
What's your opinion on that?

My opinion is this. This year, Monday the 8th is The Feast of The Annunciation and that is all the reason needed to offer Holy Mass on that day. (and to assist at Mass)

“The Catholics” (1973): A Trad Film Ahead of Its Time

Should be in your Catholic Library. Also goes under the title. The Conflict

Enjoy the smile

I suspect he knows what we know. Christ is King!

SOLVED! Mysteries of Our Lady of Good Success Part I

Our Lady of Good Success pray for us. Amen

Tucho Fernández Has a Problem

Is the author of this article, stating a complaint against the spiritual work
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis? Did he just lump the spiritual classic by Thomas A Kempis in with several protestant and pagan exercises just to throw garbage at garbage. 🤮
I for my part will be much more leary of future articles published by en.newsMore
Is the author of this article, stating a complaint against the spiritual work
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis? Did he just lump the spiritual classic by Thomas A Kempis in with several protestant and pagan exercises just to throw garbage at garbage. 🤮

I for my part will be much more leary of future articles published by en.news

Korea: Show Business Makes Its Way into the Novus Ordo Liturgy (Video)

Joy-filled bad timing 🥺
Clearly a formation issue

'Tridentine Spirituality' Will Save the World

@Cc Ss You say "Just the Mass" The Mass is the Pinnacle of Christian Worship and Christian life. All grace flows through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
A Freemason or an Atheist can be a great humanitarian but that does not make them a Good Catholic.
Your accusation is false, and contains several modernist errors besides. The Catholic Church leads the world in charitable acts, True, but contrary …More
@Cc Ss You say "Just the Mass" The Mass is the Pinnacle of Christian Worship and Christian life. All grace flows through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
A Freemason or an Atheist can be a great humanitarian but that does not make them a Good Catholic.

Your accusation is false, and contains several modernist errors besides. The Catholic Church leads the world in charitable acts, True, but contrary to your comment that includes all Catholics (Not just the N.O. church your allude to.) That slur is typical of those that have replaced worship and adoration of God with works for their measure of a good Catholic.
Catholics that worship at the Tridentine Mass(so-called) are per capita the most devout and generous Catholics in the Church. They are Catholic in every way, and excel in charitable acts, both material,and spiritual as Catholics have done for 2 Milenia.

Now to you on the other hand...Apparently not so much

The Ark Escapes Destruction

Fr. Clovis Brings out some very good and relevant issues in this homily.

Anti-Catholic group of trans “activists” stage a mockery of the Christian faith INSIDE St. Patrick's …

When you say Anti-Catholic group do you mean, Cardinal Dolan and Priest at event?

Todos Todos Todos! "Cruel" Bishop Bans Mass in Austin

I have read the letter to the Faithful Catholics in Austin TX, describing his decision to persecute instead of defending souls under his care. 😭
Official statement from Bishop of Austin This is w… I'm told the number of Catholics robbed of their liturgy number 600-700 souls. A community this large and committed to the faith must certainly be close to one another. By all accounts I have read, they …More
I have read the letter to the Faithful Catholics in Austin TX, describing his decision to persecute instead of defending souls under his care. 😭
Official statement from Bishop of Austin This is w… I'm told the number of Catholics robbed of their liturgy number 600-700 souls. A community this large and committed to the faith must certainly be close to one another. By all accounts I have read, they were a model community. (Should have praised not cancelled)
If the Bish
op does not want to meet the pastoral needs of the flock under his care, I propose that (in order not to sin) If the decision is made to stay there, I would reduce my weekly donation to 1.00 per Sunday and give the rest to a Traditional Catholic order that protects the Catholic Faith, and does not persecute it. Until such time as another location is found.
Organize and let him know monetarily how unjust his decision is.

At the Heart of the Faith: Lent and Fatima | Fr. Michael Rodríguez

Looking forward to viewing this