THE NEW WORLD ORDER POPE - Liz Yore - See also: AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE: THE UN, SOROS AND THE FRANCIS … - Source: Liz Yore: The New World Order Pope and Building the Resistance Movement - Clarification …More
THE NEW WORLD ORDER POPE - Liz Yore - See also: AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE: THE UN, SOROS AND THE FRANCIS … - Source: Liz Yore: The New World Order Pope and Building the Resistance Movement - Clarification: Mrs. Yore makes the blunder of blaming the global religion project only on Bergoglio, when it is clear that his conciliar predecessors are not exempt from responsibility. Citing Wojtyla or Ratzinger as champions of the faith, when they summoned the interreligious covens of Assisi, is completely absurd. Having made this essential caveat, his research work deserves to be disseminated.
Related: 1. The theology of Benedict XVI. - 2. The Facts about "Pope" Benedict XVI - 3. Juan Pablo II profesaba la herejía de la salvación universal. - 4. DIEZ AÑOS CON FRANCISCO. - 5. The heresies of John Paul II - Related: "2013-2022: Nine Years With Francis" - 6. "The Heresies of Benedict XVI" - I wish to clarify that I do not appro… - 7. Was John Paul II under demonic influence? - Many will see the …More
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