Damian Keller
The Traditional Catholic Commentaries on Rumble
All Saints
He always broke down in sobs at the mere mention of Our Lady or the two youngest Fatima children. Fr. Gruner, pray for us!
Latest video on a strange occurrence of events. Hidden warnings?More
Latest video on a strange occurrence of events.
Hidden warnings?
Some astonishing evidence which, under Canon 212, Sections 2 & 3, the bishops are responsible for investigating and answering to.
The Only Catholic Priest To Sue Over Government Lockdowns
In Defense Of The SSPX With Testimonials
Pt 2 Fr Kevin Robinson SSPX Presentation At Catholic Family News Conference
Pt 4 Fr Kevin Robinson SSPX Presentation At Catholic Family News Conference
Pt 3 Fr Kevin Robinson SSPX Presentation At Catholic Family News Conference
Fr Kevin Robinson SSPX Presentation At Catholic Family News Conference
Things To Contemplate
The Pope can not be a modernist. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. The Pope can not be a heretic, he is infallible. I feel so much more at …More
The Pope can not be a modernist. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. The Pope can not be a heretic, he is infallible. I feel so much more at peace now that I have fully embraced the logic of sedevacantism. No more cognitive dissonance. No more listening to all the Monday morning quarterbacks deciding what's good and what's bad coming from Rome. The Catholic Church exists. It is the perfect Bride of Christ without stain or error. The Catholic Church has an earthly Vicar, the Pope. Currently, and since Vatican II the Throne of Peter has been vacant. Hopefully, God will someday give us a true shepherd again. Until such time, those who hold to the true Faith are the Catholic Church, wherever they may be.
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What May Yet Come
1993 Michael Davies In Defense Of Archbishop Lefebvre
Live Mike shares this
Credo .
Thank you Damian Keller for this post by the late, great, Michael Davies. 🙏 🙏 🙏
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A Preview of an upcoming video release Only ONE THING will suffice and the Victory does not belong to human handsMore
A Preview of an upcoming video release
Only ONE THING will suffice and the Victory does not belong to human hands
Damian Keller
This is a work still in progress
Please. Tell us more.
An 1986 address of Archbishop Lefebvre read to the faithful at Christ The King Church of the St Ignatius Priory/Retreat House in Ridgefield CT on the occasion of the ordination of new priests
Jeffrey Ade
@Damian Keller Welcome to the platform! Hard to go wrong with Archbishop Lefebvre! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!