Saudi Arabien: Cristiano Ronaldo bekreuzigt sich vor 25.000 Menschen
Sandy Barrett shares this
While Cristiano Ronaldo still identifies as Catholic and publicly professes a belief in God, he currently has a live-in girlfriend in contradiction to Church teaching.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
So does most of the world. Don't pick a good man apart. No one is perfect. At least he's not a homo pervert living in a gay relationship with a guy. That's where it would be an abomination.
Ronaldo was super brave to do the Sign of the Cross in Saudi Arabia. Do you know how much he could be fined?? Very brave!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Teofil Michalski shares this
Cristiano Ronaldo robi znak krzyża po zdobyciu bramki w muzułmańskiej Arabii Saudyjskiej, gdzie publiczne wyrażanie wiary chrześcijańskiej jest zabronione.
Josiek Mosiek żydo-chazar
I całuje się po rękach. Gdzie tu oznaka jakiejkolwiek wiary???
Asterix Obelix
Robi znak odwróconego krzyża...
Virginie Fortin shares this
Incroyable! Cristiano Ronaldo fait le signe de la croix après avoir marqué un but en Arabie saoudite musulmane, où l'expression publique de la foi chrétienne est interdite.
Tesa shares this
It was great to witness Cristiano Ronaldo making the Sign of the Cross in Muslim Saudi Arabia this week where public display of Christian faith is heavily prohibited.
When Ronaldo’s mother Dolores Aveiro was pregnant with him, she considered aborting him. Aveiro’s faith in God was the reason that prevented her from going ahead with the decision to abort her unborn baby who went on to become a football legend.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
God bless Cristiano Ronaldo!! Very brave to do that in Saudi Arabia....or nowadays, anywhere! 😊 😊 😊
Bernold Baer
Macht Herr Ronaldo wirklich dieses Kreuzzeichen?
Katholisches Videolexikon - Kreuzzeichen
Seine rechte Hand macht folgende Bewegung!

- Stirn
- rechte Schulter
- Brust mittig
- linke Schulter
- Brust mittig
- linke Schulter
- rechte Schulter
- Kuss seiner rechten Hand
Herr Ronaldo zeichnet auf seiner Brust eine "Liegende Acht "
Diese "
Liegende Acht " ist das Zeichen Satans.
Zum Schluss küsst …
Macht Herr Ronaldo wirklich dieses Kreuzzeichen?

Katholisches Videolexikon - Kreuzzeichen


Seine rechte Hand macht folgende Bewegung!

- Stirn
- rechte Schulter
- Brust mittig
- linke Schulter
- Brust mittig
- linke Schulter
- rechte Schulter
- Kuss seiner rechten Hand

Herr Ronaldo zeichnet auf seiner Brust eine "Liegende Acht "

Diese "
Liegende Acht " ist das Zeichen Satans.

Zum Schluss küsst Herr Ronaldo noch die Hand, mit welcher er das Satanszeichen formt!

Das bedeutet, Herr Ronaldo küsst Satan!
Bernold Baer
Novena - Oremus shares this
Cristiano Ronaldo made a sign of the cross in front of 25,000 people
Mons Lelio Baresi shares this
Il 13° posto più pericoloso al mondo per essere un cristiano, secondo la lista di sorveglianza di Porte Aperte.
Cristiano Ronaldo ha appena fatto questo davanti a 25.000 personeMore

Il 13° posto più pericoloso al mondo per essere un cristiano, secondo la lista di sorveglianza di Porte Aperte.

Cristiano Ronaldo ha appena fatto questo davanti a 25.000 persone
Si,ha anche comprato 3 bambini con l'utero in affitto
L'ha fatto talmente rapido che per poco si slogava una spalla...