BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO]

BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO] -

“They are no better than murderers, some of these people. Some of the things they’ve done are …
Facts Not Lies
We know that getting all the doses and maybe a few more will improve your chances...
Oh, we were discussing the cold... naw... jabs are political not medical... they do only bad WRT personal nor societal health... but your social score improves.
So you will be allowed to work, eat, pay bills, raise (and protect from the vax) children, ... No, I did not want the jab. I also saw no avenue to familial …More
We know that getting all the doses and maybe a few more will improve your chances...

Oh, we were discussing the cold... naw... jabs are political not medical... they do only bad WRT personal nor societal health... but your social score improves.

So you will be allowed to work, eat, pay bills, raise (and protect from the vax) children, ... No, I did not want the jab. I also saw no avenue to familial survival if I didn't self-sacrifice so I can stand here in a home with food and heating holding the shield for my unjabbed family.
Brother Timothy Marie shares this
BOMBSHELL: Deaths Skyrocketed by 300% After COVID Vaccine – Funeral Director Blows The Whistle [VIDEO]
Brother not a good link with explicit adds!!!
When and where are those that responsible going to pay for it ?I hear that are all kinds of lawyers and scientist and witnesses to have a world class action in courts where are they?
It's impossible to have a "word class action" suit @aderito because different countries have different standards of law.
That is not true there are two coutries that can bring a world class action suit, in Canada and USA ,inform yourself about it
Facts Not Lies
Lawsuits against USA government have to be agreed upon by... the USA government.
Lawsuits against a company that OWNS the USA government likely can fill in the gap and only allow a few to appear that they are caring and humane and considerate...and continue on with their agenda.More
Lawsuits against USA government have to be agreed upon by... the USA government.

Lawsuits against a company that OWNS the USA government likely can fill in the gap and only allow a few to appear that they are caring and humane and considerate...and continue on with their agenda.