
Francis in Canada: Forgiveness, Emptiness, and a Transvestite Flag

In other times, a papal trip occupied the front pages of the newspapers, today it can’t even be found on the second, Specola (July 26) writes about Francis’ journey to Canada, “The image of Francis …More
In other times, a papal trip occupied the front pages of the newspapers, today it can’t even be found on the second, Specola (July 26) writes about Francis’ journey to Canada, “The image of Francis has lost all interest.”
Francis’ Canadian apology-show took place in a small venue that still was too big. Many empty chairs. A man was carrying a transvestite flag (article's picture). Bleachers and screens were set up outside. But nobody was there.
Specola, “We spent hours asking for forgiveness, between sobs and tears, without knowing very well to whom we were asking for it, or why.”
Francis’ spin-doctor Tornielli came out with the statement that the missionaries did not respect the local culture, except the Jesuits in Paraguay or Jesuit Father Matteo Ricci in China. Specola, “You can see that the only past that is saved is the one that bears the SJ stamp, all the others are criminals and murderers, or at best fools.”
“They try to tell us,” Specola continues, “that until the nefarious …More
la verdad prevalece
@Wilma Lopez By any chance, do you not know the name of the homosexual who carries the transvestite flag?
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio promoted an Anti-Catholic Hoax and also the superstitious practice in a lake worshiped by the indigenous pagans as 'sacred'
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Bergoglio has confirmed the unrepentant idolaters and homosexuals in their rejection of the Church and the true God.
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Bergoglio's apostasy in Action.
The circus is not for everyone
Wilma Lopez shares this
Specola, “We spent hours asking for forgiveness, between sobs and tears, without knowing very well to whom we were asking for it, or why.”
Wilma Lopez
John Paul II gave us Pope Francis.
Sedevakantistický kanál
@Wilma Lopez You are wrong. Francis is not and was not pope. Total apostates and non-believers cannot be popes, period. See this video and open your eyes to the truth. We live in endtimes, it is sedevacante, and for salvation one has to be traditional Catholic. Also, pray daily Rosary, all 15 decades, if you can.
@Wilma Lopez Look how old John Paul II is in this photo. I can't help but wonder how much he, and his office were manipulated by enemies of The Church. 🙏
Jeffrey Ade
But you are right about the course the post conciliar modernist popes charted! We are just sadly witnessing the climax! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Why would any real Catholic dare to attend events where demonic spirits are invoked by the many pagan practices going on during this apologizing for the Catholic Faith tour? Rather, real Catholics are weeping and praying the Rosary in reparation for the offenses and blasphemies against Our Lord occurring daily during this tour, all of which are being presided over by one who wears papal white.
Cassandra Laments
I don't wish to be flippant but at this stage, I feel we could all be on our knees praying 24/7 and wouldn't get through half the offences, sacrileges and blasphemies. It's parents taking their children to be entertained by drag artists that gets to me so much. Just can't stomach it and can't begin to imagine what God thinks of it all or what the punishment will be.
For sure - we need to be praying the Rosary daily in reparation for all the offenses against Our Lord. However, this public, invoking of demons in Canada - which means also in North America - requires special attention - let us pray to Our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel to protect us from the onslaught of these demons, who are being summoned this week by all these pagan practices condoned by …More
For sure - we need to be praying the Rosary daily in reparation for all the offenses against Our Lord. However, this public, invoking of demons in Canada - which means also in North America - requires special attention - let us pray to Our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel to protect us from the onslaught of these demons, who are being summoned this week by all these pagan practices condoned by one wearing papal white -
Francis' flight map
Wilma Lopez
Here is a higher resoultion of the transflag
By invitation?
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This is what Bergoglio's apostasy is all about. Promote paganism and sodomy. Saint Thomas said it well when explaining Romans 1 that the Sodomites are idolaters.
Jeffrey Ade
I wonder if their pagan forefathers are rolling over in their graves at this abomination! Imagine you spend your entire life handing down your culture to children just to come to this!