Spotted! Here is Bp. Athanasius Schneider concelebrating the Novus Ordo with Francis et al at the Expo Grounds in Astana.
Maybe Bishop Schneider was spotted, but where's Francis in these photos? I can't find him. Did he just sit out celebrating Mass due to his infirmities?
I guess he could have called in sick that day!!!!
Der Hofrat shares this
Tja typischer Oportunismus für die dummen Summorum Pontificum Katholiken der traditionelle Bischof und sonst wird konzelebriert
aber das mach ja auch Bischof Rifan so
Credo .
Disappointing, to see, but part of his responsibly as a Bishop. 😭
The Novus Ordo; Satan's great triumph.
If Catholic remnants remain in their adulterous acts with usurper and continue rejecting our Catholic pope Benedict XVI then they might fall even harder... The fish rots from the head down.
la verdad prevalece
In Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan Bergoglio promotes the heresy of religious indifferentism and Bp. Athanasius Schneider concelebrate with him. All false religions are good according to Bergoglio
In Islamic Kazakhstan Bergoglio continues to promote the heresy of religious indifferentism
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio opposes the Reign of Christ in society.