
Woke encapsulation: Man is not made in God's image. We remake Him into ours. Once He is subjugated (…

Lutheran and Luciferian. These "Religious" "Leaders" are leading their flock into the abyss.

Celebrating a thousand years of pilgrimage: France's Mont-Saint-Michel

Is the one in England Catholic?

Delaware bishop condemns proposed bill violating 'nonnegotiable' seal of confession - LifeSite

I am a from the Wilmington Archdiocese and this Bishop is a smart bishop who quietly protects his Flock from un-Catholic directives and teachings coming from where our Lady forewarned that "will lose the faith and become the seat...". The Mass of the Ages is protected and the teaching of Holy mother Church are preached without waiver; specially when statements, news, etc. coming from you know where …More
I am a from the Wilmington Archdiocese and this Bishop is a smart bishop who quietly protects his Flock from un-Catholic directives and teachings coming from where our Lady forewarned that "will lose the faith and become the seat...". The Mass of the Ages is protected and the teaching of Holy mother Church are preached without waiver; specially when statements, news, etc. coming from you know where, contradict the deposit of faith. There are other diocese's in the vicinity that do the same and on occasion wisely instruct the faithful not to post pictures of the mass of the ages in social media to protect it from the news reaching you know where. The persecuted church wisely judges when to be public and when silence is the wiser option for the good of the flock.

"Semi-Clandestine" Latin Masses the Future for Faithful Catholics?

One of my favorite charitable monthly donations is LifeSiteNews. I stopped donating to Peter Pence and the Annual Bishops Appeal for the un-Catholic use of money (Contraceptives, Gay movies, etc.). I should actually increase my monthly and suggest other faithful Catholic join in supporting their apostolate.

FBI whistleblower releases docs showing agency is surveilling 'Radical' Latin Mass Catholics - LifeSite

Is this what Anti Pope Bergolio asked from the Puppet in return for defending him from the Bishops in relation to abortion? Hhmmm.

BREAKING: US Military on Ukraine Border Will Enter Conflict

The exact Potassium Iodine is available for $25 (instead of $40) on Amazon.

"The Top 20 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Globe" - Flat Earth has long been denigrated, derided and …

This is not a serious post 🤪. I guess unless you also don't believe in gravity.

Know-It-All Bishop: Homosexuality "Does Not" Decide Eternal Salvation

The statement is misleading (like the double tongue of the devil). Obstinance and failure to repent of it is. Promoting and deceiving others of it is also a mortal sin Mr. Bishop.

Law enforcement is spying on America via "smart" utility systems that surreptitiously share data …

Interesting that these smart readers are capturing the frequencies of the devices being used in a home and reporting that back to anyone at all. Let alone law enforcement without a warrant. If you're wondering... all devices has a frequency signature that can be used to determine what the device is. This is similar to the technology that the Sense Energy Monitor uses to inform you of how much and …More
Interesting that these smart readers are capturing the frequencies of the devices being used in a home and reporting that back to anyone at all. Let alone law enforcement without a warrant. If you're wondering... all devices has a frequency signature that can be used to determine what the device is. This is similar to the technology that the Sense Energy Monitor uses to inform you of how much and what device is using electricity.

This priest calls the trans-disordered "Miss Pentecost"

Clearly not a Catholic church.

Francis Shelfs "Poverty" Ideology, Opens Luxury Mall

Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11, Matthew 21:13, John 2:16, Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46