michael f
michael f

Covid Archbishop Contradicts Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The devil is in the vaccine
michael f

Francis Confirms: The Novus Ordo IS NOT the Roman Rite

Bergoglio denies his parent's and all the Pope's Bishops Priests and Saints before Vatican 2. Its obvious he's not one of these Catholics. He has a new idea and it's not catholic, the proof is in the BERGOGLIO pudding.
michael f

Italy: Letter Published in Il Foglio of 5 August by a Group of Faithful

Bergolio is a very hard worker at destroying the Catholic Church and faithful he hammers away none stop like there was no tomorrow. Only a raving loonatic or an anti Catholic with a vendetta against anything Catholic, Would behave like he does also with his disgusting appointments.
michael f

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

Malachi Martin got it right in book Wind swept house a most read for traditional Catholics.
michael f

A First: Francis Praises Homosex Activist And His “Ministry”

2000 years of Catholic faith and the latin mass is rigid so says the apostasy of Bergoglio and the apostasy of Vatican 2.
michael f

The Vatican Has Just Planted a Time Bomb

Malachi Martin seen the third secret of Fatima in 1960 and said the last Pope and the Vatican would be under the control of Satan.
michael f

Müller: The Bishops Are Submissive to The Regime

When homosexuals became priests in large numbers then they got control of the Catholic Church from the top down its time for Traditionalists to move to elect a catholic Pope who will do the work of Christ and excommunicate the homosexuals, free Masons and Communists from the Catholic Church it does not matter if the imposters remain in the Vatican for a little while thier numbers will swiftly deminish.
michael f

Archbishop Accused of Homosexual Abuses

The fruits of Vatican 2 knows no boundaries.
michael f

What If Somebody Doesn't Wear A Mask? “Stop Mass!"- Says Archbishop

The Priest can report the to the Stasis some of them were good at that in the pass even Bishops.
michael f

Churches Closed: Faithful Celebrate Christmas OUTSIDE Cathedral (Video)

Catholics answer to God not Satonic Government.
michael f

Florence Cardinal: "One of the Biggest Wounds of My Episcopate"

The warning signs were there when Vatican 2 was interduced as the Councillor Church, when soon after 10s of thousands of priests and bishops walked away closing down countless orders and seminarys and convents now we have a fake church with fake teachings.
michael f

Mother Prays - Priest Calls Police

An Agency of the state obeying their master weather its China or every other anti Catholic country or state, plenty in these times.
michael f

Mother Prays - Priest Calls Police

Well said.
michael f

Bishop Schneider Explains Why the Vatican Aims at Destroying the Church

The consillior Church ceased being Catholic when Vatican 2 was interduced.
michael f

German Synodal Way: The “Discussions” Are Only Window Dressing

With a Communist bouncer in charge at the Vatican one can only expect a foregone anti Catholic conclusion.
michael f

Cardinal Sarah: Where Confusion Reigns, God Cannot Live

Cardinal Sarah refuses to see the elephant in the room anti Pope Francis and his anti Catholic appointed Bishops and Cardinals, all with one thing in common anti Catholic agenda and dare no one challenge them.
michael f

Moscow Patriarch: Papism Is Dangerous

Just go's to show you there's a lot to be said about a bad Pope I just hope a good one comes along soon.
michael f

Shock Pictures: Homosex Pseudo Marriage Staged In Austrian Church

What I want to know is did Fr Kopp tell these two women to go fourth and multiple. After all that is what married people is all about creating young doctors and nurses police personnel tradesmen contributing to the good of the world and the word of God.
michael f

This quotation says it all

You shall know them by their fruits. Popes that is.