
Cordileone Won’t Do It For the Sake of "Unity"

CrisisMagazine.com editor Eric Sammons asked “conservative” San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on May 21 why he doesn't deny Communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 81, a leading promotor …More
CrisisMagazine.com editor Eric Sammons asked “conservative” San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone on May 21 why he doesn't deny Communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 81, a leading promotor of abortion who lives in his Archdiocese.
Cordileone replied that after nine years at the helm of the Archdiocese he is “not at that point yet” because he is still in early stages of discerning what would be best for the Church in “preserving unity.”
He argues that Pelosi has “done good” but admitted that this does not justify perpetrating very evil deeds. Asked when the Church - after fifty years of abortion – will finally deny Communion to promotors of abortion, Cordileone replied that he lacks “a social movement behind him.”
Cordileone is one of the most conservative bishops in the West and publicly supports theoretically denying Communion to abortion politicians. However, even after nine years, his position in San Francisco Archdiocese is still weak and has grown weaker with Francis …More
Jan Joseph
Iedereen die voor abortus is, kan niet Rooms Katholiek zijn. Het Rooms Katholieke geloof bestaat uit het Evangelie, de Tien geboden en de Zeven sacramenten, wie op maar een onderdeel hiervan afwijkt mag zich niet Rooms Katholiek noemen. Het weigeren van de Heilige Communie is dan een logisch gevolg.
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How’s this for “a social movement behind him” lifesitenews.com/…olic-laity-in-favor-of-refusing-communion-to-biden
He should be happy the early Christians chose martyrdom over this false unity.
alfred dunn
I wouldn't be down on him; he is a friend, not an enemy.
He's just trying to get press.
John A Cassani
He sounds like a GOP congressman who was hawkish about repealing Obamacare when Obama was president, when repeal was impossible, but chickened out after Trump was elected. It’s unlikely any active bishop will actually instruct that Holy Communion be denied for reason of support for abortion.
I just watched the interview. A charitable interpretation of ABC's argument seems to be: the moral circumstances to this point seem to be evil so he doesn't think he should act. My counter would be that, in this case, not enforcing 915 is an act, the object of which is evil. Adam's sin was a failure to act, a failure to protect the garden and the woman.
I always defend ABC … but this is weak
Encouraging sacrilidge creates the wrong king of unity. With whom do you wish to be United? The Truth or the Father of Lies?
Quo Primum
Canon 915 is not just Church law, it reflects Divine law