
Schneider: Francis' Synod Is Copycat of German Synod

The Instrumentum Laboris of Francis' Ex-Bishops' Synod undermines the Church's constitution and invents a “synodal church” that is secular, bureaucratic, anthropocentric, and doctrinally vague, writes …More
The Instrumentum Laboris of Francis' Ex-Bishops' Synod undermines the Church's constitution and invents a “synodal church” that is secular, bureaucratic, anthropocentric, and doctrinally vague, writes Bishop Schneider on CatholicThings.com (June 29).
It makes episcopal authority dependent on advisory bodies, following secular institutions.
The Church’s hierarchy is undermined by an ambiguous use of the word “ministry,” which is wrongly attributed to both the ordained and the non-ordained.
The hierarchy is further undermined by the call for womens' diaconate and for women’s participation in governance.
The divine moral law is undermined by the absence of any discussion of sin, Schneider writes, and the homosex movement is promoted.
For Schneider, the Instrumentum Laboris promotes the same anti-Catholic ideas as the German Synod.
Picture: Athanasius Schneider © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsRdaabhmlgu
Jan Joseph
Hoe gekker de Rooms Katholieke Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, de Novus Ordo kerk wordt, hoe sneller de Traditionele Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerk, van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, groeit. De Sint Pius X broederschap en de Sint Petrus broederschap kunnen de aanvragen voor het stichten van nieuwe Traditionele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke parochies al niet meer …More
Hoe gekker de Rooms Katholieke Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, de Novus Ordo kerk wordt, hoe sneller de Traditionele Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerk, van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie, groeit. De Sint Pius X broederschap en de Sint Petrus broederschap kunnen de aanvragen voor het stichten van nieuwe Traditionele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke parochies al niet meer aan. Gelukkig lopen de seminaries van de beide broederschappen vol en worden er nieuwe seminaries gesticht.
@Rafał_Ovile Exactly!
Since 2013 all laws (Divine, Church, natural, and civil) are undermined by masonic infiltration and revolution from the The Domus Sanctae Marthae. Unfortunately untill now no effective counter-revolution has been undertaken due to false obedience and fear of being excommunicated...
I suppose AD 2013 has in some heads with poor memory the magick, I dare to say almost Kabbalistic meaning. The truth is: the mystery of iniquity, of undermining the Church by the people presenting themselves as standing at Her helm has started long before 2013. And masons were coming to the Vatican praised as "dear friends" long before. All laws were undermined by disasters like Vatican II, by the …More
I suppose AD 2013 has in some heads with poor memory the magick, I dare to say almost Kabbalistic meaning. The truth is: the mystery of iniquity, of undermining the Church by the people presenting themselves as standing at Her helm has started long before 2013. And masons were coming to the Vatican praised as "dear friends" long before. All laws were undermined by disasters like Vatican II, by the sacramental coup of Montini, by outrageous scandals of Wojtyla, by the doublespeak of Ratzinger. Then Bergoglio came as a logical conclusion to this mess.
He fights with the traditional Mass? Well, Paul VI had begun that fight. He exalts "ecological conversion", Abrahamic Religions BS and the Abu Dhabi spirit? Well, he continues to walk in JPII's shoes. He does not care to hide his revolutionary spirit and upbringing? Well, good for us after years of pretensions of Ratzingerian sophistry.
People say that his texts contain heresies. Have they read Ut unum sint for example?
V.R.S. Traditional mainstream adheres to belief and clinches to position of Cardinal Bergoglio being the continuity of "VII and its popes" which contradicts reality and allows for continuous unprecedented destruction in the visible Church history.
Popes who were canonically (accordingly to law) elected are accused of successive responsibility for the chaos of today by the continuity of error. …More
V.R.S. Traditional mainstream adheres to belief and clinches to position of Cardinal Bergoglio being the continuity of "VII and its popes" which contradicts reality and allows for continuous unprecedented destruction in the visible Church history.

Popes who were canonically (accordingly to law) elected are accused of successive responsibility for the chaos of today by the continuity of error. However, applying collective responsibility in error and sin is absurd potentially leading through archeological error to the original sin and rebellion of satan, erroneous determinism. Therefore in Roman law which is basis for Christian civilization applies principle of being accounted individually for responsibility in breaking the law.

Unfortunately justifiers of Bergoglio's crimes as being the consequence of mother Vatican II and her popes is rather imagination due to warped theology, philosophy, logics etc. than true reality. There is abundance of examples of the contradictory antipapacy of Bergoglio to the post VII Montini, etc pontificate of BXVI, i.e. establishment and destruction of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate in the roman rite etc. Further see analysis on the Bergoglian crimes by theological reflections, Abp. Lenga, Bp. Williamson, fr Kramer, prof. John Rao, Seifert, Socci etc. and effect on state of the Church. Many other recognizing reality are fearful to point and oppose face to face. The present "pontificate" accepted by tradition is consequence of the failure to distinguish the substance from the accidentals in Church being. The warped mind connects into identical being the parallel existence of accidental apostates of antichurch and the Catholic substance of Church. Those who remain in the comfort zone lack truth, unwilling to make the distinction and share their persecution with brethren. Thereby avoid being punished and deprived of privileges offered by the regime occupying Vatican, practicing political and religious correctness.

Despite past errors the papal hermeneutics of continuity with tradition to salvage remains of Church unity has illuminated the depraved consciences and intellects of ideologues who have rejected pope Benedict XVI and fallen to the deception created by the son of Mafia St Gallen. The gradual return of Pope Benedict XVI steering Church towards tradition is incompatible with their perspective of Montini to Ratzinger being continuity of evil, as if implicitly sede-vacantic. Therefore they now affirm the false continuity of error derived from successive responsibility through the last pontificates failing to recognize the difference between heresy and apostasy, papacy and antipapacy, trying hard to curry all favors for themselves while straining out a gnat, and swallowing a camel.
"Traditional mainstream adheres to belief and clinches to position of Cardinal Bergoglio being the continuity of "VII and its popes" which contradicts reality..."
Where does it contradict reality the world wonders?
Let us take the destruction of the Roman Rite Mass. Paul VI did it, Wojtyla did it, Benedict did it (he dared to change the Good Friday liturgy to satisfy the Jewish …More
"Traditional mainstream adheres to belief and clinches to position of Cardinal Bergoglio being the continuity of "VII and its popes" which contradicts reality..."
Where does it contradict reality the world wonders?
Let us take the destruction of the Roman Rite Mass. Paul VI did it, Wojtyla did it, Benedict did it (he dared to change the Good Friday liturgy to satisfy the Jewish lobby and claim the Roman Rite is the extraordinary form corresponding to the "ordinary" Bugninian liturgy), Bergoglio does it.
Communion in hand: the same
Consecration formula changes: it started with Paul VI
Traditional sacramental rites destruction: the same
Insane ecumenism: The spirit of Assisi was introduced by Wojtyla, sustained by Ratzinger and renamed by Bergoglio to the spirit of Abu Dhabi
"Ecological conversion": the same insanity was proclaimed by Wojtyla
Pachamama idol in 2019 was preceded by Buddha idol in 1986
Synodalism - started with Vatican II, celebrated during the preceeding pontificates
Erroneous post-conciliar antropocentrism is the same starting from Gaudium et spes ending wih Bergoglio.
BTW, "St. Gallen Mafia" is not worse than AJC/B'nai B'rith lobby during Vatican II or the Wojtylian ponfiticate.
So can you please stop kidding and tell me what Bergoglio invented that had not been invented before by his predecessors?
V.R.S. in the case of liturgy are there documents of popes VII - Montini to Ratzinger forbidding / limiting Mass, similar to TC ? Contrary there is Summorum Pontificum affirming the Mass... As in my comment above the Bergoglian criminal case outreaches Church reality, doctrine and canon law... i.e. collaboration in genocide with Big Pharma, pro-choice , lgbt movements completely opposite to pp John …More
V.R.S. in the case of liturgy are there documents of popes VII - Montini to Ratzinger forbidding / limiting Mass, similar to TC ? Contrary there is Summorum Pontificum affirming the Mass... As in my comment above the Bergoglian criminal case outreaches Church reality, doctrine and canon law... i.e. collaboration in genocide with Big Pharma, pro-choice , lgbt movements completely opposite to pp John Paul II prolife stand... Please open your eyes....
" in the case of liturgy are there documents of popes VII - Montini to Ratzinger forbidding / limiting Mass, similar to TC ?"
Are you kidding me? Montini made priests that wanted to retain the traditional Mass suspended. That is how the so-called Lefebvre affair started. John Paul II excommunicated Lefebvre and his bishops naming them (slanderously) schismatics (at the same time …More
" in the case of liturgy are there documents of popes VII - Montini to Ratzinger forbidding / limiting Mass, similar to TC ?"
Are you kidding me? Montini made priests that wanted to retain the traditional Mass suspended. That is how the so-called Lefebvre affair started. John Paul II excommunicated Lefebvre and his bishops naming them (slanderously) schismatics (at the same time calling real schismatics "sister Churches"). Benedict pretended that nothing had happened and his intrinsically contradictory Summorum Pontificum says the Roman Rite has not been abrogated but at the same time illegally imposes the indult system on it and insulting the Faith and reason tries to even it with the Bugninian rite created to destroy it.
BTW, TC is not forbidding / limiting the Roman Mass because it is not able to cause such a legal effect.

My question:
So can you please stop kidding and tell me what Bergoglio invented that had not been invented before by his predecessors?

remains open.

PS Montini imposed completely new rites foreign to the tradition of the Holy Roman Church regarding all Seven Sacraments. I do not remember Bergoglio doing a similar thing.
V.R.S. Catholic liturgy which you take out of the whole context and Sacraments don't guarantee absolute immunity to heresies, errors , apostasies otherwise such sins would have never existed before VII. Paradoxically the Bergoglian occupation of St Martha, potentially the false prophet, has actually and integrally revealed the traditional betrayal towards the Church and Abp Lefebrve's resistence …More
V.R.S. Catholic liturgy which you take out of the whole context and Sacraments don't guarantee absolute immunity to heresies, errors , apostasies otherwise such sins would have never existed before VII. Paradoxically the Bergoglian occupation of St Martha, potentially the false prophet, has actually and integrally revealed the traditional betrayal towards the Church and Abp Lefebrve's resistence through Una Cum with the man who formally stands against the will of God, His Church, the TLM etc. as none has ever done before... Your false reasoning fails to recognize that every human being must (free) will faithfullness to God based on properly formed conscience to enable himself for reception of the graces offered at Mass and in Sacraments. Eventhough Judas attended the Catholic Mass with God Himself he has tragically rejected all graces being set the prototype traitor for all Catholics to avoid. Therefore firstly one should combat vices and perfect virtues with humility to deserve the perfect liturgy... Finally please familiarize yourself with existing laws so not to sophistically reduce my comment and our dialogue solely to liturgical dispute....
"Catholic liturgy which you take out of the whole context and Sacraments don't guarantee absolute immunity to heresies"
Do not change the topic please. We are not talking here theoretizing about immunity to heresies but facts - what post-conciliar Popes did to the Church:
Fact: Paul VI tried to throw out all sacramental rites of the Holy Roman Church out of the window and replace …More
"Catholic liturgy which you take out of the whole context and Sacraments don't guarantee absolute immunity to heresies"
Do not change the topic please. We are not talking here theoretizing about immunity to heresies but facts - what post-conciliar Popes did to the Church:
Fact: Paul VI tried to throw out all sacramental rites of the Holy Roman Church out of the window and replace them with artficially created new rites.
Francis - he barely wants to keep up with the Montinis.
@V.R.S. Bergoglian antichurch concessed tradition has no future and doomed to fall... Catholicism is not about quantity but quality....
Let's name Bergoglio "arch-heretic and anti-christ" and forget about his predecessors is a program for people with amnesia that do not want to go for the Truth to find Vatican II that lies underneath the whole crisis: sustaining the post-conciliar structure where Bergoglio is only the grotesque icing on the cake.
Who invented nominating Bergoglio as a kind of scapegoat? Is fecit cui …More
Let's name Bergoglio "arch-heretic and anti-christ" and forget about his predecessors is a program for people with amnesia that do not want to go for the Truth to find Vatican II that lies underneath the whole crisis: sustaining the post-conciliar structure where Bergoglio is only the grotesque icing on the cake.
Who invented nominating Bergoglio as a kind of scapegoat? Is fecit cui prodest - as the Romans used to say. I would suspect Opus Dei - "the heart and the brain of the Conciliar Church" as late Fr. Hesse used to say, strong during JPII&Ratzinger reign but now replaced by "St. Gallen" Jesuits.
It is probably the mythos of those circles.
V.R.S.Francis objectively doesn't fit into any category of erring popes in 2000 years, neither recent pre nor post VII reality, due to the fact of not being elected canonically and gravity of crime. Even if doubtful election wouldn't be the case then 10+ year reality of inner division and his outer cooperation with antichrist globalism, explicitly reveals antichurch in the complete destruction of …More
V.R.S.Francis objectively doesn't fit into any category of erring popes in 2000 years, neither recent pre nor post VII reality, due to the fact of not being elected canonically and gravity of crime. Even if doubtful election wouldn't be the case then 10+ year reality of inner division and his outer cooperation with antichrist globalism, explicitly reveals antichurch in the complete destruction of visible Mother Church and affirmation of sodomic decadence leading to abrupt fall of civilization in every dimension. Even Bp. Schneider, being delicate and respectful towards "Pope Francis", recently realized the Constitution of the Church is at stake. The traditional sell out for privileges has a long history. Therefore abandoning resistance against the destruction and falsely justifying individual acts by theories of successively inherited and determinant errors could be accounted as cooperation with evil...