
Bishops of Cameroon: "Homosexual Acts Are Decadent" and "Not Sexuality At All But Unnatural"

There is a "semantic abuse" in Francis' scribble on the "blessing" of homosexual couples which aims to distort the true meaning of family, couple, spouse, sexuality and marriage. The bishops of Cameroon …More
There is a "semantic abuse" in Francis' scribble on the "blessing" of homosexual couples which aims to distort the true meaning of family, couple, spouse, sexuality and marriage. The bishops of Cameroon analysed this in a joint statement on 21 December: "Homosexuality falsifies human anthropology and trivialises sexuality, marriage and the family, the foundations of society."
The bishops add that "in the history of peoples, homosexual practices have never led to social evolution, but are clear signs of the implosive decadence of civilisations. In fact, homosexuality turns humanity against itself and destroys it".
The bishops teach that "homosexual acts are not 'sexual' but 'relations against nature' (Romans 1:26)". The bishops also use the word "perverted", a statement that hate speech laws in decadent Western countries consider a "crime".
The "blessing" of a "homosexual couple" would encourage a lifestyle that cannot be recognised as objectively ordered to God's revealed purposes. …More
DefendTruth shares this
Bishops of Cameroon Firmly Reject Francis’ Gay Declaration: “Homosexual Practices are a Clear Sign of the Implosive Decadence of Civilizations”
This is absolutely the strongest, firmest, hardest hitting, and most effectively articulated Episcopal Conference official statement that has been promulgated thus far. It is, without doubt, the best I’ve seen from anywhere. Keep it up, Africa!!!
la verdad prevalece
“Cursed be anyone who does not uphold the words of this law by observing them.” All the people shall say, “Amen!”
Deuteronomy 27:26
Sandy Barrett shares this
They also said: Differentiating between liturgical/non-liturgical contexts” for such blessings “is hypocritical.”
Sandy Barrett
Everyday for Life Canada
Thank you to the African bishops.