
"Illiterate Imbecile": Philosopher and Liturgist Settles Scores With Archbishop Roche

“We are dealing, at best, with an illiterate imbecile and a lackey looking for a red hat,” Peter Kwasniewski writes about Archbishop Arthur Roche, Francis' Liturgy Prefect (Rorate-Caeli.Blogspot.com,…More
“We are dealing, at best, with an illiterate imbecile and a lackey looking for a red hat,” Peter Kwasniewski writes about Archbishop Arthur Roche, Francis' Liturgy Prefect (Rorate-Caeli.Blogspot.com, January 22).
Kwasniewski compares Roche’s rhetorics to those of the Communists because Roche doesn't merely lie, but says "the exact opposite of the truth.” For instance, in a recent interview,
• Roche condemns Roman Rite Catholics for "promoting an individual preference.” Kwasniewski replies that it is the Novus Ordo that allows options, choices and individual preferences – in total millions of possible configurations.
• Roche claims that the Novus Ordo “is not the pope’s [private] Mass.” Kwasniewski replies that the Novus Ordo was created and issued by Paul VI “in an absolutely unprecedented flexing of papal creativity.”
• Roche alleged that the Novus Ordo has a “richer selection of prayers and Scripture readings.” Kwasniewski replies that the Novus Ordo is "not a plethora of ancient …More
Imagine how it would read if Kwasniewski hadn't been charitable.
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Arthur Roche's Red hat is not acceptable.
He did not solve the Sacraments problem since 1931 in Korean Church.
...and won't Archbishop Roche have a laugh at the neckbeard critic when he finally gets that red hat, eh?
Whoa! Kwasniewski pulled out all the stops!!!
Les Crispi
@Angelo Santelli I keep saying Bergoglio is a heretic, but no one listens.
Angelo Santelli
I keep telling you folks to ignore Bergoglio. Listening to him is akin to listening to Lucifer. Remember fat Jorge told us Christ did not pray the Lord's prayer correctly. For this reason alone he needs profound and driven chastisement (whatever form it needs to take).
Joe Crupi
Agreed. Ignoring illicit orders is the best way to deal with them. Arguing over the rationale and motivation behind them only lends them credence and gets us nowhere.
Les Crispi
This guy also believes there's something wrong with B16's resignation.
Dr Bobus
And what's wrong with it?
Les Crispi
@Dr Bobus it's invalid, "doctor".
Dr Bobus
Why is it invalid?
Les Crispi
I won't go down the rabbit hole here. But it is. Office versus Ministry, Canon 188, etc. GOod luck!
Dr Bobus
I dealt with that here some months ago.
1. I have problems with the contemporary obsession in theology (and thus canon law) with the triplex munera. It is of Calvinist origin and reflects his Protestantism.
2. The words officium, ministerium, and munus are not used univocally in theology, and I think it's a mistake to form any opinion on the BXVI resignation assuming such univocation.
3. JRatzinger …More
I dealt with that here some months ago.

1. I have problems with the contemporary obsession in theology (and thus canon law) with the triplex munera. It is of Calvinist origin and reflects his Protestantism.

2. The words officium, ministerium, and munus are not used univocally in theology, and I think it's a mistake to form any opinion on the BXVI resignation assuming such univocation.

3. JRatzinger is too intelligent to have used ministerium recklessly. IMHO, it is because the question of the jurisdiction of an episcopus emeritus has bever been settled. They are not given a titular diocese.

Most importantly, the authority of canon law exists because it is promulgated by the pope. Thus BXVI or any other pope can dispense himself from any part of it unless it contradicts Divine Law.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Fantastic critique of Roche. The critique of Francis would be 3x as bad. I hope this post of Prof. Kwasniewski is widely read. Who cares if it makes either Roche or Francis angry!
John A Cassani
Sounds about right, for an English prelate. I once heard a priest who knew Cardinal Nichols say that he’d never read a book in his life. Roche is of the same vintage, pretty much. There aren’t a lot of impressive Englishmen in the post war era.
Hound of Heaven
I take it Dr. Kwasniewski means, "Illiteratus Imbecile"