Michael Burns
Persecution is coming and the Church is silent on the one hand, while complicit on the other with the globalists agenda.

German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and COVID shot exemptions - LifeSite

DRESDEN, Germany (LifeSiteNews) — A German doctor has been sentenced to two years and eight months …

My CIA Sources Say Biden Administration Knows Waves of “Red Dawn” Terror Attacks Will Be Carried Out …

By Wayne Allyn Root I’ve been warning on my national TV and radio shows for many months about waves …
This priest is very solid and he explains why Pope Francis has surrounded himself with the homosexual men that he has. This seems to corroborate Abp. Vigano's recent statement about the Pope having …More
This priest is very solid and he explains why Pope Francis has surrounded himself with the homosexual men that he has. This seems to corroborate Abp. Vigano's recent statement about the Pope having committed similar sins as McCarrick. Very tragic when one considers that a faithful Pope could stop this in a heartbeat.
Our Diocese in Australia denies that nearly all abuse in the Church is homosexuality. There is little real paedophilia.
Michael Burns
Lots of money is spent brain washing us, so it is so important to have a bit of insight on what they are doing and how!
A Kansas City city official attempts to retaliate against Butker for sharing his faith and defending the family. Lord have mercy!

Missouri AG demands documents from Kansas City mayor after X account post about Chiefs kicker Harrison …

The attorney general of Missouri is demanding information about the circumstances of a post shared on …
Seidenspinner shares this
A Kansas City city official attempts to retaliate against Butker for sharing his faith and defending the family. Lord have mercy!

TrumpWarriors on Gab: ''

Gab This photo is from a post. View post TrumpWarriors @trumpwarriors 6m · · Libertarians of Gab 4 3 reposts Post as comment Add context Write a comment... Write a comment... …

Jshiesty Deity on Gab: ''

Gab This photo is from a post. View post Jshiesty Deity @JshiestyDeity 5d · · Memes, memes, and more memes. 21 1 reply 13 reposts 1 quote Post as comment Add context Write a …
Can you tell us what states are included 🧐
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HUGE: Protest against WHO pandemic treaty in Japan. Tens of thousands turned out to say NO to the World Health Organization in massive protest. As usual, MSM ignored it.More
HUGE: Protest against WHO pandemic treaty in Japan.
Tens of thousands turned out to say NO to the World Health Organization in massive protest. As usual, MSM ignored it.

HUGE: Protest against WHO pandemic treaty in Japan

Discover more from The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden HUGE: Protest against WHO pandemic treaty in Japan Tens of thousands turned out to say NO to the …
Words are words - A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder https://twitter.com/Wordsarewordz/status/1787962075119317101/…More
Words are words - A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder
A History of Ritual Blood Sacrifice - Jewish Ritual Murder https://twitter.com/Wordsarewordz/status/1787962075119317101/video/1
James Manning
So.... just looking at this first clip, you do realize that the quotation they give from Josephus is from a defense of Judaism, right? If you read that …More
So.... just looking at this first clip, you do realize that the quotation they give from Josephus is from a defense of Judaism, right? If you read that full paragraph, he's refuting the various claims Greeks made against Jews, that being one of them. It's Book II, Paragraph 8 of Against Apion. He literally cites Apion as the propagator, if not the inventor, of the claim. They don't even cite the work properly, wrong paragraph and they really chopped up the passage.
I'm in favor of questioning the narrative. But great claims need great evidence. Preferably cited properly and not easily refuted by 10 minutes of research.
Sean Johnson
We named one of our sons William, after St. William of Norwich.
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Perhaps he should be a shepherd of souls instead.
Vax deniers are stupid said PoPe in 2021 when he met Francis Buria, CEO of Pfeiser Pope Francis Condemns Cardinal Burke and the Anti-Vaxxers (youtube.com)More
Vax deniers are stupid said PoPe in 2021 when he met Francis Buria, CEO of Pfeiser
Pope Francis Condemns Cardinal Burke and the Anti-Vaxxers (youtube.com)
Ann Smith
We need a Real Pope
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Everything you need to know about the Noahide Laws, a universal religion without Christ - LifeSite

[T]he son of perdition who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or that is worshipped …
Michael Burns
The FBI is spying on Traditional Catholic parishes, yet they were 'exonerated' by the DOJ. This is a classical case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Our government is currently under the control of …More
The FBI is spying on Traditional Catholic parishes, yet they were 'exonerated' by the DOJ. This is a classical case of the fox guarding the henhouse. Our government is currently under the control of traitors whose allegiance is to Israel.
Sandy Barrett shares this