Austrian Parish Offers Opportunity to View Nude Dances

On Saturday, exhibitionists of all ages were given the chance to perform completely naked in sub-zero temperatures during an open-air "cultural" event in Bad Ischl, Austria. To cover up the worst of …More
On Saturday, exhibitionists of all ages were given the chance to perform completely naked in sub-zero temperatures during an open-air "cultural" event in Bad Ischl, Austria.
To cover up the worst of it, they repeatedly dusted their bodies with baby powder. As a result, their pathetic performance was advertised as a "powder dance". Commentators on social media described the spectacle as "sick" and "decadent".
Not surprisingly, this outburst of madness was well received by the local Catholic parish. The nude dancing was broadcast live in the 18th century parish church of Sankt Nikolaus in Bad Ischl. A large screen was set up in front of the main altar.
As might be expected, the parish priest, Rev. Christian Öhler, saw "no problem" in all this. He told "Jesus is the most frequently depicted naked person" - and Öhler himself was not ashamed to show all his moral and intellectual nakedness to the world.
Penance Penance Penance
Who is their Bishop to have allowed the filth of such obscene and vulgar profanities to contaminate the sanctity of the Holy Temple this way? How could such depraved and degenerate blasphemies even be sanctioned by the local Church authorities, let alone by the Shepherd who has the mandate to feed and protect the Flock and to guard against the seductive works of Satan? They have turned the House of …More
Who is their Bishop to have allowed the filth of such obscene and vulgar profanities to contaminate the sanctity of the Holy Temple this way? How could such depraved and degenerate blasphemies even be sanctioned by the local Church authorities, let alone by the Shepherd who has the mandate to feed and protect the Flock and to guard against the seductive works of Satan? They have turned the House of God into a cesspool. How long, O Lord…how long?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I'm sure the priest is gay, and anyone attending were all LGBTQ's .
Why is giving this obscenity and sacrilege a platform?
@pw It's one thing to get the news but the picture is unneeded and sinful.
Ann Smith
Your absolutely right Father
Credo .
Disagree @Ann Smith. The nude dancing was broadcast live in the 18th century parish church of St. Nikolaus. A LARGE SCREEN WAS SET UP IN FRONT OF THE MAIN ALTAR? This is a real 'abomination of desolation' set up in the Holy Place. Commentators on social media described the spectacle as "sick" and "decadent". 😭 "May God forgive them, for they know not what they do!"
Ann Smith
We're not viewing the 'broadcast'. As Father said, the picture is so small and this article here is just informing us of what occured. Pray for the Church, that would be helpful.
Wichita Knight
@Father Jonn . as far as depicting genitals, the pope's instructions to Michaelangelo were to "be sure and depict all the Gentiles." Turns out it was just a case of bad cellular.
@Father Jonn . Umm….I’ll just leave this right here….
@Father Jonn . No…you misjudge and wrong me entirely with your misinterpretation of my post; and as such, you commit the sin of calumny against me, which is unworthy of you. My point here was that such vile and vulgar obscenities are not just phenomena of long-past and bygone eras, but that the advent and embrace of visual filth contained in such profane representations as we see displayed upon …More
@Father Jonn . No…you misjudge and wrong me entirely with your misinterpretation of my post; and as such, you commit the sin of calumny against me, which is unworthy of you. My point here was that such vile and vulgar obscenities are not just phenomena of long-past and bygone eras, but that the advent and embrace of visual filth contained in such profane representations as we see displayed upon the walls of supposedly consecrated spaces continues unabated to this very day, under the false, deceptive, seductive guise of “sacred artistic expression.” A once pure and beautiful art form that, starting centuries ago and increasing over time, was hijacked and hideously contaminated by psychopathic deviants; becoming, clearly and unquestionably, diabolical in many of its manifestations… we see so vividly in the image I posted of the monstrous mural depicting sodomite abominations commissioned by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, which he allowed a so-called artist to paint upon the walls of his own cathedral in Terni-Narni-Amelia, Italy. Church porn is as real today as it was in ancient times.
Simon North
For 90% of these mitered cretins: if they were "good priests," they wouldn't possess the miter in the first place. They have supported the revolution that has installed, plank by plank, the "Religion of Man" into the Temple of the One True Faith. The "sainted" Popes preferred to play Vatican politics rather than to clean out the Augean Stables of the Vatican bureaucracy - and appointed as bishops …More
For 90% of these mitered cretins: if they were "good priests," they wouldn't possess the miter in the first place. They have supported the revolution that has installed, plank by plank, the "Religion of Man" into the Temple of the One True Faith. The "sainted" Popes preferred to play Vatican politics rather than to clean out the Augean Stables of the Vatican bureaucracy - and appointed as bishops only those effeminate "men" who were indifferent to or sympathetic with that very corruption.
Ivan Tomas
They have surpassed their "religion of man". It is now fully religion of satan.
And that metamorfoses went very fast.More
They have surpassed their "religion of man". It is now fully religion of satan.

And that metamorfoses went very fast.
Ivan Tomas
Does we not really understand how far THAT ALL ANTI-CHRIST BLASPHEMOUS CIRCUS has come, my good bishops and cardinals?!
Please act!
Act now! And act properly!
Reminder: Read the prophet Hosea 4.More
Does we not really understand how far THAT ALL ANTI-CHRIST BLASPHEMOUS CIRCUS has come, my good bishops and cardinals?!
Please act!
Act now! And act properly!

Reminder: Read the prophet Hosea 4.