
“Do You Think I Would Ever Ask Anyone for Permission to Celebrate The Mass of My Ordination?”

Father Philippe Laguérie, the founding Superior General of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, was not surprised about Traditionis Custodes because the personnel of the Council Church “remains fundamentally revolutionary.”

He told Present.fr (January 19) that the same causes produce the same effects and that “a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” For Laguérie, TC shows that Francis “is no longer working ‘on the peripheries’ but on another galaxy.”

Laguérie's “absolute rejection” of the Novus Ordo is not affective but theological, he says because the NO is “concocted,” “a Promethean ambition,” “a romantic-libertarian chimera,” “a populism of bad taste,” and “unworthy” of Christ’s Church.

In the TC crisis, those who survive by ecclesiastical diplomacy will drown, “Only those who are passionate about the truth will remain.” Laguérie promises to die as a soldier, not as a pensioner.

He knows that TC will have no effect, because the battle for the Mass “was irreversibly won by Archbishop Lefebvre in the 1980s.” TC comes too late, “We have won the battle.”

Laguérie doesn’t know any priest who will switch to the NO “which has ruined the Church in the West, America and Africa.”

“With 43 years of priesthood, do you think I would ever ask anyone for permission to celebrate the Mass of my ordination?”


Well said Father! Ave Maria
No one can tell a priest that they can't celebrate Mass ( The true Mass, not the NO protestant version)
Jan Joseph
Bravo geweldig.
"Despite the attempt, which today can be defined as a failure, under Benedict XVI, to restore its rights to the Church's two-thousand-year liturgy, ecclesiastical personnel have remained and remain fundamentally revolutionary."
"Here we are back to the seventies, to the suspensions a divinis, to the "savage seminary", to the "excommunications". There is a smell of dust.
"I must express myself clearly …More
"Despite the attempt, which today can be defined as a failure, under Benedict XVI, to restore its rights to the Church's two-thousand-year liturgy, ecclesiastical personnel have remained and remain fundamentally revolutionary."
"Here we are back to the seventies, to the suspensions a divinis, to the "savage seminary", to the "excommunications". There is a smell of dust.
"I must express myself clearly, after a period of diplomatic silence. I am among those who think that our absolute rejection of the Mass of Paul VI is not affective, nor disciplinary, nor charismatic, etc. It is theological, theological, dogmatic and moral. Absolute! The original sin of this deplorable liturgical dispute within the Church is the unspeakable and insane audacity of Pope Paul VI in promulgating a Novus Ordo Missae based on the research of experts, F... M... [Freemasons] and Protestants, throwing away (with trembling voice) the Mass of the popes Leo and Gregory, both great. The Catholic liturgy cannot and must only be a transmission of the legacy of the Apostles. A Mass invented 19 centuries later can only be a Promethean ambition, a romantic-libertarian chimera, a bad taste populism, unworthy of the Church of Jesus Christ. The promulgation of Paul VI's Novus Ordo Missae is undoubtedly legal and valid, but certainly not legitimate. In this crisis, the position of each one is very instructive: those who get by through ecclesiastical diplomacy and ecclesiastical circles will end up drowning. Only fans of the truth will survive. Having spent my life fighting, I am happy to see that I am preparing to die not as a deserter but as a soldier."
"The "battle" for the Catholic Mass was definitively and irreversibly won by Msgr. Lefebvre in the 1980s. What's done is done! There are tens of thousands of priests in the world who celebrate the Gregorian Mass, and a hint from some Roman secretary or some residential bishop who works "overtime" will not be enough to change things. It is too late: we have won the battle. I am not among those who speculate on a heart attack or a pope's syncope: I would find him miserable, and the gambler risks paying the price of his bet. On the contrary, I know that ALL the priests I know (starting with me) will never go to this Mass which has ruined the Church of the West, of America and of Africa. It will be easier for Macron to vaccinate fetuses than for Francis to impose the synoxis of Paul VI on us."
Angelo Santelli
The battle of the Latin Mass was won in St Pope Pius V''s Quo Primum. Bergoglio has effectively negated his seat as Pope by his actions against the Latin Mass. He knows it and so do the obesequiously fawning (hopefully not pedophiliac) members of the Vatican hierarhy/cardinalate. Interesting to me is what exorcists have told me in my long tenure as an ordained Priest-- demons hate the Latin language. …More
The battle of the Latin Mass was won in St Pope Pius V''s Quo Primum. Bergoglio has effectively negated his seat as Pope by his actions against the Latin Mass. He knows it and so do the obesequiously fawning (hopefully not pedophiliac) members of the Vatican hierarhy/cardinalate. Interesting to me is what exorcists have told me in my long tenure as an ordained Priest-- demons hate the Latin language.

Bergoglio is as much Pope as I am. LOL
francesdj shares this
Wilma Lopez
More quotes from the original interview
"After a period of diplomatic silence, I need to make myself clear: I am one of those who believe that our absolute rejection of Paul VI's Mass is not affective, disciplinary, charismatic, etc. It is theologal, theological, dogmatic, and moral. In a word, it is absolute! The original sin of this detestable liturgical quarrel in the Church is the unbelievable …More
More quotes from the original interview

"After a period of diplomatic silence, I need to make myself clear: I am one of those who believe that our absolute rejection of Paul VI's Mass is not affective, disciplinary, charismatic, etc. It is theologal, theological, dogmatic, and moral. In a word, it is absolute! The original sin of this detestable liturgical quarrel in the Church is the unbelievable and insane audacity of Pope Paul VI in promulgating a new ordo missae based on the research of experts, of Freemasons, and of Protestants, and to throw out (albeit with quivering voice) the Mass of the pontiffs Leo and Gregory, both Great. The Catholic liturgy can and should only be a transmission of the patrimony of the Apostles. A Mass concocted nineteen centuries later can only be a Promethean ambition, a romantic-libertarian chimera, populism in bad taste, unworthy of the Church of Jesus Christ. The promulgation of the new ordo missae of Paul VI is undoubtedly legal and valid, but certainly not legitimate. What will be very instructive in this crisis is how everybody is going to reposition himself: those who cope through ecclesiastical diplomacy and grinning-and-bearing-it are going to drown. Only those who are passionate for the truth will remain. Having spent my life fighting, I am happy to note that I am going to die, not as a retiree, but as a soldier."


"The 'battle' of the Catholic Mass was definitively and irreversibly won by Archbishop Lefebvre in the 1980s. There is no need to do what’s already been done! There are tens of thousands of priests throughout the world who celebrate the Gregorian Mass, and it is not the gesticulations of some Roman secretary or some residential bishop on overtime that will change anything. It is too late: we have won the battle. I am not one of those who speculate about a heart attack or a stroke of the pope: I find that wretched, especially since the one placing such a wager could well be hoisted on his own petard. However, I know that ALL the priests I know (starting with myself) will never go over to the Mass that has ruined the Church in the West, in America, and in Africa. Macron will be vaccinating the unborn long before Francis ever imposes the synaxis of Paul VI on us. After 43 years of priesthood, do you think I would ever ask anyone's permission to celebrate the Mass of my ordination?"
Mary K Jones
I hope this inspires more priests. It's a wonderful statement.
Wilma Lopez shares this