
Pope Francis creates new Cardinals

I do not know much about this list except for Cupich who is an ignoramus who does not even have a basic grasp of the Catholic faith, while de Kesel is a pro-sodomite protege of the vile Danneels.

"Thou Shalt Not Kill" World-renowned sculptor Tim Schmalz putting the finishing touches on his latest …

Rather He is weeping over the dead scumbag because his soul is damned forever in hell.

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell trial is covered by a media blackout

There is no twitter or facebook blackout however.

Pope Appoints a Group of Eight Cardinals

Someoneshould tell Pope Francis that Reinhard Marx has a 13% share in the porn publishing house Weltbild.

Invalid "confirmations" were set to take place near Medjugorje

I am beginning to think the Church is going to wait till these liars are all dead and gone. Another 30 or 40 years maybe and then Medju will be no more.

Lapsed Catholics “Lured Back” by Pope Francis?

Yes but if they return they're not lapsed any more, are they 😉

Pope Francis Lived Seven Years in Disgrace

That's 700km, not 7000

Ecumenical Dialogue with the Church of Satan?

Well there is ongoing dialogue with Islam and that unfortunately is not a joke.

Wedding in Moscow

A lot of joy in their faces. May God be with them all.

One in four Americans think Obama may be the antichrist, survey says

Global warming (the manmade variety in any case) IS a hoax.

Home-Schooled Student Faces Death Threats from Homosexual Activists

This is what sodomites think of children.

Miraculous testimonies of Bonnke

He is just as big a phoney as Benny Hinn.

Miraculous testimonies of Bonnke

I used to get Reinhard Bonnker's spam drivel im my post box when I lived in Ireland. Dangerous heretical trash.

Putin orders ban on adoptions by foreign same-sex couples – report

I am loving Russia more and more 👏

1.400.000 personnes ! Journée historique pour la France !

Vivle la France! Perverts be afraid Be very afraid 😈

Do we love those inclined to homosexuality enough to stop same-sex ‘marriage’?

I agree with Gloria TV that this has really nothing to do with homosexual "rights" but rather a preparation of launching persecution on Christians and driving us from the public forum as "bigots".

Pope condemns pornography to German ambassador as German bishops embroiled in porn controversy

This is old news.
These devils will not get out of the por publishing business any more than they will give up on the Kirchensteuer.More
This is old news.

These devils will not get out of the por publishing business any more than they will give up on the Kirchensteuer.

Gay Marriage: ‘No Scientific Answer’ About Effects on Children

There is a special place in Hell reserved for queers who corrupt children.

Vatican, others confirm existence of gay scandal report

@Temperance: the woman "prophesized" about the Pope leaving AFTER HE HAD ANNOUNCED HIS ABDICATION!!!!
So much for this so-called prophet!!More
@Temperance: the woman "prophesized" about the Pope leaving AFTER HE HAD ANNOUNCED HIS ABDICATION!!!!

So much for this so-called prophet!!

Gloria.TV News on the 22nd of February 2013

To German Catholics: withdraw from paying the kirchensteuer so these devils can't use your money to kill babies! 🤬