
German Bishop: „Gays Are Wanted By God“

“Gays are wanted by God“, the Essen Auxiliary Bishop Ludger Schepers claimed at the Katholikentag in Münster, Germany (May 11).

According to domradio.de, Schepers even asked that the Church has to “recognize her [alleged] history of guilt” in dealing with homosexuals.

He said that Pope Francis has opened doors to "reconcile" the Church with the homosexuals.

For the future, Schepers hopes that there will be liturgical ceremonies to bless [the mortal sin of] co-habitating homosexuals.

Picture: Ludger Schepers, © Pressestelle Bistum Essen, #newsMfephcbbem
Holy Cannoli
The Essen auxiliary bishop Ludger Schepers also stated that the church must openly acknowledge and listen to its history of guilt in dealing with homosexuals. "Gays are wanted by God, there is nothing to discriminate against." The subject of sexuality is "disproportionately represented" in the Catholic Church, said Schepers, who is a member of the Pastoral Commission of the German Bishops' Conference …More
The Essen auxiliary bishop Ludger Schepers also stated that the church must openly acknowledge and listen to its history of guilt in dealing with homosexuals. "Gays are wanted by God, there is nothing to discriminate against." The subject of sexuality is "disproportionately represented" in the Catholic Church, said Schepers, who is a member of the Pastoral Commission of the German Bishops' Conference. Pope Francis opened doors for a reconciliation between the church and homosexuals.

I suppose the first order of business would be demanding that God Almighty Himself apologize for smiting sodom and gomorrah. Instead of sodomy being a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance, I suppose now it's a virtue that cries to heaven for reparation. Satan is giggling with delight at the sight of all the sodomite buffoons he has managed to infiltrate into the Church. All the way up.
Bishop Schepers: YES, INDEED, 'Gays are wanted by God'...........TO GIVE UP THEIR MORTALLY SINFUL LIFESTYLES!!!!!!!!! You are, by your words, leading many souls to HELL. Are you not afraid of your own personal judgement???????????????
As well as Ludger is wanted . Be prepared for the Third Vatican Reconcile