Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism

Those who want to steal the soul of Europe and make it a victim of their post-humanist atheism are pushing for its de-Christianisation, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller in his homily at the closing Mass …More
Those who want to steal the soul of Europe and make it a victim of their post-humanist atheism are pushing for its de-Christianisation, said Cardinal Gerhard Müller in his homily at the closing Mass on 20 May of the legendary Roman Rite pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres.
The cardinal hopes that Catholics [but not the Vatican] will be "immune to the propaganda and opium of substitute political religions" and declares that "self-destruction through suicide and euthanasia, drugs and alcohol, or the rejection of our male or female sexuality are not options for Christians".
He also said that Christians are the most persecuted religious community in human history.
Ivan Tomas
"Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism"
And who is their Joker, your excellency?More
"Müller: Oligarchs Want to Replace Christendom with Atheism"

And who is their Joker, your excellency?
Where Enoch and Elija 🙏
The 2 witnesses Jews and Christians, both persecuted. The most persecuted were always the ones holding the truth. Jews whom become the last after being first and the Christians whom were last and now are first.
Dr Bobus
Jews weren't the only ones the Nazis put in death camps.
Dr Bobus
I had in mind Maximillian Kolbe and Titus Brandsma
@Liam Ronan The mentally retarded have always been institutionalized. And gypsies have always been reviled for their thievery and witchcraft.
Wichita Knight
Am I reading this correctly? A GERMAN is claiming that Christians are the most persecuted religious community in human history? This Cardinal needs a pilgrimage to Auschwitz to refresh his teutonic memory.
Read about the Communist persecution of Christians. In fact, it would take a lifetime to digest all of that - start with the descriptions of the Pitesti prison in Romania.
what he has to do with Auschwitz??Could u clarify.
Michael Burns
@Wichita Knight That's right. The communists murdered over 100 million in Russia and over 60 million in China. Christians were always a prime target.
Jeffrey Ade
@Michael Burns Thank you for standing up! You are right, and I am with you! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Lisi Sterndorfer