
Ex-Synod: Cardinal Müller Is Wearing the Cassock

Cardinal Müller wears the cassock at the Ex-Synod so that the meeting is not confused "with a shareholders' meeting in a star hotel". Speaking to KNA.de (12 October), Müller said it was illogical that …More
Cardinal Müller wears the cassock at the Ex-Synod so that the meeting is not confused "with a shareholders' meeting in a star hotel". Speaking to KNA.de (12 October), Müller said it was illogical that many bishops and cardinals were meeting in "civilian, sports or street clothes": "Perhaps it is just a cheap way of trying to ingratiate themselves, or the compulsion to modesty, not to be visibly distinguished from the laity."
On Thursday, Müller met with homosexualist James Martin SJ, during which the two exchanged books they had written. The meeting was an honour for him, Martin wrote on Twitter.com.
Frauenthemen und Vanitas
From one Concilium progressive cleric to another Communio progressive cleric, their end might be the same, but perhaps at different speeds. I certainly cannot envision Lefebvre standing with Martin — side by side — as though it’s just another day at the Synod
Cassandra Laments
When I first became acquainted with Cardinal Mueller online, a few years ago, I thought he was continually sitting on the fence and/or very confused. Recently, I've been more positive about him, but having read this and now read up about his Liberation Theology connections, I'm at least back to square one, and actually somewhat suspicious. This photo gives Martin credence.
"Cardinal: Liberation …More
When I first became acquainted with Cardinal Mueller online, a few years ago, I thought he was continually sitting on the fence and/or very confused. Recently, I've been more positive about him, but having read this and now read up about his Liberation Theology connections, I'm at least back to square one, and actually somewhat suspicious. This photo gives Martin credence.

"Cardinal: Liberation Theology needed separation from Marxism" 2014

Cardinal: Liberation Theology needed separation from Marxism

Separation? Why didn't he just condemn LT, instead of playing footsie with it? I don't trust any of them 100% - even the ones who are apparently faithful. Sad times.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Müller on why he continues wearing a cassock at the Synod: "A synod is a celebration of worship and not to be confused with a shareholders' meeting in a star hotel"
Cardinal Muller is very fatherly. I am glad he is spending time with Fr. James Martin, perhaps that is exactly what was needed, and in mutual charity. So much charity is lost. I pray for them both.
I pray desperately that this is not a case of the proverbial “birds of a feather…..” 🙄😟
English Catholic
I can't understand it. If I saw Fr James Martin I'd have nothing to do with him, not exchange gifts with him. This sends out all the wrong signals. As does the Cardinal's apparent support for liberation theology. I'm sure many will say it is just diplomacy in action. Mother Mary Angelica once said at a London Conference in the 1990's 'Diplomacy stinks'.
Minnesotanurse shares this
Wilma Lopez
Cardinal Müller has previously denounced James Martin's LGBT activism as 'heresy' and 'absolutely wrong,' saying that the Jesuit is 'bringing into the danger the salvation of the people.'
True Mass
The hope is that Muller is there to keep an eye on things, that he is on our side.
I get saying hello in passing etc, that's human, but why exchange books. That takes planning and prep. Makes you wonder.
The one prelate I trust implicitly is Vigano.
Instead of resisting with abp. Vigano, legitimizes occupants...
True Mass
????? Please be clear
Wichita Knight
Why exchange books? I've yet to meet an author who didn't have a stash of their own books somewhere in their luggage. Think back to the 1993 movie Gettysburg where Confederate General J. Johnston Pettigrew, upon meeting General Longstreet before battle, wants to give Longstreet a copy of his book and sends an aide back to his tent to fetch one.
Judas bargained with jews and prayed with Apostles. One should not serve resisters and usurpers.
True Mass
Again. Be clear. Not sure where you are coming from here.
Boanerges Boanerges
This photo says it all: the priests who are at this so called synod are dancing with the devil. We need the spirit of Elijah and John the Baptist to defend us from this millennial deception. This diabolical farce should be stopped immediately.
Jan Joseph
Keurig zo hoort het ook, iedere priester behoort een soutane te dragen.