This priest calls the trans-disordered "Miss Pentecost"
De Profundis
I think I saw it was a Methodist church but I don’t know
De Profundis
I'm less offended that the guy on the right dresses up and pretends to be a woman than I am that the guy on the left dresses up and pretends to be a priest.
Catholique et Français
Pourriture !
Virginie Fortin shares this
Voilà un errement liturgique de plus. Apparemment il n’est pas le fait du rite traditionnel de la messe.
🤮 🤮 🤮 Suppôts de l'Enfer
Oh dear God, it sounds like there was a packed audience and not just a set of perverted parents of these poor children. This is evil abomination. Is this a Catholic Church or some cult church?
I googled it. It's a Methodist church. The drag queen goes by the name of Miss Penny Cost. Sickening.
Je l’ai googlé. C’est une église méthodiste. La drag queen s’appelle Miss Penny Cost. Écœurant.
Méthodistes célèbres
Au xxe siècle et xxie siècle, George W. Bush, John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton et sa fille Chelsea Clinton, le président philippin Fidel V. Ramos ou l'écrivain Stephen King sont des méthodistes pratiquants, au même titre que le furent Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela et Abel Muzorewa, évêque méthodiste et Premier ministre du Zimbabwe en 1979.
Méthodisme …More
Méthodistes célèbres

Au xxe siècle et xxie siècle, George W. Bush, John Edwards, Hillary Rodham Clinton et sa fille Chelsea Clinton, le président philippin Fidel V. Ramos ou l'écrivain Stephen King sont des méthodistes pratiquants, au même titre que le furent Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela et Abel Muzorewa, évêque méthodiste et Premier ministre du Zimbabwe en 1979.
Méthodisme — Wikipédia (wikipedia.org)
J Just
Worst of all he's twisting God's words in the Bible to try and justify his warped morality. He says "we follow a God who calls us to not conform to the things of this world". This type of depravity is exactly what God meant when he said do not conform to the world. "Be in the world but not of the world" Jesus said. Has this guy ever read the Bible? There are more than enough verses condemning this …More
Worst of all he's twisting God's words in the Bible to try and justify his warped morality. He says "we follow a God who calls us to not conform to the things of this world". This type of depravity is exactly what God meant when he said do not conform to the world. "Be in the world but not of the world" Jesus said. Has this guy ever read the Bible? There are more than enough verses condemning this sort of thing. Here's one: “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 22:5
Seems pretty clear to me.
J Just
Ye shall know them by their fruits
Sally Dorman shares this
This is absolutely not Christianity. It is a perversion.
Where are the parents?
Live Mike
Hope father's millstone fits comfortably. See Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, Luke 17:2
I so pity the poor children that have to listen to this monster and the freak
Laura Yunque
This is absolutely horrific.
Sacrilege; it is better that a mill stone be tied around your neck than that you scandalize these children; the children are obviously so upset by the frank sexuality of that person pretending to be a woman that they are missing the strange message of the priest. Calling that person Miss Penticost! Dear God have mercy on them and the poor children.
Clearly not a Catholic church.
John A Cassani
I’m really hoping this is an Episcopal church.