
Establishment Churchmen Rush to Defend Vatican II after Viganò's Remarks

Vatican 2 is the biggest tragedy for the Church since Martin Luther.

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

@Holy Cannoli calling your enemies psychologically unbalanced is a favorite Marxist pastime.
Anyway, a Catholic priest who loves Russia has the psychological issues.
As does a Catholic irreverently calling himself "holy cannoli". Jesus doesn't wear clown shoes.
I take Catholicism seriously. I won't apologize for that. Sorry :)
And I'm aggressive online with people that deserve it.
Any perusal of …More
@Holy Cannoli calling your enemies psychologically unbalanced is a favorite Marxist pastime.

Anyway, a Catholic priest who loves Russia has the psychological issues.

As does a Catholic irreverently calling himself "holy cannoli". Jesus doesn't wear clown shoes.

I take Catholicism seriously. I won't apologize for that. Sorry :)

And I'm aggressive online with people that deserve it.

Any perusal of your comments and posts reveal your lack of Catholicism and, like @Ultraviolet, a passion for the same defects you accuse me of.

Just a notice.

Switzerland: Paid Women "Preside Eucharist"

@Alex A it sounds like Hitler.

Switzerland: Paid Women "Preside Eucharist"

@Wichita Knight The point of being rich for these people is not sharing it with others. The laity and their churches don't see the money. The bishops and their boy lovers do.


Fauci is an investor in companies creating new vaccines and drugs. It helps him to have this virus spreading. If we had just continued without the lockdowns and masks, and monitored the elderly and immunosuppressed, we wouldn't have a 20 percent unemployment rate, riots, and general chaos. This is evil. And the worst part is that Donald Trump buys into most of it.
The science is completely opposed …More
Fauci is an investor in companies creating new vaccines and drugs. It helps him to have this virus spreading. If we had just continued without the lockdowns and masks, and monitored the elderly and immunosuppressed, we wouldn't have a 20 percent unemployment rate, riots, and general chaos. This is evil. And the worst part is that Donald Trump buys into most of it.

The science is completely opposed to what Fauci and Our Betters support.

Twitter World: More freedom to worship in Syria than in NY & CA

@F M Shyanguya Then get on the next plane out of here! It sounds like a wonderful place to live. No sense being in this land of Sodom with Jews and Masons hiding behind every rock. Off you go!

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

@Be Ye Separate lives in New York, hates the USA. Maybe he should move to Russia? They hate Jews and America. And they're not Catholic. He'd be perfect.

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

@Don Reto Nay Just so I am clear, Russia from which spread communism,.which never accounted for communism, which keeps their evil leader Lenin lying in state, whose leader murders and jails opponents, which has beaten back their society into a standards of living below Romania, which MARY HERSELF needs consecrated to her immaculate heart, that Russia is a shining city on a hill because they don't …More
@Don Reto Nay Just so I am clear, Russia from which spread communism,.which never accounted for communism, which keeps their evil leader Lenin lying in state, whose leader murders and jails opponents, which has beaten back their society into a standards of living below Romania, which MARY HERSELF needs consecrated to her immaculate heart, that Russia is a shining city on a hill because they don't glorify homosexuality.

Russia, the exporter of the very ideologies that have infected the west and which glorifies the founder of those ideologies, is not rotten?

Russia isn't even Catholic and actually persecutes Catholics.

So we can say that you do indeed have bias, and that you side with a country led by a communist which is still not on the right side with God, a country that names its nukes "Satan" , but did get it right on homosexuality.

Of course, Iran and most of the lost Muslim world are anti western too.

And you're a priest!

Here's a tip, unglue your eyes from RT, put down the vodka and convert souls to Christ. Russia still has millions of atheists. And the Russian Orthodox are basically the mafia. And get off GTV. That's your job.

You don't deserve the honor of being called "father".

Hypocrisy: Planned Parenthood Aborts Their Hero Margaret Sanger

She'll be back once Biden is elected. Right now though they can't make it look like they hate blacks!


@Tesa no worries, they'll just vaccinate you forcibly on your next checkup.

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

@Don Reto Nay you're not an idiot, you know what "context" means. PCR never writes, of very rarely writes, anything praiseworthy about America, just as you have a history of showing your bias. Surely America can't be The Devil 24 hours a day, year after year. Even Jesus found a good person in Samaria.
Maybe you need to expand your reading list. That a man like you who obviously isn't stupid relies …More
@Don Reto Nay you're not an idiot, you know what "context" means. PCR never writes, of very rarely writes, anything praiseworthy about America, just as you have a history of showing your bias. Surely America can't be The Devil 24 hours a day, year after year. Even Jesus found a good person in Samaria.

Maybe you need to expand your reading list. That a man like you who obviously isn't stupid relies on the crack hit of anti everything American PCR might say something about you.

Given his set of choices, I wonder what PCR would've done in Lincoln's situation. What would you have done?

Your answer can only be glib. Armchair quarterbacking is lazy.

Fun facts about PCR: he frequently shows up on Russian state propaganda outlet RT. So he, and you most likely, hate the USA.

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

@Don Reto Nay I did make an argument, to wit: You can find any leader in the past and find where they're screwed up and "ruined" the country.
For anti American fetishists, it's easy because at the moment we are in the spotlight. Of course Europe has a much longer history and, as I've brilliantly pointed out many times, Central Europe, particularly Germany/German states , has been the locus of the …More
@Don Reto Nay I did make an argument, to wit: You can find any leader in the past and find where they're screwed up and "ruined" the country.

For anti American fetishists, it's easy because at the moment we are in the spotlight. Of course Europe has a much longer history and, as I've brilliantly pointed out many times, Central Europe, particularly Germany/German states , has been the locus of the world's ills for 500 years.

Essentially my point is that you can find anything to confirm your bias. For you, it appears to be Paul Craig Roberts, who has been kvetching about the USA for decades.

Big, bad, USA. Fascist Lincoln. Same song, always.

USA, Covid Facts. Trump today has asked people who cannot socially distance to wear masks so that …

@De Profundis Everything is pinned on him anyway. That's not why he said that. He said that because he actually believes the propaganda about Covid.
Trump is the most attacked and stressed president since Lincoln. He needs support.More
@De Profundis Everything is pinned on him anyway. That's not why he said that. He said that because he actually believes the propaganda about Covid.

Trump is the most attacked and stressed president since Lincoln. He needs support.

Switzerland: Paid Women "Preside Eucharist"

Sighs in German...

How Lincoln Destroyed the United States

Yup, most people know about Lincoln. Or should. Course, we can go back to Andrew Jackson before him, whose "manifest destiny" is just as evil. What about Shay's Rebellion? Could be seen as the beginning of the end.
Paul Craig Roberts is captain hindsight! I bet he believes Napoleon ruined the French Republic, or whatever is most convenient for him on that particular day when he is half drunk and …More
Yup, most people know about Lincoln. Or should. Course, we can go back to Andrew Jackson before him, whose "manifest destiny" is just as evil. What about Shay's Rebellion? Could be seen as the beginning of the end.

Paul Craig Roberts is captain hindsight! I bet he believes Napoleon ruined the French Republic, or whatever is most convenient for him on that particular day when he is half drunk and has to pound out a column.

Pick and choose your villain, that's what you can do when you go over history. Or you can just blame Israel in a pinch.

But today it is Lincoln, a very, very bad man.

Germany: Pastor Replaces Holy Communion with Eating Bread in the Pews

@Ultraviolet, yes it is. So? The Germans helps usher in V2 and the Novus Ordo. Karl Rahner, etc. I have no problem with the Latin mass. Don't know what you're smokin' but you should probably take it easy.

Germany: Pastor Replaces Holy Communion with Eating Bread in the Pews

Germans! Once again.


"Duping delight"... all the Covid 19'grifters, including my useless governor Mike DeWhine are all in on this. The relish the power of herding the masses.
Our city council passed a law last week requiring masks. I am not wearing one. Today DeWimp issued his edict from Mount Olympus mandating masks. Again, I am not wearing one.
ALL OF US should resist. For one, masks do not work. More than that this …More
"Duping delight"... all the Covid 19'grifters, including my useless governor Mike DeWhine are all in on this. The relish the power of herding the masses.

Our city council passed a law last week requiring masks. I am not wearing one. Today DeWimp issued his edict from Mount Olympus mandating masks. Again, I am not wearing one.

ALL OF US should resist. For one, masks do not work. More than that this is an exercise in manipulate us into sheep. And getting injected with a fake vaccine.

All for a virus that 99 percent survive. It's a cold.

Fr. Longenecker against Catholics who receive Communion on tongue kneeling

@Ultraviolet my point: just because you're into the Latin mass doesn't mark you as a better person, just as participating in the NO doesn't make you a heretical. People committed unspeakable crimes during the Latin mass era and the new mass era. Reverence, one more time for the idiots out there, isn't always confirmed by outward signs of piety. Jesus Christ spent a lot of time on the hypocrisy of …More
@Ultraviolet my point: just because you're into the Latin mass doesn't mark you as a better person, just as participating in the NO doesn't make you a heretical. People committed unspeakable crimes during the Latin mass era and the new mass era. Reverence, one more time for the idiots out there, isn't always confirmed by outward signs of piety. Jesus Christ spent a lot of time on the hypocrisy of the "traditionalists" of his day. the ritual alone doesn't save the man.

Bye now !