
Archbishop: Roses Against Pelosi

The prayers and fasting are AGAINST the Women's "Health" Protection Act

WSJ: It's White Evangelical Christians Who Refuse Vaccines

Imagine "Black Jews Resist Covid-19 Vaccine" as a headline

They admit it. Not concerned about God: "But what will the media say?!?"

The Order of the True is prior to the Order of the Good

Cordileone Won’t Do It For the Sake of "Unity"

I just watched the interview. A charitable interpretation of ABC's argument seems to be: the moral circumstances to this point seem to be evil so he doesn't think he should act. My counter would be that, in this case, not enforcing 915 is an act, the object of which is evil. Adam's sin was a failure to act, a failure to protect the garden and the woman.

Cordileone Won’t Do It For the Sake of "Unity"

I always defend ABC … but this is weak

Comparing COVID Vaccine to Other Vaccines

But not infallibly. It seems to me we might do well to reject the Rubella vaccine as well.

What If Pope Francis Cancels the Latin Mass? | Fr. Dwight Longenecker

“There is no need for [Fr.] to offer the TLM because there is one across town” shows the misunderstanding of the Mass taught in NO seminaries

June Meeting: Why Are the Anti-Catholic American Bishops Afraid of Dialogue?

Is it possible to find a list of the 60?

Archbishop Cordileone's Response to Speaker Pelosi's Comments About the Letter from Luis Ladaria, SJ

Is ABC positioning himself to publicly enforce 915 after the next USCCB meeting?

Unity With the Oligarchs: Vatican Stabs U.S. Bishops in the Back

Hate to back Cd Ladaria, but he is completely right about the local Bishop’s authority. Only a couple of very specific things are named by Rome as being granted to the USCCB’s authority. Everything else is either reserved to Rome or under the local ordinary. Wish the bishops would act on this and essentially disband the USCCB along with all of its funding and “charities”.

Are the Covid-19 Vaccines Immoral? By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

These moral considerations are true, but incomplete. The good object still must be weighed against the evil with which one would cooperate.

Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket | The White House

I love Trump ... but, Beckett died for the rights of the true Church, not “freedom” for individuals to choose wrong religion

Francis, "We Have To Create Civil Unions For Homosexuals"

Usquequo Domine, usquequo

US bishop: Voting for Biden requires ‘reason that outweighs’ 860,000 abortions

Sooooooooo good, Bp. Paprocki! Right on!

A Francis' theologican: Doctrine "changes"

At least he's honest. The hermaneutic of continuity crowd ties themselves in knots trying to characterize the post conciliar Church as a development.

Cardinal Becciu: Vatican official forced out in rare resignation

Like with McCarrick, could it be that Becciu was stripped of his position by the highest authority precisely to avoid a trial/appeal that would implicate others?

Catholic Teachers Threatened in Pronoun Confusion

Situation Ethics at work. Catholic Morality - object, circumstance, intent - safeguards us with clarity.