Eric Frankovitch
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Easter Vigil: Participants Morph into Lemmings and Sheep (Video)

A so-called "Easter Vigil" at St Antonius Parish in Gronau, Diocese of Münster, Germany, included a dance for everyone with some attempts at singing. The performance took place after the priest had …More
A so-called "Easter Vigil" at St Antonius Parish in Gronau, Diocese of Münster, Germany, included a dance for everyone with some attempts at singing.
The performance took place after the priest had distributed communion in the hands. It was led by a lady dressed in a white robe, who stood in front of the Novus Ordo table. The priest, behind the table, and the congregation followed her like lemmings.
The woman explained how to proceed: two steps to the left and clap three times, then two steps back and clap again three times (etc.). As if this was not silly enough, the Novus Ordo victims began to sing sequences from Sydney Carter's "Lord of the Dance" (1963).
The priest expressed surprise at the willingness of the sheep to participate in this farce, and suggested that they add a turn in 2025 - because folly is like a cancer: It tends to grow.
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Jerusalem: Orthodox Jews Attack Benedictine Abbot

Two young Orthodox Jews were arrested after they attacked and spat at Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel in Jerusalem on Saturday 3 February. Schnabel ist the abbot of the Benedictine Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem …More
Two young Orthodox Jews were arrested after they attacked and spat at Abbot Nikodemus Schnabel in Jerusalem on Saturday 3 February.
Schnabel ist the abbot of the Benedictine Dormition Abbey in Jerusalem. The monk was surprised by two young Orthodox Jews, one of them a minor. They began to attack him and spit on him.
The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem on Sunday condemned the "unjustified and shameful attack" in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City.
"The persistence of hateful acts increases the feeling of insecurity among Christian religious in the Holy Land and especially in Jerusalem," added the Patriarchate's note published on Twitter.
The two criminals are now "under house arrest" (sic). Catholic monks and sisters are regularly targeted in Jerusalem.
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Opus Dei. Letter to Francis from a Female Spanish Supernumerary

Wednesday 16 August 2023 Dear Holy? Father? I am (or was, thanks to you) a supernumerary of Opus Dei in Barcelona. I made no secret of my opinion of you, based on facts and not opinions, talking to …More
Wednesday 16 August 2023
Dear Holy? Father?
I am (or was, thanks to you) a supernumerary of Opus Dei in Barcelona. I made no secret of my opinion of you, based on facts and not opinions, talking to the priests to whom I went to confession and also to the laity of this institution.
While I was threatened with expulsion, which in the end did not happen, other members of Opus Dei greeted my account of your misdeeds in the Church of Jesus Christ with disbelief. What kind of preternatural blindness afflicts them?
But I will not call you Holy Father, because you are neither a saint (what saint would rip more than 80,000 lay members of Opus Dei from their living womb by decree without reflection, leaving them in terrible moral uncertainty?) nor a father, but an evil stepfather who attacks the good because it gives glory to God. I imagine that the destruction of Opus Dei will be one of the most prestigious decorations with which Satan will reward you when you go to hell.
The list of your faults …More
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Müller Sides With Pell: Synod’s Document "Not Catholic"

Cardinal Müller was „very shocked” when hearing about Cardinal Pell’s death, he told (January 12). Both lived in the same house, had a lot of contact, and "fought for the same side." Müller …More
Cardinal Müller was „very shocked” when hearing about Cardinal Pell’s death, he told (January 12).
Both lived in the same house, had a lot of contact, and "fought for the same side."
Müller says he was “absolutely" on Pell's line. They agreed that the Synod’s working document is “absolutely not Catholic” and constitutes a shift to a not-Catholic understanding of revelation and the Church.
The 2022 Demos memo which calls Francis’ pontificate a “catastrophe” contains for Müller thoughts to which “we have to react" because "we have to follow Christ and not the strange ideas of those people who want to make a great reset of the world.”
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Francis Asks Prayers For "Very Sick" Benedict XVI

Francis said at the December 28 general audience that his predecessor, Benedict XVI, is "very sick." "I would like to ask you all for a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict, who in silence is …More
Francis said at the December 28 general audience that his predecessor, Benedict XVI, is "very sick."
"I would like to ask you all for a special prayer for Pope Emeritus Benedict, who in silence is supporting the Church. Remember him - he is very sick - asking the Lord to console him, and sustain him in this witness of love for the Church, until the end."
He didn't elaborate on the condition of Benedict. It wasn't clear if Francis was speaking about Benedict's health in general or if he has some illness.
Francis visited Benedict after today’s general audience.
Vatican‘s spokesman Matteo Bruni confirmed regarding Benedict’s health condition that “in the last few hours there has been an aggravation due to advancing age,”
“The situation at the moment remains under control, constantly monitored by doctors.”
God bless Pope Benedict.
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Franics Appointed Mariana Mazzucato - Atheist, WEF Member and Abortion Activist

Francis has appointed Italian atheist, left-wing ideologue and abortion activist Mariana Mazzucato, 54, as a full member of the Pontifical Academy Against Life. Mazzucato is an economist at University …More
Francis has appointed Italian atheist, left-wing ideologue and abortion activist Mariana Mazzucato, 54, as a full member of the Pontifical Academy Against Life.
Mazzucato is an economist at University College London. In June, she shared a video on Twitter with a tirade against Christians after the US Supreme Court overturned abortion. Her comment on the video (below): "So good!"
She is one of the forces behind the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which promote abortion, contraception, sexual indoctrination and homosexuality. Mazzucato is also a member of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Picture: Mariana Mazzucato, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsCanqdolmdp
Hound of Heaven
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Schneider: "If We Formally Disobey Francis, We Obey The Church Of All Times"

Bishop Athanasius Schneider told (12 October, video below) that he opposes Francis because the Church is "not a dictatorship". "In a dictatorship, everyone is afraid to speak out …More
Bishop Athanasius Schneider told (12 October, video below) that he opposes Francis because the Church is "not a dictatorship".
"In a dictatorship, everyone is afraid to speak out because the dictator will suddenly punish you. But that should [sic!] not be the atmosphere in the Church," he said.
The bishop stressed that the current crisis over Catholic doctrine and the papacy was unique in the entire history of the Church. Not even the immoral Renaissance popes caused scandals by confusing doctrine.
Schneider sees "poor Francis" in a pitiable situation because he will have to answer to God one day "for leaving such a mess in the Church."
Therefore, he said, Francis' harmful orders should not be obeyed if they undermine the faith or take away the treasure of the liturgy: "Even if we would formally disobey, we will obey the whole Church of all times."
Schneider believes that canceled priests who oppose the dictatorship of Francis and his bishops cannot be fully independent …More
@Chat Chartreux -How is the SSPX not in “full communion” with the Catholic Church? John-Paul the Second was a genuine Supreme Pontiff and Marcel …More
@Chat Chartreux
-How is the SSPX not in “full communion” with the Catholic Church?
John-Paul the Second was a genuine Supreme Pontiff and Marcel Lefebvre provoked the schism of 1988. He was indubitably excommunicated along with the five others because he performed episcopal consecrations after he received an official warning from the reigning Supreme Pontiff formally commanding the Archbishop to refrain from proceeding.
Having many good points about how things should be done in the Church, being treated unfairly to some degree, and saying in public that you don’t care about being excommunicated; all those elements do not give anybody a special right to split from the One Catholic Church.
Then came the schism. Subsequently the Successor of the Apostle Peter had no authority over the new parallel ‘church’ given that Fr. Schmidberger was the administrator and Archbishop Lefebvre the patriarch without ecclesiastical Communion with the Supreme Pontiff to whom obedience and submission are due. …More
Chat Chartreux they reject pope Benedict XVI and accept 'Una cum' Francis. How is the SSPX not in "full communion" with the Catholic Church?More
Chat Chartreux they reject pope Benedict XVI and accept 'Una cum' Francis.
How is the SSPX not in "full communion" with the Catholic Church?
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