Pope Saint Pius V This photo is of the relics of the Dominican Saint and Pope Pius V, who is enshrined in the basilica of St Mary Major in Rome. Below is part of my exhortation given at the 8pm Live-…More
Pope Saint Pius V

This photo is of the relics of the Dominican Saint and Pope Pius V, who is enshrined in the basilica of St Mary Major in Rome. Below is part of my exhortation given at the 8pm Live-streamed Rosary: "Today is also the feast of the great Pope of the Rosary, Saint Pius V, who in 1571 asked the Rosary Confraternity to pray for victory at Lepanto. 450 years ago that victory was won by the intercession of Our Lady, and through the praying of the Rosary by countless faithful Christians. Consequently Pope St Pius V instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory which we now remember as the Feast of the Holy Rosary in October. He also greatly encouraged Catholics to join the Rosary Confraternity, a spiritual network of Christians who are bound simply by the commitment to pray fifteen decades of the Rosary every week, and who are thus enrolled in the Rosary Confraternity run by the Dominicans. Especially as our Holy Father Pope Francis has called on the whole Catholic world to pray the Rosary daily throughout the month of May for an end to the pandemic, I would urge everyone to join the Rosary Confraternity. Contact your nearest Dominican priory, contact me, and ask to be enrolled! For Pope St Pius V declared that thanks to the Rosary Confraternity “Christians began suddenly to be transformed into [better] men, the darkness of heresy to be dispelled, and the light of Catholic faith to shine forth”. And Pope Leo XIII said that the members of the Rosary Confraternity, all praying the Holy Rosary day after day formed an army that fight for Christ “under the banner and guidance of the Heavenly queen.” Indeed, he said that all who pray as members of the Rosary Confraternity will encourage others in the Church to pray the Rosary too, and so they shall reap “their souls’ salvation” through it. Certainly, it is my hope that this coming month of May will see a great renewal of Catholics taking up the Rosary, and it is my prayer that this year, the 450th anniversary of the victory at Lepanto, will see a revival of the Rosary Confraternity around the world! For, in the midst of this pandemic and all the worlds sufferings and uncertainties, we can only have recourse to God, and so we must pray: pray the Rosary daily! Through the spiritual communion of the Rosary Confraternity, we know that we never pray alone. Rather when one prays the Rosary, wherever they may be, they are united with the millions of others throughout the world, all enrolled members of the Rosary Confraternity, who are praying with us and for us. How much stronger and more efficacious are our prayers when we are thus united together through the bonds of charity that bind us together in the Rosary Confraternity. As St John Vianney once said, “If anyone has the happiness of being in the Confraternity of the Rosary, he has in all corners of the world brothers and sisters who pray for him.” So, if you’re not already a member, do get in touch with us Dominicans, and let’s have you enrolled in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary!"

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr
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Pope Saint Pius V
This photo is of the relics of the Dominican Saint and Pope Pius V, who is enshrined in the basilica of St Mary Major in Rome. Below is part of my exhortation given at the 8pm Live-streamed Rosary: "Today is also the feast of the great Pope of the Rosary, Saint Pius V, who in 1571 asked the Rosary Confraternity to pray for victory at Lepanto. 450 years ago that victory was won by …
Pope Saint Pius V

This photo is of the relics of the Dominican Saint and Pope Pius V, who is enshrined in the basilica of St Mary Major in Rome. Below is part of my exhortation given at the 8pm Live-streamed Rosary: "Today is also the feast of the great Pope of the Rosary, Saint Pius V, who in 1571 asked the Rosary Confraternity to pray for victory at Lepanto. 450 years ago that victory was won by the intercession of Our Lady, and through the praying of the Rosary by countless faithful Christians. Consequently Pope St Pius V instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory which we now remember as the Feast of the Holy Rosary in October. He also greatly encouraged Catholics to join the Rosary Confraternity, a spiritual network of Christians who are bound simply by the commitment to pray fifteen decades of the Rosary every week, and who are thus enrolled in the Rosary Confraternity run by the Dominicans. Especially as our Holy Father Pope Francis has called on the whole Catholic world to pray the Rosary daily throughout the month of May for an end to the pandemic, I would urge everyone to join the Rosary Confraternity. Contact your nearest Dominican priory, contact me, and ask to be enrolled! For Pope St Pius V declared that thanks to the Rosary Confraternity “Christians began suddenly to be transformed into [better] men, the darkness of heresy to be dispelled, and the light of Catholic faith to shine forth”. And Pope Leo XIII said that the members of the Rosary Confraternity, all praying the Holy Rosary day after day formed an army that fight for Christ “under the banner and guidance of the Heavenly queen.” Indeed, he said that all who pray as members of the Rosary Confraternity will encourage others in the Church to pray the Rosary too, and so they shall reap “their souls’ salvation” through it. Certainly, it is my hope that this coming month of May will see a great renewal of Catholics taking up the Rosary, and it is my prayer that this year, the 450th anniversary of the victory at Lepanto, will see a revival of the Rosary Confraternity around the world! For, in the midst of this pandemic and all the worlds sufferings and uncertainties, we can only have recourse to God, and so we must pray: pray the Rosary daily! Through the spiritual communion of the Rosary Confraternity, we know that we never pray alone. Rather when one prays the Rosary, wherever they may be, they are united with the millions of others throughout the world, all enrolled members of the Rosary Confraternity, who are praying with us and for us. How much stronger and more efficacious are our prayers when we are thus united together through the bonds of charity that bind us together in the Rosary Confraternity. As St John Vianney once said, “If anyone has the happiness of being in the Confraternity of the Rosary, he has in all corners of the world brothers and sisters who pray for him.” So, if you’re not already a member, do get in touch with us Dominicans, and let’s have you enrolled in the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary!"
Explain how a Pope condemned "the new Mass" when it didn't exist yet @Defeat Modernism The words "Novus Ordo" don't appear anywhere in his encyclical. Yeah, you are that stupid.
Defeat Modernism
@Ultraviolet The Church makes condemnations to prevent future heresies, and similar errors. Pope St. Pius X and Vatican I already condemned Vatican II ahead of time by condemning Modernism (that the truth can change, that theology and the sacraments can change, etc.) The Council of Trent dogmatically condemned any one, including the pope, from creating or changing the 'received and approved rites'…More
@Ultraviolet The Church makes condemnations to prevent future heresies, and similar errors. Pope St. Pius X and Vatican I already condemned Vatican II ahead of time by condemning Modernism (that the truth can change, that theology and the sacraments can change, etc.) The Council of Trent dogmatically condemned any one, including the pope, from creating or changing the 'received and approved rites' to NEW rites of the sacraments. Pope St. Pius V's papal bull codified the Traditional Latin Mass as THE Rite for the Roman Church and that no one could change it without incurring the wrath of God and of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. We can see now, many decades after the illicit creation of the Protestant-Masonic NEW mass (Novus Ordo Missae) the great loss of Faith and Morals, and the subsequent implosion. That is truly the wrath of God upon a faithless and perverse generation.
"The Church makes condemnations to prevent future heresies..."
...and the encyclical you cite does not list Vatican Council II or the Novus Ordo Mass as one of them. Further, you haven't shown Vatican Council II even is a heresy. Worse, The Church disagrees with you on this point. Vatican Council II like any of the others before it, including the Council of Trent you're so fond of mis-quoting, is …More
"The Church makes condemnations to prevent future heresies..."

...and the encyclical you cite does not list Vatican Council II or the Novus Ordo Mass as one of them. Further, you haven't shown Vatican Council II even is a heresy. Worse, The Church disagrees with you on this point. Vatican Council II like any of the others before it, including the Council of Trent you're so fond of mis-quoting, is not heretical. The Church decides what is heresy, you do not. That latter point is crucial and I shouldn't have to explain it to a self-identifying "traditionalist." Where on earth did you get the notion you personally could decide heresy on behalf of The Chruch? Even I wouldn't aspire to such a presumption and tha's saying quite a lot, given my pride. The ugly truth is you are every bit a "modernist" in deciding what Church teachings you choose to follows as those lunatic German bishops with their Synodal Path and rainbow homosexual flags.

"The Council of Trent dogmatically condemned any one, including the pope..."

Wrong. Once again I shall quote the Council because you will not. The Council of Trent condemned changes "by the ministers" or "every pastor of the churches". The pope is not "every pastor of the churches" as I have told you repeatedly before. Every time you repeat this falsehood, I will correct it using the Council's own words verbatim. As so many nitwits inevitably find, the truth is on my side, not theirs. You may "interpret" the Council but I shall quote it.

Interestingly, Pope St. Pius X himself modified Eucharistic practice promoting the frequent reception of Communion in 1905 and lowering the age of First Communion in 1910. That means, Defeat Modernism, in case you hadn't noticed, he changed the requirements for the scarament. Such changes aren't "modernism" yet were established by the very saint and pope you cited.

"We can see now, many decades after the illicit creation of the Protestant-Masonic NEW mass..."

There's nothing "illicit" or "Masonic" about it you silly conspiritard. Some day we'll have to have a thorough discussion on the history of Freemasonry so I can thrash the ever-loving XYZ out of you once and for all. I promise you, I won't be as gentle as I am right now.. If you find the corrections I inflict on Church history unpleasant, you have no idea how brutal I can be when discusssing a purely secular subject. I've run more than one tripfag off 4chan's /pol/ for good. . "St. Pope Pius X's", whom you speak so highly of, instituted changes well before Vatican Council II or the creation of the "new Mass", as did Pope Pius XII.

I may not like the theme/ focus of the Novus Ordo Mass, any more than I like the current Pope, both dislikes based on better-educated reasons than you will ever understand. But, The Church has the final say on what is licit. As a traditionalist, I defer to The Church's combined, collective theological wisdom because that's what traditionalist laity does. We know our place in the chain of command, even if you do not. We're at the bottom. Unlike you, I recognize The Church's combined wisdom far surpasses my own, which I readily acknowledge in spite of my absolutely staggeringly high opinion of myself... something reinforced by crushing pikers like you on a weekly basis, both here and elsewhere. You're not even in the league of the gorgeously literate Cuthbert Mayne who still falls before me. I'm particularly pleased with the "yerra troll" butthurt concession I literally wrenched out of him yesterday, quoting his own cited source to do it, no less.

At any rate, Church history again contradicts your rubbish. All that concerns me now is whether my (admitted) sin of pride in making you look like the blithering, mindless fool you that are requires confession before Communion. I'll probably err on the side of caution which, you almost certainly would not. This won't be the first time, you, personally, necessitated an extra-early visit to church, braving the horrendous line for confession. In this, my love for the truth, my fear of God and my caution in approaching the sacraments are the few things that truly do surpass my pride.
Defeat Modernism
@Ultraviolet You go on and on like a true Modernist. What has already been condemned is condemned. You do not have the Faith and so you do not understand this nor are you able to see the clear heresy, apostasy and evil that is present inside of your Homo-Pedo Modernist Faithless Immoral Sect. The Church has already condemned any NEW rites of the sacraments. The Novus Ordo is NEW, hence NOVUS. It is …More
@Ultraviolet You go on and on like a true Modernist. What has already been condemned is condemned. You do not have the Faith and so you do not understand this nor are you able to see the clear heresy, apostasy and evil that is present inside of your Homo-Pedo Modernist Faithless Immoral Sect. The Church has already condemned any NEW rites of the sacraments. The Novus Ordo is NEW, hence NOVUS. It is hidden in plain view but a blind guide like you can't see. The Modernist heresies contained in the non-dogmatic Vatican II were already condemned by Pope St. Pius X in which he called it the 'synthesis of all heiress' in his Encyclical Pascendi, and again he condemned your false Church as the "One World Church of Apostasy" in his letter Notre Charge Apostolique. You are a son of the Devil like the Jewish pharisees who followed Caiphas and Annas who were the 'popes' of their days. The faithless Jews who followed them went into the pit and so too the Novus Ordo 'popes' and the faithless Novus Ordo Catholics like you will do likewise. You lie and twist words and pervert meanings because you have neither faith nor morals like your leaders.
"You go on and on like a true Modernist."
...said the clown who decides for himself what Catholic teachings are valid. You and modernist Cardinal Marx both.
"What has already been condemned is condemned."
Not by you or by the Council you cited or the Papal Encyclical you referenced. I quote them directly, you re-word them to suit your own stupid agenda.
"nor are you able to see the clear heresy"More
"You go on and on like a true Modernist."

...said the clown who decides for himself what Catholic teachings are valid. You and modernist Cardinal Marx both.

"What has already been condemned is condemned."

Not by you or by the Council you cited or the Papal Encyclical you referenced. I quote them directly, you re-word them to suit your own stupid agenda.

"nor are you able to see the clear heresy"

In your case, what I see is clear and outright schism. You couldn't argue heresy by The Church's definition unless I led you step by step through it.

"Homo-Pedo Modernist Faithless Immoral Sect"

LOL... That wasn't in the discussion before... Well, well, look what's bubbling away in your wicked little brain, eh?

"The Church has already condemned any NEW rites of the sacraments."

That's not what the Council of Trent said, dummy. Repeating your interpretation of what they actually DID say won't change that.

"The Novus Ordo is NEW, hence NOVUS. It is hidden in plain view but a blind guide like you can't see."

You're ignoring the word "Ordo" and don't think I didn't notice. My Latin is far, far better than yours, chump.

"The Modernist heresies contained in the non-dogmatic Vatican II were already condemned by Pope St. Pius X"

Pope St. Pius X himself made changes to the Mass, you idiot. Why won't you address that, eh?

"in which he called it the 'synthesis of all heiress' "

I think the word you're looking for is "heresies", genius. :P Never mind lecturing me on Latin. You can't even cope with English, muchacho. I find that's typical of most Puerto Ricans. English will always be your second language behind... ¡Míra! ¡Míra! ¡Míra!

"he condemned your false Church"

There is only one Catholic Church and you obviously aren't part of it no matter what you choose to think.

"as the "One World Church of Apostasy" in his letter Notre Charge Apostolique."

...and "Apostasy" carries a clear meaning in Catholic law which does not apply to the Catholic Church today in any way. Go look it up because I don't feel like linking it for you today.
"You are a son of the Devil like the Jewish pharisees who followed Caiphas and Annas who were the 'popes' of their days."
You don't know Jewish history because you're a stupid anti-Semitic bigot. Annas was appointed by the Romans as high priest. Second, there were other High Priests in the same province. Caiaphas NOT "Caiphas" you illiterate, was another Roman-appointed high-priest in that …More
"You are a son of the Devil like the Jewish pharisees who followed Caiphas and Annas who were the 'popes' of their days."

You don't know Jewish history because you're a stupid anti-Semitic bigot. Annas was appointed by the Romans as high priest. Second, there were other High Priests in the same province. Caiaphas NOT "Caiphas" you illiterate, was another Roman-appointed high-priest in that same region. At best either man might be similar to a bishop.

"The faithless Jews who followed them went into the pit and so too the Novus Ordo 'popes' and the faithless Novus Ordo Catholics like you will do likewise."

...that moment when you finally realize I'm registered in a TLM parish. Go eat a burrito, you incompetent.
Defeat Modernism
This is the Pope and Saint who condemned the New Mass over 400 years ahead of time and made the Traditional Latin Mass the Rite of the Roman Church! You can read it here papalencyclicals.net/pius05/p5quopri.htm