
Francis Has Received Cardinal Burke

Francis met Cardinal Burke in private audience this morning. The meeting followed reports that Francis wants to evict the Cardinal from his residence. No details of the meeting have yet emerged. Cardinal …More
Francis met Cardinal Burke in private audience this morning. The meeting followed reports that Francis wants to evict the Cardinal from his residence.
No details of the meeting have yet emerged. Cardinal Burke's private secretary told journalist Cindy Wooden: "His Eminence does not wish to comment at this time.
Earlier this week, Cardinal Burke acted as co-president at Francis' Eucharistic celebration for Christmas.
Picture: Vatican Media, #newsXbrrrnrwub
Geminiano Secundo
The Church has no benefit from Cardinal Burke, on the contrary, he harms the Church because he legitimizes the power of the Jesuit George Bergoglio, the destroyer of the visible Church.
Cardinal Burke wanders around Rome like a dog with his tail between his legs, so depriving him of his guaranteed salary is completely justified.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"And we have yet to receive or even hear of the Cardinal’s official written response to the sodomy-blessing Declaratio"
And don't expect to. I think I can read Burke fairly well. If I am wrong, I will be surprised....pleasantly.😂More
"And we have yet to receive or even hear of the Cardinal’s official written response to the sodomy-blessing Declaratio"

And don't expect to. I think I can read Burke fairly well. If I am wrong, I will be surprised....pleasantly.😂
Lisi Sterndorfer
"Well, I'm still alive" Cardinal Burke's response when asked about how his meeting with Pope Francis went today at the Vatican
English Catholic
There are such things as discretion and rightful privacy - particularly regarding any private arrangements concerning Cardinal Burke's situation. Not every lay person has the right to know every detail of every conversation which takes place in the Vatican.
@English Catholic I beg to slightly differ with you, my friend. What you state may be so in some cases, but not in this one. They BOTHthe Holy Father and His Eminence, Cardinal Burke — have themselves and by their own will and volition, made their interaction and confrontational relationship very public, conducting their affairs with regard to each other quite undisguisedly before the whole …More
@English Catholic I beg to slightly differ with you, my friend. What you state may be so in some cases, but not in this one. They BOTHthe Holy Father and His Eminence, Cardinal Burke — have themselves and by their own will and volition, made their interaction and confrontational relationship very public, conducting their affairs with regard to each other quite undisguisedly before the whole world, speaking of each other very candidly and openly in great and copious detail regarding all manner of subjects and concerning a great many issues since the commencement of this pontificate; including the whole Knights of Malta debacle and right up to the latest round of Dubia. It was Cardinal Burke who openly, before the whole Church and to the entire world, first broached the subject of a “fraternal correction” of the Pope and openly discussed and published correspondence with which he and other Cardinals had initiated a doctrinal inquiry of the Holy See; and it was Pope Francis himself who, just recently, viciously castigated the Cardinal in a very public forum, threatening (in front of a room full of the highest ranking officials in the Vatican) to snatch away his very livelihood and the roof over his head and allegedly calling him an “enemy.” So NO, this situation between the two of them has never, ever been defined within the context of the type of “discretion and rightful privacy” of which you speak, and that is usually accorded persons dealing with the Holy See or who are engaged in personal interaction with the Holy Father himself. They have BOTH broken all codes of confidentiality and mangled all standards of erstwhile privacy, thereby making this scenario we see unfolding between them very, very public. And it is because of this fact that many, including myself, are greatly concerned about Cardinal Burke and his well-being, and are unsettled by his very troubling and untoward silence in this moment, as we have every right and justification to be.
English Catholic
@SonoftheChurch Point taken. But I still think there are some times, when public disagreement or enmity has taken place between two parties, that it is generally more helpful to sort out the issues concerned, without being in the glare of the media and the public. Whether this was one of those times, I can't say. The only thing that disconcerted me was the presence of photographers. It made it look …More
@SonoftheChurch Point taken. But I still think there are some times, when public disagreement or enmity has taken place between two parties, that it is generally more helpful to sort out the issues concerned, without being in the glare of the media and the public. Whether this was one of those times, I can't say. The only thing that disconcerted me was the presence of photographers. It made it look like someone wanted to prove that a meeting took place.
If His Eminence “does not wish to comment at this time” then it doesn’t sound very good or like the audience had a positive outcome, which certainly doesn’t bode very well for the Cardinal. Hopefully there will be some sort of follow-up information given to the public and released from the Cardinal’s office that will enlighten his supporters and update us regarding his actual situation. And we …More
If His Eminence “does not wish to comment at this time” then it doesn’t sound very good or like the audience had a positive outcome, which certainly doesn’t bode very well for the Cardinal. Hopefully there will be some sort of follow-up information given to the public and released from the Cardinal’s office that will enlighten his supporters and update us regarding his actual situation. And we have yet to receive or even hear of the Cardinal’s official written response to the sodomy-blessing Declaration. I would have thought that by now, His Eminence would have, like many of his brother Bishops, promulgated such a statement, affirming and reiterating the constant, unchanging Magisterium of Holy Mother Church, along with a stern condemnation of the heretical excrement published by Anti Prefect Kiss-the-Boys. I pray our good Cardinal Burke is well and that all the Hosts of Heaven will guard him and protect him from all harm. It is occasions like this that I am reminded most of the very untimely and suspicious death of our beloved Cardinal Pell, of precious memory. The enemies of our Faith are desperate, dangerous and deadly. May God keep His true Shepherds safe.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Lil' Ray groveling .
Sally Dorman
His Eminence has declined to comment.
Live Mike
🤔 Perhaps Burke's silence was the price of admission.
Wilma Lopez
Worse: This meeting follows Francis' enforced withdrawal — without any formal notice or reason — of the Cardinal's pension and health insurance, and notification of a fourfold increase in the rent of his Vatican apartment by the end of February.
Wichita Knight
Why a single man should need a 4,500 sq ft apartment is beyond me. No sympathy here.