
Fire on the Spire of Rouen Cathedral

This is the cathedral, which is also 500 yrds from where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. Joan of Arc will be specially avenged this year. Mind my words.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

My Jesus talks to me every day, all day long. I call this "my Jesus", because if I simply say: Jesus talks to me, then most people become angry somehow. For me, I hear what I hear. And I tell you what I hear and see, and I tell here sometimes what my Jesus wants me to tell in public. He showed me the heavens, and the base thereof. He showed me hell and the workings of the spirit. For me, it is clear …Más
My Jesus talks to me every day, all day long. I call this "my Jesus", because if I simply say: Jesus talks to me, then most people become angry somehow. For me, I hear what I hear. And I tell you what I hear and see, and I tell here sometimes what my Jesus wants me to tell in public. He showed me the heavens, and the base thereof. He showed me hell and the workings of the spirit. For me, it is clear. I know that my Jesus is the Jesus. The same Jesus from the Holy Trinity. There is no problem in saying my Jesus. You have your Jesus, and if my Jesus and your Jesus are the same Jesus, fine. If it is not, then also fine. Any explanation that we have about Jesus here on earth is a graven image, because we want to explain heavenly things with earthly references and spiritual things with human knowledge. Indeed, that makes us all pharisees. Pharisees, because graven images that are worshipped (accepted) make change difficult because you need to shatter the graven image and make a new one. And that hurts our pride. Because graven images are not really the problem. Worshipping a graven image. That is what leads to the second death. And the interpretation we have of God and the heavens is a graven image that the church teaches and most likely is not completely correct. As knowledge and understanding advance, we must shatter the old image and make that graven image new. Every time again. And people are proud of their interpretations they have of their God and the ideas they have of the heavens. For you, just read what I say and judge for yourself. I can see that you are good at judging your way, because your spirituality is limited to legalities, while I am sorry to notice that, from my viewpoint, most things you say lack true spirituality. My Jesus speaks spiritually in parables, and as far as I can see, you don't seem to catch the similes because your questions are of this world, and I will or cannot answer most of them with worldly answers. My Jesus warns me not to do that. I would never defend my religion with obvious facts, much less with clauses like because it is written or the church teaches. That is for lawyers, and I am an engineer. I am not afraid to make mistakes and pass through the valley of death. Being a lawyer is a good starting point, though.
I just reread what we just spoke about, and indeed, all the things I say sound crazy if you read them with two feet in the world. Spiritual knowledge is like a key. If you are spiritual and you have spiritual knowledge, then suddenly it will make sense. I mean, if you had my spirituality, of course, my spirituality is the spirituality that my Jesus taught me. He came to me and spoke to you through me to teach you his spirituality. Unless my Jesus is not, that would mean that I am crazy. You decide.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

My Jesus says to me: My church is held hostage by Social Sciences. They are blind and see not what I want them to see. Administrators, philosophers, Masters of art , history, social sciences and psychology. I hear them say: Correctly administer the host. Know ye that I am that host. You reason from the world. I, truly being that host, according to them, cannot be administered to a sinner. What do …Más
My Jesus says to me: My church is held hostage by Social Sciences. They are blind and see not what I want them to see. Administrators, philosophers, Masters of art , history, social sciences and psychology. I hear them say: Correctly administer the host. Know ye that I am that host. You reason from the world. I, truly being that host, according to them, cannot be administered to a sinner. What do you think? Will I be defiled or will the sinner be cleansed? Now that you think the former you underestimate me and believe not that I am.

And God had already foretold all this concerning the pharisees that lead the Catholic church from the beginning.

11 Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: `Ask, I pray thee, the priests [of] the law, saying:

12 Lo, one doth carry holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and he hath come with his skirt against the bread, or against the pottage, or against the wine, or against the oil, or against any food -- is it holy?' And the priests answer and say, `No.'

13 And Haggai saith, `If the unclean of body doth come against any of these, is it unclean?' And the priests answer and say, `It is unclean.'

14 And Haggai answereth and saith, `So [is] this people, and so [is] this nation before Me -- an affirmation of Jehovah -- and so [is] every work of their hands, and that which they bring near there -- it is unclean.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

Ah, ok, I see you just don't read or understand what I say. I resume your words. Once a thief, always a thief. Once a homosexual, always a homosexual. Jesus said: Do not presume to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I tell you that out of these stones, God can raise up children for Abraham. Let alone from homosexuals.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

Yeah, yeah. I don't like your kind of Catholics who defend themselves with fallacies like "the first four words sum it up.". then "Just read the catechism." followed by an insult. Neofarisees searching for claptraps.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

@English Catholic Well, in my view, if you feel that you must give something up, then there remains tension between what you want and what you do. That will stand in the way between celibacy and you, and thus between Jesus and you. It will affect your performance, because you are not honestly what you say you are. Giving something up in your implicit definition means that a lack of this something …Más
@English Catholic Well, in my view, if you feel that you must give something up, then there remains tension between what you want and what you do. That will stand in the way between celibacy and you, and thus between Jesus and you. It will affect your performance, because you are not honestly what you say you are. Giving something up in your implicit definition means that a lack of this something is a sacrifice. I think past that and presume that after the decision of honest celibacy, a complete passivation has taken place that had posteriorly led to a Christ driven conversion. In that latter case, a said "homosexual" could transform into a Christ like creation that in all cases when Jesus Christ is done with this person, is not homosexual any longer, but a celibate creature in Christ. Don't underestimate Jesus. However, something inside me says that if a person previously used certain sexuality as part of his identity, then it will be very difficult to rid of that true identity, because he will need to rid of himself. Therefore, I say that the motivation to become priests of such people is probably a dubious justification of a secondary agenda.

Australian politicians attack Elon Musk for refusing to remove video of Orthodox bishop's stabbing -…

And I go with Musk's opinion here, because the truth will provide some sense of dignity. Dignity gets totally lost with censorship and demogogic measures. However, the truth does not always lead to peace, but it will lead to dignity. Jesus wants it that way I think.

Netherlands: Homosexual to Become Priest Next Year

Becoming a priest is a calling. Becoming celibate is a calling. A calling means that you really want something from the inner part of yourself. So it means that the thing you want most is to become a priest, and the thing you want most is to give up your sexuality for Jesus and become celibate.... But when you mention your sexual tendency after you decide to become a priest, then why do you want to …Más
Becoming a priest is a calling. Becoming celibate is a calling. A calling means that you really want something from the inner part of yourself. So it means that the thing you want most is to become a priest, and the thing you want most is to give up your sexuality for Jesus and become celibate.... But when you mention your sexual tendency after you decide to become a priest, then why do you want to become a priest? It is all in the motivations and intentions.

Australian politicians attack Elon Musk for refusing to remove video of Orthodox bishop's stabbing -…

The Australian government is convinced that violence will diminish to acceptable proportions, when this stabbing and all the motivations behind it are hidden from the public. In other words, they think that censorship will eventually lead to peace. Musk is convinced that free speech is an equalizer of sorts and that censorship will eventually lead to inflation of the situation until society explodes …Más
The Australian government is convinced that violence will diminish to acceptable proportions, when this stabbing and all the motivations behind it are hidden from the public. In other words, they think that censorship will eventually lead to peace. Musk is convinced that free speech is an equalizer of sorts and that censorship will eventually lead to inflation of the situation until society explodes in violence on a greater scale. I think, after many years, a predictable outcome of cause and effect is still not known.

Bishop Schneider, Is It Okay to Use Hypnosis?

What an immense display of ignorance from this bishop!
Schneider should just say, I don't know much (nothing) about hypnosis.

Calling the Shroud of Turin a "Medieval European Forgery" Is a Forgery

Well, maybe they did not put the coins there for that purpose. But for any other reason that is not mentioned anywhere. A divine inspiration of the moment.

Calling the Shroud of Turin a "Medieval European Forgery" Is a Forgery

Coins on the eyes were there to protect the epitelium on the cornea from scourging during the resurrection process. The skin could very well support the radiation, but the eyes could not. I did some experiments with radiation to see what is necessary to get an image on linen, shown here in this video.
(3 of 4)Challenge: imprint hand image on linen

Francis Has Given up Presiding at the Novus Ordo Eucharist

not head of the church, but ahead of his plans.

Liturgical Matters: Why are there six candlesticks on the altar?

Because the burning altar is the base and the seventh stick, thus forming a menorah with seven burning candles. The altar burns with the light that comes from the consecrated host.

Christ Said Otherwise Picture: ©, CC BY-ND, #newsCbjmfcucdy

The way of Lennon.

Strickland goes to Medjugorje (misspelled in his post)

In his case, sounds like they gave him the choice. Like in. You go there or you will be removed. So he somehow gave in, and he could tell the world he was not removed.

Strickland goes to Medjugorje (misspelled in his post)

Let's wait for his verdict.

Francis’ Birthday: Was It a Coincidence? By Father Brian W. Harrison, OS

Mm. The staff in great shape, without holiness? What would that mean?
O yes of course.
48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ 49 and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will …Más
Mm. The staff in great shape, without holiness? What would that mean?
O yes of course.

48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ 49 and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.