
Null and Void: Cardinal Calls Anglican Service “Holy Eucharist”

Cardinal Mario Grech spoke during an Anglican service at the Anglican Centre in Rome on 19 December, calling this invalid ceremony on Facebook "the Holy Eucharist". During his talk ("homily") he served …More
Cardinal Mario Grech spoke during an Anglican service at the Anglican Centre in Rome on 19 December, calling this invalid ceremony on Facebook "the Holy Eucharist".
During his talk ("homily") he served up a word salad on ecumenism and synodality, telling the audience that through baptism "all Christians" share in the "sense of the faith" ("Sensus fidei").
For this reason they should be listened to attentively, "regardless of tradition" [as long as this tradition is not Catholic].
For Grech, there can be no synodality without an "ecumenical dimension", which is true because both are on the same road to certain failure.
In the apostolic letter Apostolicae curae (1896), Leo XIII teaches that all Anglican ordinations are "absolutely null and void". Consequently, the same applies to the "Holy Eucharist" in which Grech participated.
Dr Bobus
Apostolicae Curae said nothing new. In fact, what came out of Rome in the 16th century was not opposed by Anglicans—they were fine with it.
What changed was that in the 19th century Leo XIII decided to reestablish the English hierarchy. That decision was seen—correctly--by the Anglicans to be a threat to their sacramental fantasies. And so they “got religion'' and asked Rome to reconsider the …More
Apostolicae Curae said nothing new. In fact, what came out of Rome in the 16th century was not opposed by Anglicans—they were fine with it.

What changed was that in the 19th century Leo XIII decided to reestablish the English hierarchy. That decision was seen—correctly--by the Anglicans to be a threat to their sacramental fantasies. And so they “got religion'' and asked Rome to reconsider the question of validity of Anglican Orders.

But nothing had changed. And many years later the Anglicans confirmed their perfidy when questions of sexual morality and women “priests” arose.
Steven P Walsh shares this
Ban the Novus Ordo and this evil will stop!
There is very little difference between the Novus Ordo and the Angican service. Most Catholics couldn't tell one from the other
English Catholic
@mccallansteve By external appearances, that is true. The rites are almost identical. But Catholic novus ordo priests have valid orders. The Anglicans don't.
English Catholic
The full Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae is here: On the Nullity of Anglican Orders - Papal Encyclicals
Also, if you look at the Apostolic Letter Ad Tuendam Fidem by Pope John Paul II, there is a Commentary at the end by (then) Cardinal Ratzinger. PROFESSION OF FAITH He states: "With regard to those truths connected to revelation by historical necessity and which are to be held definitivelyMore
The full Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae is here: On the Nullity of Anglican Orders - Papal Encyclicals
Also, if you look at the Apostolic Letter Ad Tuendam Fidem by Pope John Paul II, there is a Commentary at the end by (then) Cardinal Ratzinger. PROFESSION OF FAITH He states: "With regard to those truths connected to revelation by historical necessity and which are to be held definitively, but are not able to be declared as divinely revealed, the following examples can be given: the legitimacy of the election of the Supreme Pontiff or of the celebration of an ecumenical council, the canonizations of saints (dogmatic facts), the declaration of Pope Leo XIII in the Apostolic Letter Apostolicae Curae on the invalidity of Anglican ordinations ...
Aaron Aukema
Definitively means unchanging...yet the USCCB has on its website that Anglican orders are not to be held as invalid, because V2 changed the "Catholic" theology of orders to make them more Anglican.
If Anglican orders, which haven't changed since Pope Leo XIII's time were invalid then, they are still invalid now. That would mean the new order of rites and theology for "Catholic" Holy Orders" would …More
Definitively means unchanging...yet the USCCB has on its website that Anglican orders are not to be held as invalid, because V2 changed the "Catholic" theology of orders to make them more Anglican.

If Anglican orders, which haven't changed since Pope Leo XIII's time were invalid then, they are still invalid now. That would mean the new order of rites and theology for "Catholic" Holy Orders" would fall under the scrutiny of Apostolicae Curae. If we are willing to believe that a Catholic pope can allow the errors and vagueries of V2 to be taught, we must also believe the same can allow potentially invalid rites to be promulgated...
Denis Efimov
"Who is to be called a Christian? He who professes the wholesome doctrine of Jesus Christ, true God and Man in his Church. He therefore who is a true Christian, utterly condemns and detests all other religions and sects, that are to be found elsewhere in any nation or country, out of the doctrine of the Church of Christ — such as the Jewish, heathenish, Turkish or heretical sects — and who …More
"Who is to be called a Christian? He who professes the wholesome doctrine of Jesus Christ, true God and Man in his Church. He therefore who is a true Christian, utterly condemns and detests all other religions and sects, that are to be found elsewhere in any nation or country, out of the doctrine of the Church of Christ — such as the Jewish, heathenish, Turkish or heretical sects — and who firmly stays himself in the true doctrine of Christ" (St. Peter Canisius, A Sum of Christian Doctrine).
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Worthless service.