
Latin American Chaos Management: Francis Invites Becciu to Consistory

Disgraced Cardinal Angelo Becciu will be fully reinstated as a cardinal at the behest of Caudillo Francisco Bergoglio (UnioneSarda.it, August 22), although Becciu is in the midst of an ongoing court case. …More
Disgraced Cardinal Angelo Becciu will be fully reinstated as a cardinal at the behest of Caudillo Francisco Bergoglio (UnioneSarda.it, August 22), although Becciu is in the midst of an ongoing court case.
In September 2020, Francis stripped Becciu of his "rights" as cardinal - whatever that means.
After a Eucharist in Golfo Aranci (Sardinia), where Becciu is from, he said that "Francis called me on Saturday to tell me that I was being reinstated as cardinal and to ask me to attend a meeting [consistory] with all the cardinals that will take place in Rome in the coming days.”
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsLwjrfzfhuf
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Becciu announced while offering Mass on Sunday that Pope Francis had just called him up, invited him to attend a consistory, or meeting, of cardinals on Saturday, and told him his rights and privileges as a cardinal would be reinstated.
Becciu is still on trial.
Hound of Heaven
Beyond belief.
John Fritz Logan
Does this mean he could vote in a conclave again? The Vatican will need to bery clear on that.
John Fritz Logan
No Becciu had to give up his voting rights in 2020. He officially said he did. So without an official act of restoration of those rights... this will be tricky.
As for influence, seems like after the conclave there could be either 40 or 41 Sankt Gallen protegee cardinals, just short of a veto block. But that was without Becciu.
Maradagia turns 80 at the end of this year though.More
No Becciu had to give up his voting rights in 2020. He officially said he did. So without an official act of restoration of those rights... this will be tricky.

As for influence, seems like after the conclave there could be either 40 or 41 Sankt Gallen protegee cardinals, just short of a veto block. But that was without Becciu.

Maradagia turns 80 at the end of this year though.