
Cardinal Sarah: Francis Is Perceived As an Aggressor Against Peace

Traditionis Custodes (July 2021) and the related Responsa (December 2021) are “perceived as acts of liturgical aggression” and “seem to have damaged” Benedict XVI's liturgical peace, writes Cardinal Sarah in a 20-page article in the Winter 2022 issue of Communio-icr.com.

These documents “could even pose a threat to the Church’s unity”, he fears. Sarah describes the facts in "if"-terms, "If there is a revival of the post-conciliar ‘liturgy wars,’ or if people simply go elsewhere to find the older liturgy, these measures will have backfired badly.”

For Sarah, it's “difficult" to conclude that Benedict XVI was wrong in asserting that the Roman Liturgy cannot suddenly be totally forbidden or even considered harmful, especially when its unrestricted celebration has manifestly produced good fruits” [while the Novus Ordo is in full decadence.]


Malubate shares this
The cardinal should have said that Francis is perceived as an aggressor of the True Faith
Jan Joseph
Kort gezegd, het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie Rooms Katholieke geloof, de Novus Ordo, is decadent en stervende, het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof, de Vetus Ordo, is snel groeiende en het nieuwe Rooms Katholieke geloof.