

Although slightly mad appearance doesn't aid credibility because of the ridiculous convid mask and gloves.

‘I Didn’t Lie’ But ‘I Was Not Honest,’ Peña Parra Tells UK Court

What was that line in the Bible about let your yes be yes and your no be no....

Where are my overpopulation/anti-natalist folks at now

They're still pushing the anti-natalist convid shots, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, gender confusion, harmful health measures, etc. We're still being programmed not to have children.

Italian Bishop "Allows" Homosexual "Marriage"

Also happening in Archdiocese of Liverpool. The Archbishop, Macolm McMahon OP, allowed a Mass of Thanksgiving to go ahead following a civil ceremony of marriage on 31st May 2024 at St Edmund of Canterbury, Waterloo. The male couple and their guests sang: "What God has joined, we hear him say, let no one tear apart!..."

Catholic 'big beasts' wiped out in Labour landslide - Catholic Herald

The truth is they deserved it. This was a pretend conservative party that was practically socialist and engaged in the most extreme and unnecessary lockdowns and jab pushing. They also bankrupted the country and many small businesses. Good riddance. (Not that I'm in favour of the alternative WEF puppet govenrnment that's just been installed).

History Is Repeating Itself: Agatha Christie Petition 2.0

It's a strategy that worked before. I'm happy that they're at least trying and being proactive.

History Is Repeating Itself: Agatha Christie Petition 2.0

At least he's doing something now.

Indian Franciscan Sisters Worship a Hindu Idol

Unfortunately, Vatican II "inculturation" has gone haywire in many Indian Catholic Dioceses. If you stay at a Catholic Ashram you're likely to get the Gayatri Mantra and other Hindu chants as part of Mass.

British lords, celebrities call on Vatican to preserve ‘treasure’ of Latin Mass

They're doing something. Despite most of them not being Catholic.

Institute of Christ the King Gives Up Church in England

Indeed. In Preston they've just lost one of the three priests. The two who remain are overstretched, trying to run two churches, as the congregation at the other church is growing fast and they are also establishing a school, house of discernment, a rich liturgical programme every day, and much else. They need our prayers. Preston is very fortunate to have two Canons and the Sister Adorers reviving …More
Indeed. In Preston they've just lost one of the three priests. The two who remain are overstretched, trying to run two churches, as the congregation at the other church is growing fast and they are also establishing a school, house of discernment, a rich liturgical programme every day, and much else. They need our prayers. Preston is very fortunate to have two Canons and the Sister Adorers reviving the huge church of St Walburge. The small congregation at English Martyrs are already used to going to St Walburges on weekdays and over the summer. The buildings are very close.

Institute of Christ the King Gives Up Church in England

The SSPX has one church in Preston, Our Lady of Victories. Some in the congregation of OLoV also happily attend mass and other activities (including education of their children) at St Walburge's run by ICKSP. Many of us are happy to have the choice in this region of SSPX, ICKSP, FSSP, and Resistance. They each have strengths and weaknesses.

Famous British Opposition Politician Asked Francis To Save the Holy Mass

Galloway panders, repeatedly, to the Muslim vote bank. He used to present for the Iranian State propaganda outfit (Press TV). CINO - Catholic In Name Only.

A PAPAL MELTDOWN: Vigano Accused, Rupnik Excused

Michael Matt basically repeats the same show over and over. Does it have any positive effect?

Nuns of the Roman Rite Expand to England

Great news! With the Ordinariate Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary also moving to Aston Hall in Staffordshire it's going to be quite the Religious county.

Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom Nigel Farage in 2014 warning about war with Russia because of Ukraine. Wouldn’t …

We'll need to hit absolute rock bottom before anything changes. The inevitable Labour government will hasten that prospect. Fasten your seatbelt; it's going to be a hair-raising ride.

Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom Nigel Farage in 2014 warning about war with Russia because of Ukraine. Wouldn’t …

The sad state of Britain is that Farage often seems the best we've got. Talks a good talk but usually turns out to be Establishment. Crikey, during the Covid nonsense he even proposed Tony Blair should be the "Vaccine Tzar" to force the jabs on the "hesitant".

£1.5 Million of British Taxpayer Money To Be Spent “Decolonizing” British Folk Music

This idiocy is everywhere. Hard to believe we've had a "conservative" government with a large majority for 14 years. Clearly traitors all.

An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called …

Another attention seeker. If she was actually a practising Muslim woman going to the mosque (ladies' section) she wouldn't be dressed like that. No doubt all done for clicks.

UK Prime Minister comes out in favour of assisted dying - Catholic Herald

There is no party worth voting for which has a chance of winning. The system is fixed. If there was a decent independent standing in my constituency I'd probably give him or her my vote. But there isn't. I won't be voting because that would suggest that the system is honest and that there's an actual democracy at play. The UK needs to hit rock bottom so that a new political system can emerge. At …More
There is no party worth voting for which has a chance of winning. The system is fixed. If there was a decent independent standing in my constituency I'd probably give him or her my vote. But there isn't. I won't be voting because that would suggest that the system is honest and that there's an actual democracy at play. The UK needs to hit rock bottom so that a new political system can emerge. At the moment it's depressing that the UK, as we have known it, is in terminal decline. It gives me no pleasure to recognise this - but I am a realist.

UK Prime Minister comes out in favour of assisted dying - Catholic Herald

Tice pushed mandatory jabs. He's a wrong 'un. Anyone can call for investigations after the event. Those who were in the fight from the outset and at every pro-liberty and anti-lockdown demonstration (like David Kurten of Heritage Party, for example) are more trustworthy.