
If the Traditional Latin Mass is Banned, Many Attendees Will Simply Leave the Church

No matter what happens, a good Catholic should never lose the faith. That would mean losing one's soul. If you can't get to a TLM, read your missel on Sunday instead or watch a Mass on TV. Never, reject the Church that Christ established. That would be ceding victory to Satan.

Poland's new government slaps massive fine on hospital for refusing to perform abortion - LifeSite

The Polish are as pathetic as the Irish. Once a Catholic country loses the faith, Satan gladly takes over.

ANDREW CUOMO: “If his name was not Donald Trump and if he was not running for President, I’m telling …

This arrogant man is a great example of what a good Catholic should not be.

If we remember our sins God will forget them. -St. Chrysostom

The proper remembrance of one's sins is a powerful antidote to pride and a great source of humility.

‘New World Order,’ Jerusalem Temple – Two key goals for this religious group hastening ‘Messiah’

The Jews have always rejected Christ because He didn't fit their idea of King. They are a carnal people and only concerned with things of this world. The messiah they await will promise them the world and its riches and they will gladly serve him.

Good lessons for life (yet God and religion missing)

All of that is well and good. However, for a Catholic the only rule is; Love God with all your heart, strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself. Heaven is yours if you do that.

Archdiocese of Toronto silences faithful priests but allows the woke to do pastoral service

The picture shows the death throes of that parish: look at the ages of the people attending. One thing for sure, it's not a traditional parish.

Israeli war criminals: can the ICC lock them up?

Nothing will happen to Bibi. He is the one that calls the shots as is evidenced by the genocide in Gaza happening now and he faces no consequences.

Vatican Denies Archbishop Permission to Celebrate Latin Mass at Australian Cathedral

They have no authority to forbid the TLM. They may as well forbid the sun to shine, too.

Some people I admire and respect have said or they believe Medjugorje is diabolic. I have never been …

All one needs to know about the fraud in Medjugorje is that the so called visionaries have profited handsomely from it.

Cardinal O'Malley's Former Episcopal Vicar to "Marry" a Man 32 Years His Junior

What a trade off; Eternal damnation for a passing pleasure.

Dublin Church Cancels Homosex Concert

Ireland produced countless saints when it was under oppression by the British. Today, the Irish embrace a most disgusting sin as if it were a virtue. Go figure.

Liturgical Extremism: Francis to Ban All Latin Masses

I laugh in their faces. I don't need permission from Francis to attend the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It's my birthright as a Catholic and I will attend it till my dying day. As for the protestant light Novus Ordo, let Francis have that .

Power of Prayer: Washington Archdiocese Celebrates Largest Priestly Ordination Class Since 1960

May they all discover, if they don't already know, that the Catholic Mass of the saints and Father's of the Church is the only Mass they should say

Cardinal Koch Needs "Imagination" to Understand Francis

True Catholics don't need imagination to understand Francis. They just know a wolf among the flock by instinct.

A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Another enemy of the Chruch but good friend of the world.

Former President Barack Obama has to help guide a confused President Biden off stage as he appears to …

Oboma has and is doing more to destroy America than any communist could ever dream of.

Putin Offers a Truce in Ukraine

Good for him but he knows that America and Europe have no interest in peace.

A Blasphemous Bishop "Apologises" to Those Who Practice Homosexual Sin

One of the marks of modern bishops is cowardice. They aren't afraid of their judgement but they are terrified of offending the homo culture.

"The biggest issue I have with Israel is the fact that they are supplying the arms to murder Christians …

In today's world , killing Christians is an act of virtue