Diane Montagna asks why is Church teaching on sexual morality up for discussion? Cardinal Hollerich replies that Church teaching is not up for debate, only how to be welcoming. Cardinal Grech says the …More
Diane Montagna asks why is Church teaching on sexual morality up for discussion? Cardinal Hollerich replies that Church teaching is not up for debate, only how to be welcoming. Cardinal Grech says the Church has been too judgmental, and we should leave the judgement to the Lord.
Seidenspinner shares this
Kardinal Hollerich bestätigt, dass Papst Franziskus das Arbeitsdokument (Instrumentum Laboris) für die kommende Synode zur Synodalität gesehen und die Fragen "gebilligt" hat.
Erzherzog Eugen
Ja natürlich muß der Papst das gebilligt haben anders geht es ja gar nicht
Padre Benedetto Pagnotto shares this
Il cardinale Hollerich conferma che Papa Francesco ha visto il documento di lavoro (Instrumentum Laboris) per il prossimo Sinodo sulla sinodalità e ha "approvato" le domande.
questa volta lo ammetto sono proprio curioso di vedere cosa si inventeranno .... preparate i vecchi messali ....
Bob Sontrop
Normal human thought involves: 1/ receiving data (through
our five senses0. 2/ making sense of it ( using the intellect/ the mind 3/ drawing a conclusion, which involves making a judgement on what our mind has "made sense" of. True for
all normal thinking. So-called "judgemental" people have NOT
thought through given data.They're PRE-judging, and so,
are not "judgemental" so much as as they are …More
Normal human thought involves: 1/ receiving data (through
our five senses0. 2/ making sense of it ( using the intellect/ the mind 3/ drawing a conclusion, which involves making a judgement on what our mind has "made sense" of. True for
all normal thinking. So-called "judgemental" people have NOT
thought through given data.They're PRE-judging, and so,
are not "judgemental" so much as as they are prejudiced.
Malki Tzedek
I seem to recall something about 'if you are neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out' which applies here. Fence-sitting is not 'leadership'.
Phyllis Crespo
Walking together to hell?
Bob Sontrop
Hell? . . and Heaven, hasn't that been cancelled ? L.O.L.!
Thank you, Diane, for always coming up with questions that help expose the fraud and destructiveness of this sinodal process -- great work!
The answer to Diane’s excellent question is, yes. Yes the Church would have to change Christ’s doctrine in order that all men feel at home and un judged by the Church. We go back to there is no such thing as sin.
Bob Sontrop
. . or Holiness, if no sin.
Simon North
For decades those who have administered the governing and teaching machinery of the Catholic Church have departed from the Creator Who has revealed Himself in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. They worship an idol of their own creation. Bergoglio and his minions have torn down the ecclesiastical Potemkin Village crafted by Montini, Wojtyla and Ratzinger. In that sense they've done us a favor.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Amazing how those 2 queers can sit there and lie. "Church teaching is not up for debate". Yeah, right. How stupid does Francis and these two guys think faithful Catholics are? Pretty naive and stupid I think.
They'll get the shock of their lives I hope in October, when a tsunami of oppositions shuts down their "Synod"
Paul F
"Mercy without justice is the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.”
Bob Sontrop
important reminder ! Need to get off our computer-viewing
butts and think —and PRAY —through issues [STUDY ! ]
Alejandrina Reyes
Horrible voice tone of both 🤮🤮🤮🤮
The father is all lies is presiding here!
What Eastern Rite Byzantine Catholic bishop talks like this? Answer 0.