Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

FrMatthewLC Reddit AMA on /r/Catholicism | FrMatthewLC

I'm going to leave most of this as going off on a tangent, but one note.
A mathematical proof against evolution might lead one to question atheistic evolution, but does absolutely nothing to theistic evolution: God picked the right number out of a million a million times in a row.. OK, he's God, no big deal. This is just called providence.More
I'm going to leave most of this as going off on a tangent, but one note.

A mathematical proof against evolution might lead one to question atheistic evolution, but does absolutely nothing to theistic evolution: God picked the right number out of a million a million times in a row.. OK, he's God, no big deal. This is just called providence.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

FrMatthewLC Reddit AMA on /r/Catholicism | FrMatthewLC

No. Catholic beliefs do not require one to believe anything specific about the earth's motion. The idea you push forward of a non-moving earth is irrational though as so contrary to evidence.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

FrMatthewLC Reddit AMA on /r/Catholicism | FrMatthewLC

Your whole argument shows such a lack of understanding of theology and science that would take a few thousand words to correct & I have not the time. Believing the earth is still in a non-relative sense is irrational but not heretical. Enjoy.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

FrMatthewLC Reddit AMA on /r/Catholicism | FrMatthewLC

"It is heresy to believe that the earth moves" good, we have relativity so the unmoving perspective of earth is a valid perspective.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Active Catholics Are the Most Vaccinated Religious Group | FrMatthewLC

I have met Fr. Matthew, but I have not seen him in a while. I see his brother (also an LC priest) relatively often.
Recta Ratio simply means right reason and is used in several contexts in Catholic theology. Which context do you refer to?
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Active Catholics Are the Most Vaccinated Religious Group | FrMatthewLC

You are typing messages on the internet. That is less remote.
They are radically safer than covid. Most of the main possible side effects you are significantly (like 50+ times) more likely to get if you get covid.More
You are typing messages on the internet. That is less remote.

They are radically safer than covid. Most of the main possible side effects you are significantly (like 50+ times) more likely to get if you get covid.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Active Catholics Are the Most Vaccinated Religious Group | FrMatthewLC

Good thing they aren't experimental, and aren't gene therapy, as they are vaccines.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

What to Do If the Seal of Confession Is Broken | FrMatthewLC

That would be breaking it. I would think even if you said "one of Sean's kids" when he has 5, that would be a break as you are being far too specific.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Capital Punishment: Francis & the Tradition Before Him Are Both Right

Just in se does not imply just for you to carry out. I have never denied just in se and I dont think anything Francis has said directly denies it either.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Johnson & Johnson COVID Jab BANNED over “Serious Blood Clot Risks” - Media Blackout - News Punch

I rely on media that is at least moderate for factual reporting. One that gets a ratign of "very low" is not worth any of our time to read.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Are Vaccines Ordinary or Extraordinary Care? (1/2) | FrMatthewLC

"The stem cells are part of the body of the child" This is false.
But even if that were true, the researcher who did the testing would be doing something wrong but you are so remote from that researcher that it's moral. This would be like arguing I directly participate in Jeff Bezos divorce be cause I bought stuff from Amazon.
To argue that is always illicit proximate cooperation, you would need …More
"The stem cells are part of the body of the child" This is false.

But even if that were true, the researcher who did the testing would be doing something wrong but you are so remote from that researcher that it's moral. This would be like arguing I directly participate in Jeff Bezos divorce be cause I bought stuff from Amazon.

To argue that is always illicit proximate cooperation, you would need to leave modern society as there is no way to even live as the Amish and avoid any connection like that.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Are Vaccines Ordinary or Extraordinary Care? (1/2) | FrMatthewLC

If there were a million deaths, it would take a conspiracy of a few million to hide it. A conspiracy involving millions of people is so highly improbable as to be considered functionally impossible. Plus, they would need to pay off many of them and this would be astronomically expensive.
I don't dismiss conspiracies off hand but some are so astronomically unlikely that we can easily work assuming …More
If there were a million deaths, it would take a conspiracy of a few million to hide it. A conspiracy involving millions of people is so highly improbable as to be considered functionally impossible. Plus, they would need to pay off many of them and this would be astronomically expensive.

I don't dismiss conspiracies off hand but some are so astronomically unlikely that we can easily work assuming they are false.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Are Vaccines Ordinary or Extraordinary Care? (1/2) | FrMatthewLC

@Mathathias Maccabeus, I think you need to look at what direct / proximate cooperation is. Like even the scientists doing the actual tests aren't directly cooperating in abortion and you are several more steps removed form that. By the time it gets to you, the connection barely moves the needle on moral decision-making. lIke entering 99% of US grocery stores is more direct cooperation in grave …More
@Mathathias Maccabeus, I think you need to look at what direct / proximate cooperation is. Like even the scientists doing the actual tests aren't directly cooperating in abortion and you are several more steps removed form that. By the time it gets to you, the connection barely moves the needle on moral decision-making. lIke entering 99% of US grocery stores is more direct cooperation in grave objective evil acts.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Are Vaccines Ordinary or Extraordinary Care? (1/2) | FrMatthewLC

This is the exact opposite of relativism. In fact, arguing against this is far more relativistic than arguing for it.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Avoid the "Priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life" | FrMatthewLC

I responded to Mr. Reed making a similar comment in the post. read the reply there. Avoid the "Priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life" | FrMatthewLC
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Avoid the "Priests for the Restoration of Catholic Life" | FrMatthewLC

Obviously, but ontologically it seems he is a bishop.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Have Politicians Abandoned Restricting Porn in Any Way?

Well, non-Catholics can choose virtue and Catholics can choose vice. The moral line of humanity - as St. JP2 said - runs through every heart.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Russia Was Consecrated in 1984 to the Immaculate Heart - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

@philosopher, you may want to read the addendum above I got from Jimmy Akin & listen to his podcast where he clearly distinguishes visions and seers' interpretations of visions. It seems likely she had some further revelation leading to the 1989 letter to the Pope given how she spoke.
Also, the interpretation she gave in the 1960s are superceded by her later interpretations. A seer is not infallible …More
@philosopher, you may want to read the addendum above I got from Jimmy Akin & listen to his podcast where he clearly distinguishes visions and seers' interpretations of visions. It seems likely she had some further revelation leading to the 1989 letter to the Pope given how she spoke.

Also, the interpretation she gave in the 1960s are superceded by her later interpretations. A seer is not infallible in their interpretations and improve in their understanding of it.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Russia Was Consecrated in 1984 to the Immaculate Heart - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

@Roberto 55, the denying that the consecration happened in 1984 is incredibly rare outside trad circles. Like far less than 1% of non-trad Catholics hold such a view.
"obviously towards deeper relationship with Jesus." An Orthodox CHristian has a deeper relationship with Jesus than a Communist Atheist.More
@Roberto 55, the denying that the consecration happened in 1984 is incredibly rare outside trad circles. Like far less than 1% of non-trad Catholics hold such a view.

"obviously towards deeper relationship with Jesus." An Orthodox CHristian has a deeper relationship with Jesus than a Communist Atheist.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC

Russia Was Consecrated in 1984 to the Immaculate Heart - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

It's interesting how all these trads are out here throwing doctors of the Church like St. Teresa of Avila under the bus. She spoke about multiple conversions AFTER she was in the convent. That obviously can't mean becoming Catholic but must mean a movement towards truth, towards a deeper relationship with Jesus.