Wackos here in the USA are trying to convince us that Putin invaded Ukraine to help Biden distract us from other real world concerns like inflation, Biden's ineptitude and corruption, and unjust …More
Wackos here in the USA are trying to convince us that Putin invaded Ukraine to help Biden distract us from other real world concerns like inflation, Biden's ineptitude and corruption, and unjust international violations against basic civil and intrinsic human rights to "protect us" from COVID19.
Let us say that they are just thinking of the material not the spiritual world .We have to understand that there is a spiritual warfare for our souls …More
Let us say that they are just thinking of the material not the spiritual world .We have to understand that there is a spiritual warfare for our souls ,we need to focus on our Lord Jesus Christ ,He is the Way the Truth and the Life ,specially at this time of Lent and for the consecration of Russia to the imaculate heart of Mary for peace in world
This podcast episode does a tongue-in-cheek bait-and-switch presenting a document supporting Globalist, WEF, UN, Agenda 2030, Schwab-ian Reset attitudes as coming from Trudeau. But wait - It's not really …More
This podcast episode does a tongue-in-cheek bait-and-switch presenting a document supporting Globalist, WEF, UN, Agenda 2030, Schwab-ian Reset attitudes as coming from Trudeau. But wait - It's not really from Trudeau, it's actually from Putin's Russia. The Corbett Report Podcast | Episode 416 Episode 416 - SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan!

Episode 416 - SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan!

We all know that when a politician walks like a globalist, talks like a globalist, acts like a globalist and quacks like a globalist, that …
Live Mike
James A Mitchell
Everything objectionable happening in Ukraine has it's counterpart on a much larger scale in Putin's Russia.
Growing up . . .
George Obregon
Snake Pliskin! —Escape From Ukraine. /St. George of Hyperlink ✞More
Snake Pliskin! —Escape From Ukraine.
/St. George of Hyperlink ✞
Then Kurt joined GTV. :D
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In the Garden Anonymous In the garden there strayed A beautiful maid As fair as the flowers of the morn; The first hour of her life She was made a man's wife And was buried before she was born.More
In the Garden
In the garden there strayed
A beautiful maid
As fair as the flowers of the morn;
The first hour of her life
She was made a man's wife
And was buried before she was born.
One more comment
“Is John Paul II the Pope who is going to do the Consecration of Russia ?” He answered: “No, it’s not John Paul. It will not be his immediate successor either, but the one after that. He is the one …More
“Is John Paul II the Pope who is going to do the Consecration of Russia ?” He answered: “No, it’s not John Paul. It will not be his immediate successor either, but the one after that. He is the one who will consecrate Russia." Visions of Jesus Christ.com - Antonio Ruffini - Stigmatist.
James A Mitchell
And even if B16 did resign, was Bergoglio legitimately-canonically elected? And even if Bergoglio was legitimately-canonically elected, has he lost his …More
And even if B16 did resign, was Bergoglio legitimately-canonically elected? And even if Bergoglio was legitimately-canonically elected, has he lost his office through multifarious obstinate manifest heresies? But, if major positive changes begin March 25 this year then we may have to accept that Bergoglio-Francis is a legit pope despite his Peronism (synthesis of Communism & Fascism), welcoming of those in adulterous "second marriages" (and who are not chastely living as brother and sister) to commit sacrilege against the Eucharist by receiving communion, Modernism, Indifferentism, pro-LGBTQ attitudes, Hegelianism . . . .
Some nations , including Russia and Ukraine, have Biolabs and Fascists (or comparably objectionable factions). How does this justify the invasion of Ukraine and the slaughter of ordinary Ukrainians by …More
Some nations , including Russia and Ukraine, have Biolabs and Fascists (or comparably objectionable factions). How does this justify the invasion of Ukraine and the slaughter of ordinary Ukrainians by Putin? Nazi Exodus: How Russian Nazis Ended Up In Ukraine – Antifascist Europe
James A Mitchell
” . . . I would not make a clear distinction between Russian and Ukrainian Nazis, because it is a shared milieu which, before the Maidan, migrated across the border with absolute freedom and exchanged …More
” . . . I would not make a clear distinction between Russian and Ukrainian Nazis, because it is a shared milieu which, before the Maidan, migrated across the border with absolute freedom and exchanged ideas. . . . ” Nazi Exodus: How Russian Nazis Ended Up In Ukraine – Antifascist Europe
Hound of Heaven
That anyone, of what ever nation, is developing such insidious 'weapons' is beneath contempt. They are an abomination and should never be permitted to …More
That anyone, of what ever nation, is developing such insidious 'weapons' is beneath contempt. They are an abomination and should never be permitted to be developed by any country.
US funded biolabs in Ukraine are perhaps something more concerning. Especially with actual Nazis in the Ukraine's Azov regiment. The existence of the …More
US funded biolabs in Ukraine are perhaps something more concerning. Especially with actual Nazis in the Ukraine's Azov regiment. The existence of the labs was (accidentally?) confirmed by U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland yesterday when she was questioned by Rubio. The press are trying to cover up what she actually said.
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“A 1989 KGB document boasts: ‘Now the agenda of the WCC is also our agenda.’ More recently, Metropolitan Kirill (agent Mikhaylov), who had been an influential representative to the World Council of …More
“A 1989 KGB document boasts: ‘Now the agenda of the WCC is also our agenda.’ More recently, Metropolitan Kirill (agent Mikhaylov), who had been an influential representative to the World Council of Churches since 1971 and after 1975 a member of the WCC Central Committee, was in 2009 elected patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.”
(Desinformation, Portuguese ed., Vide Editorial, 2015, p. 31; English ed., WND Books, 2013, p. 3)

The Orthodox Masquerade - ‘Patriarch’ Kirill, an Agent of KGB by Lucas Janusckiewicz Coletta

The ‘Orthodox’ Masquerade - II Inside information from a former head of the Romanian Intelligence Service In …
" The angels are powerful helpers and protectors! Approximately two weeks into the Russo-Ukrainian war, thousands have died, infrastructure continues to be destroyed, and devastation plagues the land. …More
" The angels are powerful helpers and protectors!
Approximately two weeks into the Russo-Ukrainian war, thousands have died, infrastructure continues to be destroyed, and devastation plagues the land.
However, a Ukrainian archbishop provided a glimmer of hope for the world in a March 4 video.
Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church said that civilians tell him they see “luminous angels” over the country. He believes Kyiv’s patron, St. Michael the Archangel, as well as the “the whole Heavenly Host,” fight alongside the Ukrainians. "

Ukrainians Are Seeing "Luminous Angels" Over Country's Land, Archbishop Says in Video -

The angels are powerful helpers and protectors! Approximately two weeks into the Russo-Ukrainian war, thousands …
Pray for the end of this war and all wars .they are a manifestation of evil
CCTV video has surfaced showing a car carrying two pensioners being blown apart by an armored column at a crossroads in Makariv in the Kyiv region on February 28. The man and woman inside were killed.…More
CCTV video has surfaced showing a car carrying two pensioners being blown apart by an armored column at a crossroads in Makariv in the Kyiv region on February 28. The man and woman inside were killed. A witness on the scene identified the attackers as Russian forces. Video Shows Elderly Couple Being Killed By Russian Armored Column

Video Shows Elderly Couple Being Killed By Russian Armored Column

CCTV video has surfaced showing a car carrying two pensioners being blown apart by an armored column at a crossroads in Makariv in the …
" . . . In this article we will cover three main topics. Putin's nostalgia of communism, his association with the World Economic Forum, and his relationship with a Satanic occultist named Aleksandr …More
" . . . In this article we will cover three main topics. Putin's nostalgia of communism, his association with the World Economic Forum, and his relationship with a Satanic occultist named Aleksandr Dugin (this part is extremely important!). . . "

Putin is Not a Hero

As a "conspiracy theorist", I have a massive distrust for corporate media and mainstream thoughts. However I must be careful, because while there is always a secret agenda, that does …
Bernadette Mary Lapointe
Blah, blah, blah, blah. Almighty God is the One who decides the fate of nations and of men. Nobody else can. God is Infinitely powerful AND infinitely …More
Blah, blah, blah, blah. Almighty God is the One who decides the fate of nations and of men. Nobody else can. God is Infinitely powerful AND infinitely Just. Glory be to God. Christ has already conquered. Long live Christ the King!

Dugin's Evil Theology

Putin is tied in with a Russian Occultic-Satanic Fascism very similar to the German Fascist Occultic idea of The Third Reich. Dugin’s Evil Theology | National Review
There are only two genders, and we don't get to choose
"99.93% of humans have XXor XY chromosomes. The rest is mutation..." Leading text intro for the next X-Men movie...
They tell us all the time follow the science ,What science medical ? or political science ?
Includes links for downloading free ebooks by Fr. Robert Hugh Benson

CatholicSaints.Info » Written by Father Robert Hugh Benson

This Is My Friend Let me tell you how I made his acquaintance. I had heard much of Him, but took no heed. He sent daily gifts and presents, but …
“ RUSSIA WILL MARCH UPON ALL THE NATIONS OF EUROPE, PARTICULARLY ITALY, AND WILL RAISE HER FLAG OVER THE DOME OF ST. PETER’S. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified …More
Italy will be severely tried by a
great revolution, and Rome will
be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly.”
~ Blessed Elena Aiello
"Particularly Italy" ...because of its primary strategic importance to all of Europe. :D
chris griffin
My personal opinion is that "Protectress of the Unborn" is the Blessed Mothers most important title because of 1.5 billion abortions since Russia …More
My personal opinion is that "Protectress of the Unborn" is the Blessed Mothers most important title because of 1.5 billion abortions since Russia legalized abortion in 1920.
James A Mitchell shares from charisma


Br. Bugnolo speaks on the War in the Ukraine and how this means the imminent restoration of the Soviet Union and the Soviet invasion of the European Union. As a consequence of which, it will become …More
Br. Bugnolo speaks on the War in the Ukraine and how this means the imminent restoration of the Soviet Union and the Soviet invasion of the European Union.
As a consequence of which, it will become apparent to everyone with a sane mind, that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart was never done and that now more than ever this Act must be accomplished for the salvation of the world.
James A Mitchell

Join us today in supporting Ukraine Solidarity Fund

More than 100,000 Ukranians have already been displaced since their country was invaded on Thursday, February 25—the largest humanitarian disaster in …