Fr Z Comments

Priests and the imparting of blessings for same-sex "couples". Risks? Wherein Fr. Z prays.

This comes via a comment under another post HERE QUAERITUR: Serious question – if a priest were to bless an …
Please support Hillary ,she has been a long time fighter for tradition and all things truly Catholic and is now ,after retreating from journalism , creating beautiful art.More
Please support Hillary ,she has been a long time fighter for tradition and all things truly Catholic and is now ,after retreating from journalism ,
creating beautiful art.

Why iconography?

People who have read me for a long time know that the World has never held much of an allure. I’ve spent my life on a search for the metaphorical Door to Narnia, a way to get away from it. …
123jussi shares this
Please support Hillary ,she has been a long time fighter for tradition and all things truly Catholic and is now ,after retreating from journalism , …More
Please support Hillary ,she has been a long time fighter for tradition and all things truly Catholic and is now ,after retreating from journalism ,
creating beautiful art.

"The prohibition of the traditional Latin Mass is an abuse of ecclesiastical power and noncompliance …

The following statement by Bishop Athanasius Schneider is being published in numerous places today. …
An abuse of ecclesiastical power is not a problem. Abuses happen. The problem begins when such an abuse becomes... a heroic virtue. Cf. Paul VI the …More
An abuse of ecclesiastical power is not a problem. Abuses happen. The problem begins when such an abuse becomes... a heroic virtue. Cf. Paul VI the Abuser and John Paul II the Abuser called by some diabolical mockery... the Saints!
At last !


"Conceived by an unscrupulous politician": Caminante Wanderer on the Synod and Its "Instrumentum Doloris" Pope in the Paul VI hall, where the Synod will be held Last week, the Instrumentum …
Please contribute at go fund me!

Gay Pride Launches Economic Warfare On Catholic Father Of Five

Long before the left invented “pride month,” the Catholic Church dedicated June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a tradition originating from …
Gay pride, loyal demons of Satan.
Sad but true.

Fr. James Jackson, FSSP Pleads Guilty to Child Porn

You are not signed in as a Premium user; you are viewing the free version of this program. Premium users have access to full-length programs with …
Tony Smith
Pray for him. This is truly a sickness of heart and mind.
Ban the Novus Ordo !

Pope Cancels Latin Mass as 80% of US Catholics Skip New Mass EVERY Sunday

Pope Francis is not telling the truth. He claims that he must cancel the Latin Mass to preserve unity in the Church. Trouble is …
Catholic (universal) was meant to mean united in the one true faith, the church Jesus Himself founded, not led off into heresy by an apostate pope. Know …More
Catholic (universal) was meant to mean united in the one true faith, the church Jesus Himself founded, not led off into heresy by an apostate pope. Know your faith!
So who is in schism ?

75% of Catholics back same-sex marriage, survey finds | News Headlines

The Public Religion Research Institute’s American Values Survey has found that 75% of white Catholics, 75% of Hispanic Catholics,…
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Vatican II Catholics are not Catholics. They are Episcopalians but don't know it.
This is not surprising. The bitter fruits of Vatican II.
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Read the diary!

Church Reasons to Condemn the Divine Mercy Devotion by Msgr. Patrick Perez

Several readers have addressed questions to TIA asking orientation about the Divine Mercy devotion. Since we knew Msgr. Perez …
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus IS devotion to God's mercy. Jesus' love for us is symbolized in His Sacred Heart. He loved us so much he died for us. …More
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus IS devotion to God's mercy. Jesus' love for us is symbolized in His Sacred Heart. He loved us so much he died for us.
Sister Faustina's diary quotes Jesus as telling her she, Sister Faustina, was closer to Jesus than any other person (not Jesus' mother). There are several errors in her diary.
God’s Mercy is so Catholic. If you want Mercy plead for God’s Mercy. Is God’s Mercy worthy of a specific Devotion? If this is not the devotion to …More
God’s Mercy is so Catholic. If you want Mercy plead for God’s Mercy. Is God’s Mercy worthy of a specific Devotion? If this is not the devotion to God’s Mercy then where is the Devotion to God’s Mercy? To toil with God’s Justice is unwise. You get what you ask for.
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It is the LAST remedy ,no others will be given!

Sister Lucia’s 1957 Interview with Fr. Fuentes: Are We Now Rejecting the Last Means of Salvation?

On December 26, 1957, Fr. Augustin Fuentes (postulator for the causes of beatification of the Fatima …
The BVM again said “ do what He tells you”! If you want your water to be turned to wine pray the rosary and devote yourself to the Immaculate Heart of …More
The BVM again said “ do what He tells you”! If you want your water to be turned to wine pray the rosary and devote yourself to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of God.

Little Boy Killed After 145-Pound Pit Bull Mix Attacked Him Without Warning, Wouldn't Let Go

News A 2-year-old boy died after a 145-pound dog with whom he often played turned on the child and attacked him. …
Pitt Bulls were bred to be aggressive and to attack. It is a manipulated type of dog. Wolves can be bred to be domesticated submissive dogs in just 8 …More
Pitt Bulls were bred to be aggressive and to attack. It is a manipulated type of dog. Wolves can be bred to be domesticated submissive dogs in just 8 generations. The opposite is also true.
You miss the point,animals in their place are a wonderful part of Gods creation but pets as companions is a bit perverted.
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Two Children Killed in Pit Bull Mauling, Mother Severely Injured

Two small children were mauled to death by two pit bulls on Wednesday while their mother sustained severe injuries in attempting to pull …
No matter what, pit bulls , by nature, are not good pets
Sad to hear this. Many of these fatal cases the pit bulls are either abused (used for dog fighting) or not well trained by their owners. I have a pit …More
Sad to hear this. Many of these fatal cases the pit bulls are either abused (used for dog fighting) or not well trained by their owners. I have a pit and she is a great dog. They bond with the owner for life and if you are attacked by a would be criminal they will literally give their life courageously defending you. And, I would hate to be that bad guy on the receiving end of things.They are strong and fierce but require a strong owner who will establish an alpha relationship. However, if they are properly trained and loved they are no more dangerous than any other breed of dog.
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