James A Mitchell
James A Mitchell shares from DefendTruth
Francis Palmquist - homosexual, former SSPX priest: ChurchMilitant.com portrays SSPX as gay factory what is not true.
James A Mitchell shares from Wilma Lopez
"My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs). The most improper job of any man is bossing other men. Not …More
"My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs). The most improper job of any man is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity."
James A Mitchell shares from De Profundis
Malachi Martin's Fatima Inspired Russia-Ukraine Prediction. In the late 1990s, Irish priest Malachi Martin gave a number of interviews in which he claimed that the Third Secret of Fatima was connected …More
Malachi Martin's Fatima Inspired Russia-Ukraine Prediction.
In the late 1990s, Irish priest Malachi Martin gave a number of interviews in which he claimed that the Third Secret of Fatima was connected to Russia and Kiev.
Comment NOT meant for Mr Mitchell! I typed in the wrong box.
Music not only unnecessary but I could not hear what was being said. Did you think you were producing a Hollywood trailer??
James A Mitchell shares from charisma


Br. Bugnolo speaks on the War in the Ukraine and how this means the imminent restoration of the Soviet Union and the Soviet invasion of the European Union. As a consequence of which, it will become …More
Br. Bugnolo speaks on the War in the Ukraine and how this means the imminent restoration of the Soviet Union and the Soviet invasion of the European Union.
As a consequence of which, it will become apparent to everyone with a sane mind, that the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart was never done and that now more than ever this Act must be accomplished for the salvation of the world.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies" Short hard hitting video about all the Covid measures and how they are total bul*hitMore
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies"
Short hard hitting video about all the Covid measures and how they are total bul*hit
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies" Short hard hitting video about all the Covid measures and how they are total bul*hitMore
Dr. Roger Hodkinson: "It's all been a pack of lies"
Short hard hitting video about all the Covid measures and how they are total bul*hit
Jeffrey Ade
They know its "whatever" and we know its "whatever." Sadly many do not, and they are enabling this plandemic.
Servant Of Divine Mercy
Sorry, i meant i didn't type in bul*hit, i copy n pasted the link which is in the description section
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