
Only a "First Step": Another German Diocese Introduces Lay Baptisms

Bishop Gebhard Fürst of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, allows lay people to baptise regularly (letter to priests below). The Diocese of Essen introduced the same regulation in March. Auxiliary Bishop …More
Bishop Gebhard Fürst of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, allows lay people to baptise regularly (letter to priests below). The Diocese of Essen introduced the same regulation in March.
Auxiliary Bishop Karrer told a press conference on 13 October that this innovation was in line with "the desire of many families for baptism to be individual, personal and familiar." The number of baptisms in Germany is declining dramatically.
At the same press conference, church-tax theologian Ursula Renner called this only a "first step". She wants lay people to celebrate weddings and [invalidly] administer anointing of the sick and confirmation.
Picture: © John Ragai, CC BY, #newsEbmntqkkyy
John A Cassani
This is very bad. If lay people are to baptize, it would seem to me to be better that, perhaps, the baby’s father would perform it, rather than the pants-suited late middle age woman who will probably be deputed to do it. But, I’m not advocating for any of it. They have to have enough priests to be able to baptize those seeking the Sacrament.
Thomas J. Pernice shares this
My favorite line from the article is, this is “only a first step“. It’s sick and getting sicker.
To New Knights templar... what you're after is
"And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened. Matthew 24:22."