
A First: Francis Praises Homosex Activist And His “Ministry”

Francis sent a handwritten June 21 letter to the homosex activist James Martin, 60, who posted it on Twitter.com. Martin is alleged to be a "Jesuit." The letter is the first written papal endorsement …More
Francis sent a handwritten June 21 letter to the homosex activist James Martin, 60, who posted it on Twitter.com.
Martin is alleged to be a "Jesuit." The letter is the first written papal endorsement of a priest’s homosex engagement. Francis congratulated Martin on a recent homosex conference and thanked him for an alleged “pastoral zeal” and for Martin's “ability to be close to people” [rather: close to sin].
Francis doesn't shy away from blasphemy by claiming that Martin’s approach emulates the “closeness that Jesus had” and “reflects the closeness of God.” He speaks of the active homosexuals in Martin’s "flock" as "children of God" while in reality, the God of the Bible “hates” and “punishes” them with fire.
According to Francis, God’s “style” has three elements: closeness, compassion and tenderness - none of them are hallmarks of Francis' Vatican tyranny.
Martin is based in New York. He has never admitted of being a practicing homosexual but on social media the homosex subculture …More
HerzMariae shares this
Did Pope Francis and James Martin SJ coordinate the timing of this letter for the end of Pride month?
Signs of the end of time’s for sure
Birds of a feather flock together!
Evil is like murky water , Christ is like cristal everlasting water
Nah, it just happened that way, Entirely coincidental, just like people keep dying of blood-clot problems shortly after getting the covid vaccine.
la verdad prevalece
But even if we or an angel [messenger] from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed! Galatians 1:8
Apostasy: Bergoglio supports an Argentine old friend, gay activist nun, who inaugurated apartments for transvestite men with their homosexual partners and called them 'girls'More
But even if we or an angel [messenger] from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed! Galatians 1:8

Apostasy: Bergoglio supports an Argentine old friend, gay activist nun, who inaugurated apartments for transvestite men with their homosexual partners and called them 'girls'
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio also supports another gay activist apostate nun from Argentina who has publicly confirmed that Bergoglio in Argentina supported gay adoptions Bergoglio apoyó las adopciones gay en Argentina, y profanó el sacramento del bautismo – gloria.tv
This is yet another evidence that Bergoglio in Argentina no longer professed Catholic doctrine but had rebelled against the natural law of God, …More
Bergoglio also supports another gay activist apostate nun from Argentina who has publicly confirmed that Bergoglio in Argentina supported gay adoptions Bergoglio apoyó las adopciones gay en Argentina, y profanó el sacramento del bautismo – gloria.tv
This is yet another evidence that Bergoglio in Argentina no longer professed Catholic doctrine but had rebelled against the natural law of God, challenging the teachings of the Catholic Church.
michael f
2000 years of Catholic faith and the latin mass is rigid so says the apostasy of Bergoglio and the apostasy of Vatican 2.
De Profundis
“Liberal Catholics are the worst enemies of the Church.” -- Pope Pius IX
One step forward two steps backward technique. Once a peronist always a peronist.
Has Francis once taught that those burdened with James Martin Life style inclinations should embrace chastity not each other? Instead he uses the language of physical proximity & intimacy to talk about God's approach to those so afflicted. Coincidence?
De Profundis
But where is the decadence, debauchery and devilry? No letter for you!
All you need to know about the state of the Church under the Jesuit Regime
Lisi Sterndorfer
Interesting comments.
Also Skojec, "Pope Francis is now clearly on record supporting the "pastoral work" of James Martin. Let's dispense with the fiction that the pope is being used by this man."