
US Bishop Corrects Infallible Francis

Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin, 74, Rhode Island, wrote on Twitter.com (August 12) that “I am convinced that if the Church is to prosper in the present age, it cannot hesitate to embrace and support …More
Providence Bishop Thomas Tobin, 74, Rhode Island, wrote on Twitter.com (August 12) that “I am convinced that if the Church is to prosper in the present age, it cannot hesitate to embrace and support traditional Catholics, traditional liturgies and traditional moral values.”
He added a quotation from Romans 12 to “not conform yourself to this age.” Having said this, he will soon - when he turns 75 in April 2023 - become a victim of Francis' vengeance.
Francis' method of destroying the liturgy, the faith and morals is an infallible path to failure as those (Protestants) prove who have walked this path before him.
P. O'B
Woman on tracks = the Church
Snidely Whiplash = (Pope) Francis
Dudley Do-Right = the episcopates of the world
The Horse = Faithful Catholics
The unseen Train = the Antichrist
Let's hope that Dudley Do-Right starts to pay attention.More
Woman on tracks = the Church
Snidely Whiplash = (Pope) Francis
Dudley Do-Right = the episcopates of the world
The Horse = Faithful Catholics
The unseen Train = the Antichrist

Let's hope that Dudley Do-Right starts to pay attention.
Jeffrey Ade
And that the Muslims won't invade Europe!
Sally Dorman shares this
Stunning and brave. Age: 74 Retirement age: 75
Remarkable in this day and age.
Jeffrey Ade
But please understand this is marxist dilectic! "If the Church is to prosper it must embrace..." The Catholic Church is indefectable. It IS Tradition and Truth! What "church" is he talking about? Obviously the Novus Ordo Vatican 2 church. "Building a tradition of faith on v2 and modernism!
Croí Láidir
As far as Francis and the post Vatican II church are concerned, "The Church" began in 1962 and has NO history or tradition before that year, which, in a way, is true for their false church with its false teachings- the Novus Ordo church is only sixty years old while Holy Mother Church was instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ two thousand years ago.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Francis is not the Pope. The Novus Ordo is an improvised, fabricated pseudo-protestant service of no value. Since he has all but renounced CAtholicism and has persecuted CAtholic tradition and the LAtin MAss, none of Francis' dictates or decrees are valid or worth even reading. He and his bishops should be ingored, shunned, and repudiated as the heretic homos they all are.
Jo Santoss
Pray for the Pope and the Bishop's in these times of evil influence. Pray for priests, the laity and our children.
John Fritz Logan
Francis replace him in april next year? That's... 8 months from now... do you think Francis will... have that much time...
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Hopefully not. I pray for the Pope and Bishops in these times of evil influence, that God will save the CAtholic Church from them, because Pope Francis and his associates in the VAtican and the bishops he appoints ARE the source of evil influence in the Church. I do notthink Francis will be around in 8-10 months. Perhaps dead, perhaps not. But I don't think he will still be Pope.