Wichita Knight
Wichita Knight

Martin Mosebach: Catholic Art Shows Eyeless Dolls

Sometimes that shark looks right at ya. Right into your eyes. And the thing about a shark is he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, he doesn’t even seem to be livin’… ’til he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white and then…
Wichita Knight

Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism

Am I reading this correctly? A GERMAN is claiming that Christians are the most persecuted religious community in human history? This Cardinal needs a pilgrimage to Auschwitz to refresh his teutonic memory.
Wichita Knight

Cardinal Burke Remains in his Roman Apartment

"It is revealing that the "Pope of a Poor Church" is so interested in money."
The Pope is obviously trying to cut backon unnecessary and frivolous expenses. $8,000/month ($1 = 1Euro) for rent is ridiculous.More
"It is revealing that the "Pope of a Poor Church" is so interested in money."

The Pope is obviously trying to cut backon unnecessary and frivolous expenses. $8,000/month ($1 = 1Euro) for rent is ridiculous.
Wichita Knight

Strickland: Francis' Vatican Is Destroying the Faith

Unjustly deposed? Since 1888, Texas has been an at-will employment state. As an at-will state, employment in Texas may be terminated by an employer or an employee for a good reason, a bad reason, or simply no reason at all, absent a specific agreement to the contrary.
Welcome to the world of your flock, Bp. Strickland.More
Unjustly deposed? Since 1888, Texas has been an at-will employment state. As an at-will state, employment in Texas may be terminated by an employer or an employee for a good reason, a bad reason, or simply no reason at all, absent a specific agreement to the contrary.

Welcome to the world of your flock, Bp. Strickland.
Wichita Knight

Pope Francis Was Taken to Hospital

"Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead" (For anyone over 60)
Wichita Knight

Transvestites: British Prisons Reveal Reality

Meaningless statistic. I would say that 70% of almost any population subgroup is in prison for violent crimes. If they hadn't committed a violent crime they wouldn't be in prison, especially since European countries tend not to imprison non-violent offenderss.
Wichita Knight

Carnival: A [Former] House of God Gets Feathered

[well over 10,000 Euros} -- Over what period of time? Bi-weekly? Monthly? Annually? The number by itself means nothing. Especially in a country where gasoline is $7 / gallon.
Wichita Knight

Argentina: Second Oldest Cardinal Turns 98

"Are there no men?" Inside the chapel of a Benedictine convent I would hope not..
Wichita Knight

Vatican: Rupnik’s Art Is Still in Demand

"Y’know, the thing about a shark, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes after ya, he doesn’t seem to be livin’ until he bites ya, and those black eyes roll over white, and then – "
Wichita Knight

Austrian Parish Offers Opportunity to View Nude Dances

@Father Jonn . as far as depicting genitals, the pope's instructions to Michaelangelo were to "be sure and depict all the Gentiles." Turns out it was just a case of bad cellular.
Wichita Knight

France: The Church Collapses - Literally

This building was not "completely destroyed." The roof collapsed on about 1/3 of the building. Completely destroyed is the Kaiser Wilhelm memorial church in Berlin. Hyperbole destroys credibility.
Wichita Knight

Francis Has Received Cardinal Burke

Why a single man should need a 4,500 sq ft apartment is beyond me. No sympathy here.
Wichita Knight

Italian Tourist Visa Expired? Priest Back in the USA

We have a term for "18-year-old girl." The term is "woman."
Wichita Knight

Jerusalem Bishop: Israel Must Affirm Palestinian Right to Exist

What fuels the anger and hatred among Palestinians is having been promised their own state for 80 years, but always with the qualifier: "Some day, not now."
Wichita Knight

Ex-Synod: Cardinal Müller Is Wearing the Cassock

Why exchange books? I've yet to meet an author who didn't have a stash of their own books somewhere in their luggage. Think back to the 1993 movie Gettysburg where Confederate General J. Johnston Pettigrew, upon meeting General Longstreet before battle, wants to give Longstreet a copy of his book and sends an aide back to his tent to fetch one.
Wichita Knight

Francis Receives "Priest Killer"

John Sidney (Slew) McCain, Admiral, US Navy (Navy Cross)
John Sidney (Jack) McCain, Jr., Admiral, US Navy (Silver Star)
John Sidney McCain, III, Captain, US Navy (Silver Star, Former POW)
John Sidney McCain, IV, US Navy
James McCain, US Army
There is no-one in the Trump family evenly remotely qualified to clean these men's shoes.More
John Sidney (Slew) McCain, Admiral, US Navy (Navy Cross)
John Sidney (Jack) McCain, Jr., Admiral, US Navy (Silver Star)
John Sidney McCain, III, Captain, US Navy (Silver Star, Former POW)
John Sidney McCain, IV, US Navy
James McCain, US Army

There is no-one in the Trump family evenly remotely qualified to clean these men's shoes.
Wichita Knight

Busy Schedule: Francis Receives … Sylvester Stallone (Video)

Or he has confused Stallone with Marlon Brando in "On the Waterfront." I hope I am as lucid at 86!
Wichita Knight

The Catholic Church has installed a new automatic confession service

Classic! I always suspected that concealed underneath a nun's habit lay a wicked sense of humor.
Wichita Knight

WYD: Food Delivery Boxes As Novus Ordo "Tabernacle"

@Koza Nutria Of course Christ told me. I talk to him daily.
Wichita Knight

WYD: Food Delivery Boxes As Novus Ordo "Tabernacle"

I never mentioned a tabernacle. The photos I have looked at show a blanket on top of the hood. As for a tabernacle, they appear to be ammunition boxes. If I were a priest going to the front lines to give mass, the last thing I would carry is an altar stone. In situations like that, you improvise. As for the WYD in Lisbon, there were reportedly 1.5 million people at that mass. Just how many "proper …More
I never mentioned a tabernacle. The photos I have looked at show a blanket on top of the hood. As for a tabernacle, they appear to be ammunition boxes. If I were a priest going to the front lines to give mass, the last thing I would carry is an altar stone. In situations like that, you improvise. As for the WYD in Lisbon, there were reportedly 1.5 million people at that mass. Just how many "proper tabernacles" do you think exist in the whole country of Portugal? And wouldn't the local parish priests like to have those for their own congregations?