Valiant Woman
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Muller wants to be Pope

Müller: “I Will Never Oppose Pope Francis”

Cardinal Gerhard Müller does not agree with "traditionalist groups” who would according to him like to see him as head of a movement against the Pope, “I will never do it”. Müller told corriere.itMore
Cardinal Gerhard Müller does not agree with "traditionalist groups” who would according to him like to see him as head of a movement against the Pope, “I will never do it”.
Müller told (November 26) that he does not allow anyone to exploit his “negative experiences of the last few months” because as a cardinal he is “by nature with the Holy Father”.
Müller repeated that there is a “magic circle” around Francis which is concerned with “spying on alleged opponents” and classifying people as Francis' friends or enemies. Francis told Müller that he was accused of being an “enemy” what according to Müller is “an absurdity”.
Müller believes that the tensions in the Church are between “an extremist traditionalist front on some websites and an equally exaggerated progressive front”.
Picture: © michael_swan, CC BY-ND, #newsMxgwlkiupk
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Yeah, someone might

Francis: “Someone Might Think: This Pope Is a Heretic”

Referring to a column in the basilica St Mary Magdalen in Vézelay, France, Pope Francis insinuated that Judas might have been saved. Talking on the Catholic TV2000 he then added, "Perhaps someone …More
Referring to a column in the basilica St Mary Magdalen in Vézelay, France, Pope Francis insinuated that Judas might have been saved. Talking on the Catholic TV2000 he then added, "Perhaps someone might think, ‘This pope is a heretic’.”
On this column Judas is hanging on one side while on the other "the Good Shepherd" carries him displaying a smile that according to Francis looks “a little bit complicit”.
According to the webpage of Vézelay abbey Francis' Good Shepherd is in reality a man who is not identified with Christ, who carries away Judas’ corpse. Francis' words have now been published as a book.
Picture: © Jim Forest, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsCeilzkosya
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No kidding!

Francis: “I’m A Revolutionary”

Pope Francis recently made a phone-call to the anti-Catholic journalist Eugenio Scalfari and introduced himself with the words, “This is a revolutionary speaking”. For many decades Scalfari exercised …More
Pope Francis recently made a phone-call to the anti-Catholic journalist Eugenio Scalfari and introduced himself with the words, “This is a revolutionary speaking”.
For many decades Scalfari exercised an evil, almost satanic, influence on the Italian society.
Writing in La Repubblica (November 26) Scalfari added that Francis said it jokingly. But Scalfari underlined that Francis is indeed a revolutionary.
Picture: ©, CC BY-SA, #newsPvybtlyaul
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Join Veri Catholici and help with contributions in their campaign to petition the bishops to act!

Lay Association Makes Public Appeal to Correct Francis

The international association Veri Catholici published on November 9 a one-page ad in the Roman edition of Il Giornale. It calls on cardinals and bishops “to canonically rebuke Jorge Mario Bergoglio …More
The international association Veri Catholici published on November 9 a one-page ad in the Roman edition of Il Giornale.
It calls on cardinals and bishops “to canonically rebuke Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to assess whether his election was valid, that is to say, to examine whether he was Catholic before he was elected or whether he is now in schism with the Catholic Church”.
The appeal refers especially to Amoris Laetitia. The group was originally founded to resist the errors of German Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Picture: ©, #newsFsepyxfwho
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It's past time for the bishops to issue a formal correction of Pope Francis

Renowned Journalist Decries “Climate of Fear and Persecution” in Francis Church

Marco Tosatti has denounced “a climate of fear and persecution against those who disagree” in the Vatican and the Church. During his over 35 years as a Vatican journalist Tosatti “never experienced …More
Marco Tosatti has denounced “a climate of fear and persecution against those who disagree” in the Vatican and the Church. During his over 35 years as a Vatican journalist Tosatti “never experienced this before.”
He pinpoints that this situation endures because of the “cowardice and servility” of those persecuted who, albeit they would have the task of denouncing it, do not do so and hence become accomplices.
Picture: © Marko Vombergar, Aleteia, CC BY, #newsQhhxzzrbue
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Evil cretins

Copycat: Another Cathedral Is Turned Into a Pub

The cathedral of Paderborn Diocese in Germany will be turned into a pub on October 14 in order to stage a populistic banquet for hand-picked "needy people". This is a copycat event of Pope Francis' …More
The cathedral of Paderborn Diocese in Germany will be turned into a pub on October 14 in order to stage a populistic banquet for hand-picked "needy people".
This is a copycat event of Pope Francis' October 1 meal in the Basilica San Petronio in Bologna, Italy.
Picture: Paderborn Cathedral © Malchen53, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsOjjkhwjtil
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These people are insane

Liberating Bologna Meal with Pope Francis :-)

Two Italian inmates who participated at Pope Francis’ lunch “for the poor” in a basilica in Bologna, Italy, have used the opportunity to escape, Italian media report. They were part of a group of …More
Two Italian inmates who participated at Pope Francis’ lunch “for the poor” in a basilica in Bologna, Italy, have used the opportunity to escape, Italian media report. They were part of a group of twenty persons from a jailhouse near Modena and belonged to the section of the jail for inmates dangerous for the public.
Valiant Woman shares from Ordo Militaris Radio
On the Filial Correction
On The "FILIAL CORRECTION OF POPE FRANCIS For the Propagation of Heresies" Today's Podcast is 1 hour and 42 minutes long, well worth the time to listen to and please share it.More
On The "FILIAL CORRECTION OF POPE FRANCIS For the Propagation of Heresies"
Today's Podcast is 1 hour and 42 minutes long, well worth the time to listen to and please share it.
Valiant Woman shares from AlexBKaiser
Cretins. These people are dangerous.
Gay Hate: "Crucify Christians" Miranda Devine reports on Twitter about Gay marriage protesters at Coalition for Marriage launch Melbourne. Their slogans: "Crucify Christians", "Burn churches not queers."More
Gay Hate: "Crucify Christians"
Miranda Devine reports on Twitter about Gay marriage protesters at Coalition for Marriage launch Melbourne. Their slogans: "Crucify Christians", "Burn churches not queers."
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62 Clerics and Scholars: Francis Is A Heretic

62 clerics and scholars published on Sunday a 25-page correction of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia. Its title is “A filial correction concerning the propagation of heresies”. The letter states that …More
62 clerics and scholars published on Sunday a 25-page correction of Pope Francis’ Amoris Laetitia. Its title is “A filial correction concerning the propagation of heresies”.
The letter states that Francis upholds seven heretical positions about marriage, the moral life and the reception of the sacraments. For the signees it is “beyond reasonable doubt” that Francis wishes Catholics to interpret controversial passages of Amoris Laetitia in a heretical way.
The letter denounces the influence of Martin Luther on Francis and notes “the explicit and unprecedented praise given by Pope Francis to the German heresiarch”. Twitter User “Rorate Caeli” has learned that no cardinals were asked to sign the letter.
The highest ranking signee of the declaration is Bishop Bernard Fellay, the superior general of SSPX. Many active priests and professors were advised not to sign because of the present climate of persecution against Catholics inside the Church.
Valiant Woman shares from Adrien
Looks like a good talk
Know Your Enemy... The Deceiving ¨Historical-Critical Method¨ Politicizing the Bible | Scott Hahn. This lecture will be useful for you if you don't have time to read the book! Hahn and Wiker’s book …More
Know Your Enemy... The Deceiving ¨Historical-Critical Method¨
Politicizing the Bible | Scott Hahn.
This lecture will be useful for you if you don't have time to read the book!
Hahn and Wiker’s book is saying that the so-called “historical-critical method” is neither neutral nor objective but “a method largely defined by some prior philosophical commitment.”
And those prior philosophical commitments generally involve political, secular goals, which seems in the authors’ view to involve misusing Scripture by ignoring its ecclesial, heavenly purpose of the salvation of souls.
With regard to the title of their work, Hahn and Wiker write: Our argument, to put it all too simply, is that the development of the historical-critical method in biblical studies is only fully intelligible as part of the more comprehensive project of secularization that occurred in the West, and that the politicizing of the Bible was, in one way or another, essential to this project. By politicization, we mean the …More
Muriel Kinsella
God Bless you too!
Thank you Muriel Kinsella ! 😇 I wrote many articles in my life but there's no way I did the smart parts of that one, my English isn't that good! I …More
Thank you Muriel Kinsella ! 😇
I wrote many articles in my life but there's no way I did the smart parts of that one, my English isn't that good!
I like Scott Hahn very much but there is always this important thing to know about doctors coming from Protestantism and nearly all Catholic scholars for that matter.
They don't accept the simple but necessary rank of God's servants in His Church...
1 Corinthians 12:28 In the Church God has put all in place: in the first place Apostles, in the second place Prophets, and in the third place Doctors; then those who perform miracles, followed by those who are given the power to heal or to help others or to direct them or to speak in strange tongues.
Prophets are above doctors and teachers.
Scholars to prophets:
- We don't need you. - We have the Bible and the Magisterium. - Well it is true that despite that, the World hasn't converted but..uh.. he will if everyone reads our books of theology! -If ever your are approved by Rome we may acknowledge …More
One more comment
Valiant Woman
Cobbett: How Oxford deteriorated after the Reformation. A short clip, read by Yours Truly, from William Cobbett's excellent defense of the Catholic Faith through his "History of the Protestant Reformation …More
Cobbett: How Oxford deteriorated after the Reformation.
A short clip, read by Yours Truly, from William Cobbett's excellent defense of the Catholic Faith through his "History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland" available online at
Valiant Woman shares from TFP Student Action
Please sign!

First LGBT+ 'Pride Prom' Planned at Catholic Marquette Univ.

While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Wisconsin -- plans to host an event that destroys moral values: "PRIDE PROM 2018."More
While Catholic students fight to preserve moral values on campus, Marquette University -- a Catholic institution in Wisconsin -- plans to host an event that destroys moral values: "PRIDE PROM 2018."
Announced as a "first," the pro-homosexual prom is sponsored by the LGBT+ Resource Center on campus and is open to people of "all ages." According to the university's website, the event will take place in Marquette's AMU Ballrooms on April 14, 2018.
What is worse, the "Pride Prom" is scheduled in the same building where Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist is present. To avert this sacrilege against the Most Blessed Sacrament, please join the peaceful protest.
Sign your protest HERE
God bless you.…
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This can't be good

Archbishop Henryk Hoser First Prelat of Međugorje?

According to probably purposefully spread rumors, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, 74, who heads the diocese of Warszawa-Praga, Poland, will become the first Prelate of Međugorje, which implies that the Vatican …More
According to probably purposefully spread rumors, Archbishop Henryk Hoser, 74, who heads the diocese of Warszawa-Praga, Poland, will become the first Prelate of Međugorje, which implies that the Vatican will turn Međugorje into a territorial prelature, separating it from the diocese of Mostar-Duvno. The Italian blog La Fede Quotidiana writes that Pope Francis named only two days ago a coadjutor for Warszawa-Praga who can at any time take over Hoser's responsibilities in the diocese.
In February, Francis named Hoser his special envoy to Medjugorje.
Picture: Henryk Hoser, © Przemysław Jahr, CC BY-SA, #newsRbvhrfnrct
Valiant Woman shares from Jungerheld
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
"Happy Birthday Mom" ~image from the movie, The Passion of the ChristMore
"Happy Birthday Mom"
~image from the movie, The Passion of the Christ
Valiant Woman shares from Jungerheld
Expecting to be hit by more wind

Addicks Dam in Houston, Texas will spill over for the first time in its history

Addicks Reservoir, Houston, Texas For the first time in its history, the Addicks Dam is expected to spill over on Tuesday as a result of Hurricaine Harvey stalling after making landfall, resulting in …More
Addicks Reservoir, Houston, Texas
For the first time in its history, the Addicks Dam is expected to spill over on Tuesday as a result of Hurricaine Harvey stalling after making landfall, resulting in unprecedented measures of rain being dumped on the area.
Already as a result of this hurricaine, a family of six, including young children, has died, swept away in their van by flood waters.
Please pray for everyone in the path of this storm and all affected in surrounding areas as the flood waters continue to move.
Valiant Woman shares from HerzMariae
Evil cretins

Muslim Foster Families Take Away Cross Necklace of 5 Y/O Christian Girl, Tell Her Christmas, Easter …

The girl with one of the two Muslim carers appointed by Tower Hamlets The Times Two Muslim foster …