Messaggio di Gesù a un angelo inedito agli scienziati. Forse questo è un avvertimento dato ad alcuni veggenti. Parlando di due castighi.Más
Messaggio di Gesù a un angelo inedito agli scienziati.
Forse questo è un avvertimento dato ad alcuni veggenti.
Parlando di due castighi.
Caterina Greco
di quale veggente stiamo parlando?
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Warning Message of Jesus to the mystic Unreleased Angel. Jesus other than the social phenomenon he was poised to, was rejected by the church. For this reason these messages may sound strange. By any …Más
Warning Message of Jesus to the mystic Unreleased Angel.
Jesus other than the social phenomenon he was poised to, was rejected by the church. For this reason these messages may sound strange.
By any means you will only revisit this message once it is too late.
No offense.
Public message from Jesus, as it was conveyed to the mystic unreleas_d_angel.
Advertencia de Nuestro Señor Jesu-Cristo al mundo, dado al vidente místico Unreleas_d_Angel.
SI verdad, suena como metal que resuena, ó címbalo que retiñe.
Decir mentiras es un poco matizado. Quizás es polémico.
Un comentario más
Mensaje del señor Jesu-cristo al vidente místico Unreleas_d_Angel.
Hear the Holy spirit for yourself! Do you want to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself, then please watch this video. Note that I am designing and constructing a Holy Spirit magnification machine. Now …Más
Hear the Holy spirit for yourself!
Do you want to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself, then please watch this video. Note that I am designing and constructing a Holy Spirit magnification machine. Now this machine is constructed and functional. In this video I make evident that this machine can also imprint Turin shroud like images with it. This is no coincidence. This machine magnifies the Lord without you needing to pray and fast. This machine provides the lamp that we all have inside us with the necessary oil. After your enlightenment with this machine you can hear the Holy Spirit. He talks to you through His burning fire that feels like a strong wind when you speak or hear truth. All the while you would feel nothing when you speak or hear false. This machine is important because not everybody has the time to pray and fast. And there is much lies going around in this world. The collected Spiritual Lamps of the people is turning off in this world and makes way for gross darkness. For this …Más
Yes I am very serious, this is an invitation to you and the other kings, the king's kinsmen and heirs. If you feel called you 're welcome.
Rand Miller
Is he serious?
1,7 mil
Panis Angelicus. Panis Angelicus. Very nice.Más
Panis Angelicus.
Panis Angelicus.
Very nice.
1,3 mil
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Subtitles English. Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Theirs is the reign of the heavens. Are you poor in spirit? Being poor in spirit is not easy.Más
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit. Subtitles English.
Happy the poor ..... uhm well ... in spirit.
Theirs is the reign of the heavens.
Are you poor in spirit?
Being poor in spirit is not easy.
1,3 mil
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu. Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu. De ellos es el reino de los cielos. Es usted pobre en espíritu? Ser pobre en espíritu …Más
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu.
Bienaventurados los pobres.....uhm pues... en espíritu.
De ellos es el reino de los cielos.
Es usted pobre en espíritu?
Ser pobre en espíritu no es nada fácil.
1,9 mil
Gente casada que no quiere niños. Usted es casado y no quieren niños?Más
Gente casada que no quiere niños.
Usted es casado y no quieren niños?
1,6 mil
Dinero y codicia son la raíz de todos los males. Con el dinero no se puede hacer nada verídico. Pero con Jesús. Sí se puede. Usted es codicioso, cuando el propósito del dinero en su vida trascendió …Más
Dinero y codicia son la raíz de todos los males.
Con el dinero no se puede hacer nada verídico.
Pero con Jesús. Sí se puede.
Usted es codicioso, cuando el propósito del dinero en su vida trascendió de ser un medio para vivir a una meta.
Esto le sucedió a muchas personas sin que se den cuenta.
31,9 mil
sanctity is stronger than scandal. As pope Francis said today: sanctity is stronger than scandalMás
sanctity is stronger than scandal.
As pope Francis said today:
sanctity is stronger than scandal
alex j
Me thinks he speaks with forked tongue!!!!
Then why does he go out of his way to create scandal? Shouldn't he take his own advice and seek sanctity instead? Probably a good idea to not pay any …Más
Then why does he go out of his way to create scandal? Shouldn't he take his own advice and seek sanctity instead? Probably a good idea to not pay any attention to what he says. He's quite a bit off.
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21,8 mil
La santidad es mas fuerte que el escándalo. La santidad es mas fuerte que el escándalo.Más
La santidad es mas fuerte que el escándalo.
La santidad es mas fuerte que el escándalo.
No lo entendí!
Astrid Hernández
Este video es confuso y no se entiende
Eine erscheinung des Herrn Jesus Christus. Dieses Video ist über das was der Herr Jesus Christus mich erklärte über die Funktionsweise des Geistes.Más
Eine erscheinung des Herrn Jesus Christus.
Dieses Video ist über das was der Herr Jesus Christus mich erklärte über die Funktionsweise des Geistes.