
Francis Tries to Sell Heresy As “Authentic Magisterium”

The Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official gazette of the Holy See, not only published Pope Francis’ approval of a heretic interpretation of Amoris Laetitia but even labels it as “authentic magisterium”. …More
The Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official gazette of the Holy See, not only published Pope Francis’ approval of a heretic interpretation of Amoris Laetitia but even labels it as “authentic magisterium”.
Francis' private letter is now upgraded to the status of an “Apostolic Letter” and includes a June 2017 rescript by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin. The rescript declares that both documents, the heretic guidelines of the Buenos Aires bishops and the approving letter of Francis bear the character of “authentic magisterium”. The term “authentic magisterium” is connected in Canon 752 of Church law to a “religious submission of the intellect and will”.
Francis‘ “authentic magisterium“ directly contradicts the “authentic Magisterium” of the Catechism, that states in number 1650 “in fidelity to the words of Jesus Christ”, that the new union of divorced and remarried Catholics “cannot be recognized as valid if the first marriage was”. And, “If the divorced are remarried …More
JTLiuzza As for the second dilemma of your comment. Presently, there are 2 positions which reason why Francis is not the pope: 1. sedevacantist or 2. attribution of munus to other person (pope Benedict XVI). Cardinal Caffara included the fact of their existence in his last letter to Francis which they do not hold. The highest legislator as I have mentioned before can not be removed by anyone but …More
JTLiuzza As for the second dilemma of your comment. Presently, there are 2 positions which reason why Francis is not the pope: 1. sedevacantist or 2. attribution of munus to other person (pope Benedict XVI). Cardinal Caffara included the fact of their existence in his last letter to Francis which they do not hold. The highest legislator as I have mentioned before can not be removed by anyone but declared a heretic and as consequence a new Conclave executed...

Ad. 2 If pope Benedict XVI didn't fully resign then he is the valid Pope. Therefore whatever followed is of secondary importance and consequence of the first. We have evidence of highest legislator's actions contradictory to living pope, who decided not to abandon Petrine Ministry(see Audience 27.02.2013), but also to indissolubility of Marriage, objectivity of sin, Sacraments, Scripture and Magisterium over 2000 years. Unfortunately, these facts are disregarded and ignored by Cardinals.

"...reasonable explanation is quite simply that Jorge Bergoglio is not, and never has been Pope."
JTLiuzza The knowledge of the 4 conditions for ex-cathedra to occur are widely known. Not only to canonists but for canonists, theologians to analyze . You aimed to polarize V I with Card. Bergoglio not being a pope after formal heresy by law of classical non-contradiction. However, you confused formal heresy as the direct result of an infallible statement containing heresy which in its textual …More
JTLiuzza The knowledge of the 4 conditions for ex-cathedra to occur are widely known. Not only to canonists but for canonists, theologians to analyze . You aimed to polarize V I with Card. Bergoglio not being a pope after formal heresy by law of classical non-contradiction. However, you confused formal heresy as the direct result of an infallible statement containing heresy which in its textual content (dialectical synchronic contradiction) would be contradictory and never accepted as infallible. Formal heresy is rather a continual process of pertinacious adherence to a heresy at different levels of teaching of material heresy. By logic if the formal heresy of a pope was solely derived from his ex-cathedra statement then there would be no heretics in the Church. As an analogous example to Francis, is heretic pope Honorius who only sent a letter to monothelites affirming their heresy. He was anathemized few decades later by the Council... Here we have teaching, letter and document all authored by the same person. The Church has competence to declare a pope heretic as private opinions have no juridical consequences.
One more comment from Rafał_Ovile
BrTomFordeOFMCap In order to understand what I tried to convey one should understand legal positivism and its first content which deprives this school of thought from morals. In consequence, a study of a scientist or scholar, whether biologist, theologian or canonist without ethical consideration and influence of morals in surrounding reality may reduce findings to commandments over humans. Christianity …More
BrTomFordeOFMCap In order to understand what I tried to convey one should understand legal positivism and its first content which deprives this school of thought from morals. In consequence, a study of a scientist or scholar, whether biologist, theologian or canonist without ethical consideration and influence of morals in surrounding reality may reduce findings to commandments over humans. Christianity as we know is not a religion of rules in contradiction to Judaism. Therefore a canonist in his reflection should also consider ethical and moral influence "pro bono Ecclesiae". In case of dr Peters' conclusion he played safe by putting priests administering Sacraments and faithful in polar position to canon law 915 and obedience to highest legislator. He is satisfied to conclude "nothing has happened" as the canon law has not changed. However, any dummy knows that one does not have to change law to break it. Also I reckon for the similar reasons as dr Peters you ignore (may be you don't understand) in my comment Cardinal Sarah's diagnosis of the heresy which in its end keeps the law(doctrine) and breaks it in pastoral practice.

The tragic consequences and chaos of such situation is predictable... I understand that only Cardinals have juridical power and can intervene to solve the crisis. However, reflections leaving faithful at grass roots to pick the law or Holy Father for themselves to decide is worse than being silent... Sapienti sat!
Rafał_Ovile The you will realise that he is not nuancing anything but pointing out that the Law has not changed. In fact putting the letter in the Acta is trying to bolster up an unstable situation. It seems to me that they have not changed the Law and they have not changed the teaching but they wish to give the appearance of having done so.
BrTomFordeOFMCap yes I have read it and the conclusion doesn't direct to a solution. Although it secures the priests with canon 915 to bar reception of HC to adulterers but at the same time excludes the real danger of Francis' decision that will put constant pressure on parish priests and undermine 915 in pastoral practice. Both by juridical pressure and from adulterers themselves. My friend told …More
BrTomFordeOFMCap yes I have read it and the conclusion doesn't direct to a solution. Although it secures the priests with canon 915 to bar reception of HC to adulterers but at the same time excludes the real danger of Francis' decision that will put constant pressure on parish priests and undermine 915 in pastoral practice. Both by juridical pressure and from adulterers themselves. My friend told me that he knows a mother whose divorced son bounded by sacrament with first wife wants now HC because Francis has already allowed it. A canonist should also consider harsh reality... P.S. The Polish Episcopate is now pressured by Vatican to interpret AL pastorally in accordance with Francis. A priest publically appealed to petition local Bishops in defence of traditional interpretation. The situation is very dangerous if those at the top of the Hierarchy will not resolve the crisis... Card. Sarah remarkably identified this "central concept at the very top of the hierarchy shredding the Church into pieces" in his book "Either God or Nothing" (Dieu ou rien):

"Pastoral practice can not be separated from Catholic teaching. Otherwise it "could evolve according to the circumstances, fads, and passions -- (which) is a form of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology." Card. Sarah did not hesitate to call such a "form of heresy"
Rafał_Ovile Have you read it?
Uncle Joe
Basically, is it any wonder that the Catholic Church is in such disarray with the leadership that currently is in place? 😊
BrTomFordeOFMCap one of many attempts to nuance and confuse the matter that is simple and obvious to many Catholic hearts.
The [Dictator] Pope has decided, and so it is done.
Dr Edward Peters over at canonlawblog.wordpress.com deals with these issues. It seems that even at the top they are confused about what they can and cannot do.
The Pope's use of term "authentic magisterium" is no doubt intended to demand "religious submission" of Burke and others against the truth of Christ
Libor Halik
Francis is not the authentic Catholic Pope. Francis‘ “authentic magisterium“ directly contradicts the “authentic Magisterium” of the Catechism, that states in number 1650 “in fidelity to the words of Jesus Christ”, that the new union of divorced and remarried Catholics “cannot be recognized as valid if the first marriage was”. And, “If the divorced are remarried civilly, they find themselves …More
Francis is not the authentic Catholic Pope. Francis‘ “authentic magisterium“ directly contradicts the “authentic Magisterium” of the Catechism, that states in number 1650 “in fidelity to the words of Jesus Christ”, that the new union of divorced and remarried Catholics “cannot be recognized as valid if the first marriage was”. And, “If the divorced are remarried civilly, they find themselves in a situation that objectively contravenes God’s law.”
Rafal_Ovile That's for canonists to put forth, which I'm sure they will do within a matter of days. I'm aware that "authentic magisterium" does not rise to the level of infallibility. I hope the whole Catholic world will be made aware of that as well.
JTLiuzza What conditions are required for a pope to speak EX CATHEDRA in accordance with V I? (To other of your statements I will try to reply in my following comment)
Rafal_Ovile: "we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, …More
Rafal_Ovile: "we teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman Pontiff speaks EX CATHEDRA, that is, when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church, he possesses, by the divine assistance promised to him in blessed Peter, that infallibility which the divine Redeemer willed his Church to enjoy in defining doctrine concerning faith or morals."

And from the same document, "So then, should anyone, which God forbid, have the temerity to reject this definition of ours: let him be anathema."

Now I'm no canonist but it seems to me that by elevating the heresy of Amoris Laetitia to the level of authentic magisterium, we have a very serious problem.

We're no longer talking about some flippant Argentine Jesuit spouting off about nonsense. We're talking about an alleged Pope who has elevated sacrilege to authentic magisterium. According to DOGMA put forth by Vatican I, that is not possible.

Do you see the conundrum here? If Bergoglio is Pope, then the dogma defined at Vatican I is a crock. If that is true, the whole moral edifice of the Church crumbles. The more reasonable explanation is quite simply that Jorge Bergoglio is not, and never has been Pope.

The sooner he is formally declared anti-pope and sent packing by proper authority, the better.
Uncle Joe
JTLiuzza What does VI precisely state about papal infallibility?
What of Papal infallibility? Either Vatican I was in error in declaring the doctrine of Papal infallibility, or Jorge Bergoglio is not Pope. It has to be one or the other. I think it's clear which is the case.
I do believe Tesa, that this is a 'checkmate' move for the new book coming out: "The Dictator Pope" which is even preselling by storm on kindle! The Vatican has tried very hard to suppress it but to no avail. His 'humbleness' is showing us just who is BOSS MAN.